Jamestown is a small town situated between Bonhill and Balloch and approximately 1 mile from the A82 (Glasgow - Inverness trunk road) which gives access to the M8 motorway, via the Erskine Bridge (6 miles), Glasgow city centre (18 miles), Glasgow International Airport (12 miles) and Loch Lomond & the Trossachs National Park (2 miles).
The property for sale comprises a largely regular shaped level site situated to the east side of the A813, the main road between Bonhill and Jamestown. The site is currently overgrown with rough grassland and vegetation. The site is bounded on the north by Levenbank Road which provides access to Jamestown Industrial
Estate; to the east by farmland; to the south by Milton Loan - a pocket of private housing; and to the west by a relatively modern residential development: Levenbank Terrace.
The surrounding area contains a mix of residential and industrial properties. Access to the site will be from Levenbank Road.
We calculate the site area extends to 7.07 acres (2.86 hectares) or thereby.
The approximate site boundaries are shown on the attached plan.
The site is allocated as being potentially suitable for Residential Development in the West Dunbartonshire Council Local Plan Ref H2 (30). The land to the north east of the site Ref H2 (29), which is privately owned, is also identified as a potential residential development opportunity and the Planners would ideally like the two sites to connect and relate to each other once developed.
Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries about the site to:
WDC Planning
Planning and Building Standards
Telephone: 0141 951 7940
Email: buildingandplanning@west-dunbarton.gov.uk
Web: Pre-application Advice
Initial informal advice the from the Roads Department is that the most appropriate location for the access is using Levenbank Road. The junction with the A813 will require to be altered as necessary to allow access to the new development. The Road layout of the new development should conform to the National Roads Development Guide. It should also be noted that where there are more than 100 units served by a single vehicular access, an emergency access should be provided. Parking should conform to WDC Parking Standards.
A Road Construction Consent will be required to construct the road layout, along with a Road Opening Permit to provide utilities. A Road Bond will also be required. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries to:
Network Management Coordinator
Roads Services
6-14 Bridge Street
G82 1NT
Email: roads@west-dunbarton.gov.uk
The Council have recently obtained a Preliminary Investigation Report on Ground Conditions, a copy of which can be provided to seriously interested parties.
The heritable interest in the property is available for sale.
We are seeking offers for the benefit of the Council’s interest in the property. It is likely that a closing date will be set for receipt of offers and it is strongly recommended that parties, register their interest in writing.
This property is vat elected and accordingly vat will be payable on the purchase price.
Parties are asked to register their interest in writing with:
J David Johnston
Asset Management
West Dunbartonshire Council
Council Offices
Bridge Street Dumbarton
G82 1NT Tel: 01389 737581
Email: david.johnston2@west-dunbarton.gov.uk