Anne Mackinnon: Short Story Writing Workshop

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If you would like to try your hand at writing a short story West Dunbartonshire Libraries have the perfect starter course.

Tuesday 19 November ( 14:00 - 15:00 )

Anne Mackinnon: Poetry Writing Workshop

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This workshop is an introduction to writing poetry and is the ideal workshop for anyone who has wanted to try it but has lacked the confidence to give it a go.

Thursday 21 November ( 14:00 - 15:00 )

Rab Wilson: Collier Laddie

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A powerful Ode to Mining Grit and Working-Class Resilience Forty Years on From the 1984-1985 Miners’ Strike It is now forty years on from the 1984–85 UK Miners’ Strike and Rab Wilson – a former miner deeply engaged in the strike –examines through his mining poems and strike diary the social and economic challenges that Scotland faced then and faces now.

Thursday 21 November ( 19:00 - 21:00 )

Ian Baillie Memorial Event: Brigid Benson – Hebridean Journey: The Magic of Scotland’s Outer Isles

Join Brigid Benson for a magical journey through Scotland’s Outer Isles. Brigid will be talking about these wonderful isles and sharing beautiful images as we explore this fantastic part of Scotland. National Geographic has selected the Outer Hebrides as the only location in the UK in their ‘Best of the World’ to visit in 2025.

Friday 22 November ( 19:00 - 21:00 )