For Sale : Burroughs Way, Vale of Leven Industrial Estate

Burroughs Way Vale of Leven Industrial Estate Dumbarton G82 3PD

Under Offer: OIEO £700,000

Under Offer: West Dunbartonshire Council are pleased to offer for sale the heritable interest in this prime industrial development site located within the established Vale of Leven Industrial Estate, Dumbarton.



Vale of Leven Industrial Estate is located approximately 0.5 mile from the A82 (Glasgow - Inverness trunk road) which gives access to the M8, via the Erskine Bridge (5 miles), Glasgow city centre (16 miles), Glasgow International Airport (10 miles) and Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park ( 4 miles) Dumbarton town centre is around 1.5 miles south, and has 3 train stations offering services to Glasgow, Edinburgh, Helensburgh, Balloch, Oban and Fort William. Renton station (on the Balloch line) is within walking distance of Vale of Leven Industrial Estate and is accessed by footbridge over the River Leven. The estate is long-established, and offers good connectivity in conjunction with a semi-rural setting.


The property for sale comprises a regular shaped slightly sloping site situated on the east side of Burroughs Way within the established industrial estate. The site is currently overgrown with rough grassland and vegetation. The site is bounded on the north by the River Leven and to the west by Burroughs Way. Residential areas of Bonhill are located on the eastern boundary.

The surrounding area contains industrial properties and development land.

Site Area

We calculate the site area extends to 10.25 acres (4,15 hectares) or thereby.  The site boundaries are shown on the plan.


Vale of Leven Industrial Estate is part of a Strategic Economic Investment Location (SEIL) within the West Dunbartonshire Local Development Plan. The subject site is zoned as suitable for business and industrial use. Proposals for uses other than Use Class 4, 5 & 6 will not be encouraged.

The site lies immediately north of the A-listed Strathleven House and any development on the southern edge of the site should be respectful of the setting of the listed building. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries about the site to:

WDC Planning
Planning and Building Standards
Telephone: 0141 951 7940
Web:  Pre-application Advice


The heritable interest in the property is available for sale.

There is a Section 32 Agreement registered against the Title. Any sale needs to be for a use consistent with the local development plan in place in 2014, namely Classes 4,5 &6.

Ground Conditions

A Ground Investigation Report can be provided to seriously interested parties.


We are seeking offers in excess of £700,000 (Seven hundred thousand pounds) for the benefit of the Council’s interest in the property. It is likely that a closing date will be set for receipt of offers and it is strongly recommended that parties register their interest by email. 


This property is vat elected and accordingly vat will be payable on the purchase price.

Further information and viewing

Parties are asked to register their interest in writing with:
J David Johnston
Asset Management
West Dunbartonshire Council
Bridge Street Dumbarton
G82 1NT Tel: 07785632859

Floor plans


Burroughs Way, Vale of Leven Industrial Estate - map



West Dunbartonshire Council, Council Offices,
Bridge Street, Dumbarton, G82 1NT

Name :
J David Johnston, Asset Management
Tel :
01389 737581


  1. These particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intended purchasers or lessees, and do not constitute, nor constitute part of an offer or Contact.
  1. All descriptions, dimensions, reference to condition and necessary permissions for use and occupation, and other details are given without responsibility and any intending purchasers or tenants should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the accuracy of all matters upon which they intend to rely.
  1. No person in the employment of West Dunbartonshire Council has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property.
  1. This brief does not constitute approval under the Planning Act. The purchaser will require to submit applications for planning permission etc. in the usual manner. Advice in this respect is available from the Council’s Development Management Team.
  1. West Dunbartonshire Council reserve the right to impose title conditions/securities to take into account the particular circumstances of the transaction including, for example, the proposed use of the subjects and any price restrictions.