Balloch and Haldane Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 2nd April @ 19:30 hours in The Balloch House Hotel


  • Lynne Somerville (LS) – Chair
  • Pamela Scott (PS) – Treasurer
  • Ava Somerville (AS) – Minute Secretary
  • Kenny Scott (KS) – Councillor
  • Geoff Hull, Councillor
  • Gillian Clark (GC) - Councillor
  • Drew MacEoghainn
  • David Scott-Park (KCC)
  • Gavin MacLellan (KCC)
  • Loraine McLaren
  • Barry McLaren
  • Kelly Cull
  • Aiden Cull
  • Christine Aitchison
  • David Keown

Apologies & Sederunt

  • Stephen Burns – WDC
  • Hazel Sorrell – Councillor Ward 1 Lomond
  • Johnathan McColl - Councillor Ward 1 Lomond
  • Sally Page - BCCPRG
  • Martin Rooney - Councillor Ward 1 Lomond
  • Pamela Barnes - DTAS

Register of Members Interest


1. Welcome and Introductions

2. Minutes from previous meeting

Proposed by PS, GC seconds.

3. Treasurers Report March 2024

- David Keown to be given money for Poppy Reif
- BHCC Laptop to have MS Office and antivirus installed

4. Planning Matters

- No updates this month

5. Police Report

- New police officer in place
- No other matters of interest

6. Local Place Plan

  • Online survey to garner interest community development trust.
  • Prize bingo? Other like events to be considered.
  • Speak with Callander community council for advice on LPP.
  • KCC received 4k in funding from LLTNP for their LPP.
  • Quotes to be gathered for LPP consultancy.
  • LS to produce first draft and a project schedule/breakdown.

7. Setting up Community Development Trust (SCIO)

  • Need 20 people minimum and majority in BH geographical area.
  • Needs to be separate project / entity from BHCC.
  • Any generated money should be assisting the community
  • Apply to ‘Levelling up’ + other funding sources to be considered.
  • Hydro scheme is not economically viable as River Leven would need to be dredged.

8. Balloch Library Closure

  • School overflowing – children special needs being refused places.
  • Justifiable child safety concerns.
  • Balloch Campus was not purpose built to include public library.
  • LLTNP to be contacted regarding this matter and meeting called.
  • WDC to be contacted ref budget for library to be housed in Balloch campus.
  • BHCC and KCC happy to work together on this matter.
  • LLTNP building or alt building should be considered for library.

9. Tourist Information building closure

Could this be considered ref. Community Asset Transfer.


  • Haldane Pantry in Lennox Hall, no official open date.
  • LS proposes pantry, GC seconds.
  • Accountant to contacted.
  • Newt date to be set to meet DTAS
  • AGM to be held on 7th of May or 4th of June TBC asap.

Date of next meeting

- Tuesday 7th May 2024

Balloch and Haldane Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 5th of March at 19:30 hours, The Balloch House Hotel



Lynne Somerville (LS) – Chair, Pamela Scott (PS) – Treasurer, Ava Somerville (AS) - Secretary, Kenny Scott (KS) – Councillor, Geoff Hull, Councillor, Gillian Clark (GC) - Councillor, Stephen McGarrigle, Police Scotland, Jonathan McColl Councillor Ward 1 Lomond, James MacRae – Treasurer Loch Lomond Rescue Boat, Fiona Robertson on behalf of Lomond Banks Developer (Flamingo Land), Gary McGregor on behalf of Lomond Banks Developer (Flamingo Land)


Stephen Burns (SB) WDC, Hazel Sorrell (HS) – Councillor Ward 1 Lomond, Jackie Baillie, MSP
No Apologies Martin Rooney, Councillor Ward 1 Lomond

Register of Members Interest


Welcome and Introductions

Minutes from previous meeting

Proposed by PS and GC.

Treasurers Report March 2024

  • RBS Bank account now fully accessible.
  • Signatories completed.
  • PS and LS are now joint signatories, DK removed.
  • Annual CC grant paid by WDC
  • £300 compensation paid due to complaints made to RBS
  • Current balance £4,403.65;
    • Cheque payable to DK raised for poppy wreath Remembrance day 2023 - £37.20
    • Cheque payable to PS raised for hire of St Kessogs Church Hall 19th Feb - £40.00
    • Both signed by LS and PS
  • Payment for photography, MS Office, Anti-Virus software website to be discussed/agreed at April meeting.

Planning Matters for further discussion include;

  • Loch Lomond Rescue Boat –Support
  • VOL Wind farm – Object
  • Lomond Banks (Flamingo Land) – Object

James MacRae attended on behalf of Loch Lomond Rescue Boat to discuss Loch Lomond Rescue Boat planning application 2024/0019/DET. All questions BHCC asked were satisfied and it was agreed that BHCC would support the application.

Concerns raised regarding traffic on A82 impacting on rescue crew being able to reach rescue boat(s) in a timely manner, often they have had to park their cars and run from various locations due to A82 being grid locked.

Although the planning application includes private parking, this will not make a difference during peak season and if Lomond Banks goes ahead as the rescue crew will still not be able to reach the new site by car.

BHCC to submit letter of support but will cite these concerns to LLTNP.

Police Scotland Update

28 crimes recorded but no crimes of major significance.

-Discussed matter of police station closure. This is of great concern, the local community as are the police, grateful for the police to have a base close to the local area. This is a matter that we intend to follow up on in April.

