Our Tenant Participation Strategy sets out how we can improve Housing Services by offering tenants a range of opportunities to participate in and influence decisions around how housing services are provided. We are reviewing our existing strategy and a key aim is to get more tenants involved at a level they feel comfortable with.
A survey has been developed to collect your views and help identify what we need to focus on in the next Strategy.
As a thank you for your time, you can also enter our prize draw for a £25 shopping voucher.
All responses will be anonymised and used to develop a new TP Strategy for the next 3 years.
If you would like a paper copy or another format of the survey please get in touch. Also if you have any questions regarding the survey or Strategy review, contact Jane Mack by phone or text on 07983 542993 or email jane.mack@west-dunbarton.gov.uk.
The survey will close on the 23 September 2024.