Your benefit you receive to pay your rent or council tax is based on the information we are given by you. If you circumstances change, this may have an effect on your entitlement to benefit, resulting in an overpayment of benefit. If you are in any doubt about any change in your circumstances, please contact us.
If you have been overpaid benefit, we will write to advise you of the following;
If you rent from a private landlord and payments are being made to them, we will notify you and your landlord of the overpayment.
Once we have notified you of the overpayment, you have the right to ask us to look at the overpayment again or appeal our decision.
If you agree with how we have calculated the overpayment, there are various ways this money can be recovered/repaid. These are;
Overpayments of benefit can be avoided or reduced as long as we are aware of any change in your circumstances.
If you are in any doubt that your recent change in circumstance may effect your benefit, please contact us and we will be happy to advise you.
Any request must be made in writing to:
Benefits Section, Church Street, Dumbarton, G82 1QL
It is required to be sent to us within one month of the date that you receive your decision.
You may appeal our decision if you are one of the following:
If you just require further information about our decision, you can request a written statement of reasons of how we have arrived at it. If you disagree with our decision after this you have a further month to either:
If you ask us to look at our decision again and we do not change our decision, you can appeal to an independent tribunal, our letter will advise you of your appeal rights. If however, we reconsider our decision we will notify you of this and you are given new appeal rights, in case you are still unhappy with this decision.
If you want to appeal to an independent tribunal, we will prepare the case and send this to the tribunal and we will also issue you with paperwork to complete and return to them. You may seek advice from a Welfare Rights Officer or a Solicitor at any point.