Pre-Application Advice supports applicants who require guidance for smaller and less complex proposals. These often include alterations to a property or the development of a small number of dwellings.

The advice service is designed to:

  • simplify the submission of a planning application;
  • outline the policies of the local development plan and other material considerations that would affect the proposal;
  • identify constraints;
  • identify consultation/ consultees;
  • provide a view on whether the development proposals are likely to be acceptable;.
  • identify key mitigation required to make a proposal acceptable.

Please Note:

  • We can’t provide pre-application advice for specific proposals over the telephone.
  • We reserve the right not to provide pre-application advice if the process is not entered into cordially or objectively.
  • Any evaluation of the proposal does not prejudice any decision made by West Dunbartonshire Council and its Committees and the advice is not legally binding on the determination of a forthcoming planning application.
  • Pre-application advice may be subject to third party requests made under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

Fees for pre-application advice vary depending on the nature of the proposal.

Please complete the pre-application advice form to progress.

Once registered, your enquiry will be allocated to one of our planning officers. We aim to contact you within 20 working days of our receipt of your enquiry, either to request further information or provide a response.