This register is produced in accordance with regulation 4 of the Licensing Register (Scotland) Regulations 2007. This information will be updated each month, on the 1st working day.

Summary of Premises Licence Register

Please note that the licensing team holds further information on Licensed Premises, such as information on the variation of licences or transfers of licenses. This information can be viewed by appointment.

Guide to the Information included in the Summary of Premises Licence Register.

  • Ref Text – this shows the unique prefix code (WDLBPREM) which relates to all alcohol premises licences in West Dunbartonshire.
  • Ref Number – This is the reference number of the individual premises licence.
  • Live Confirm – this confirms that the record relates to a live premises licence.
  • Premises Name and address – gives the details of the premises
  • Licence Holder Name – This identifies the individual or company who holds the licence
  • Designated Premises Manager– this names the individual who is nominated to authorise the sale of alcohol in the premises. *
  • Licensed Hours – this section details the licensed hours of the premises. **
  • Disability Access Statement – This section applies to new licences granted after 30 March 2018 only.

*If this section has the entry “To be confirmed” this indicates that the current Designated Premises Manager (DPM) has ceased to be involved with the sale of alcohol in these premises. The entry “N/A” indicates that the premises is a members club, and is exempt under Section 125 of the Licensing (Scotland) Act from naming a manager.

** Note that due to software restrictions, only the licensed hours which are attributable to the normal operation of the premises are listed i.e. where a Public House also has permission to sell alcohol for consumption off the premises, only the licensed hours relating to the sale of alcohol on the premises is listed.

Should you require any further information on alcohol licences, please contact the Licensing team at or call 01389 738741.

In relation to GDPR, view the Licensing Board’s privacy notice.