Fiona Robertson and Gary McGregor both attended on behalf of Lomond Banks (Flamingo Land) Developer

Lomond Banks wants to invest 40 million into the local area. The family who own Flamingo land are Scottish although headquartered in England. They supposedly originate from the local area and want to invest in the local community.
Lomond Banks want suggestions from the local community.

Fiona delivered a detailed presentation with a focus on key objections from the local community. Not all objections were addressed. The developer is prepared to work with the local community to try and address key concerns. It was agreed another public meeting dedicated to the subject of would be called to discuss the matter of Lomond Banks (Flamingo Land) but questions would be submitted ahead of time to allow the developer to answer all key questions. Transparency and honesty are key.

The following were raised by the developer and should be noted: -

  • Advised that if the local community disagree to the development, it is a clear message that Balloch was closed to all business.
  • Cited that the flooding data was based on 1000 year study at 8cm of water and that this was therefore not at all likely to cause any significant damage.
  • SPF4 meant the SEPA had issued multiple blanket objections and that Lomond Banks objections was not unique.
  • Lomond Promise is a legally binding document that has been created to make the development more appealing to the local community.
  • Advised that the money committed to Transport Scotland by Lomond Banks will not solves issues with A82 but is an attempt to ease the concern of local community.
  • Documents that the developer has submitted to LLTNP are still not published on the LLTNP website. LLTNP need to publish these as a matter of priority per the public’s right to view such.
  • Multiple questions tabled could not be answered, such as but not limited to;
    • Why traffic tracking measures were only placed during a weekday in August and removed during peak times. Not an accurate count of the amounts of cars that visit Balloch on a normal weekend and weekends of significance i.e., where public events were being hosted such as the Dragon Boat Race etc.
    • Extra ordinary amount of parking places on the Woodbank site could not be justified.
    • West Riverside parking was questioned regarding any consideration being given to the Maid of the Loch requirements, estimated at 300 for a 1000 place tourist attraction.
    • Also questioned was the number of properties on the site which had risen from original 48 to currently 83.
    • The local people of Balloch and Haldane feel more consideration is being given to tourism versus those who live in the area. Local constituents do not have any dedicated community hall type
      space, with the pending closure of Balloch library this situation will be further exacerbated.
      Types of employment contracts inc., numbers of contracts to be issued and types of roles and salary bands and options for career progression and training. Community benefit clause agreed with WDC.

BHCC will engage the local community to gather feedback and questions to be answered by the developer at a follow up meeting. Date and venue to be agreed but it is likely this will take place sometime in April.

The local community attended and voiced concerns that this meeting had not been widely enough advertised. BHCC asks the local community;

  • To sign up to follow BHCC Facebook page via
  • To receive all future notifications minutes and agendas please email and ask to be added to the mailing list via E: info@
  • To consider volunteering as the current community council are restricted in respect of the resources available.

Local Place Planning commenced

Agreed BHCC will undertake a qualitative/quantitative approach to engaging the local community.

Subheadings agreed with the caveat based on feedback these would be adjusted as we progress.

  • Health and Care Services
  • Education & Childcare
  • Employment
  • Economy (Tourism/Night time etc)
  • Public Services
  • Homes, Planning & Public spaces.
  • Recreation and Leisure
  • Net Zero/Circular Economy
  • Development Trust
  • Youth Section (AS)-
    Wildlife TBC
  • Partnership with BCCPRP + other relevant orgs

Date for follow up meeting to be agreed between BHCC. LS to follow up.

Vale of Leven Windfarm development

BHCC voted unanimously against Vale of Leven Windfarm development.
This is in line with the public meeting held and the online survey - the majority of 69% against development, 24% for and 9% undecided.

Letter of objection to be sent to Scot Gov. with survey results and outcome of the public meeting attached.


Model Constitution GC to contact SB to run proposed changes via him. We will then need to adhere to notification procedure and publish notice of the proposed changes 10 days prior to the meeting where we will propose and vote suggested changes in. Per Rule 16.

GC has offered to volunteer more time in support of BHCC. LS and GC to meet to discuss this in greater detail and this can be voted on at next meeting. LS to give GC access rights to social media etc. Likely that GC will share role of Secretary with AS.


Tuesday 2nd of April at 19:30 Balloch House Hotel.

Balloch and Haldane Community Council Meeting
19:30 on the 5th March 2024
Balloch House Hotel


  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Apologies and Sederunt
  3. Register of members interest
  4. Minutes of previous meeting
  5. Treasurers report
  6. Planning matters
  7. Police report
  8. Lomond Banks (Flamingo Land) developers planning application update
  9. LL Rescue Boat planning application
  10. Local Place Plan
  11. Vale of Leven Wind Farm development update and vote
  12. Any Other Business (AOB)
  13. Date and time of next meeting

Balloch and Haldane Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on Thursday 8th February 19:30 in The Balloch House Hotel



Lynne Somerville (LS) – Chair, Pamela Scott (PS) – Treasurer, Ava Somerville (AS) - Secretary, Stephen Burns (SB) WDC, Kenny Scott (KS) – Councillor, Gillian Clark (GC) - Councillor, Jim J Donnelly & Denis Blackwood – Levenhowe residents association, Hannah Robinson & Susan Brooks – Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park, Matthew Spurway – West Dunbartonshire Council


Geoff Hull, Councillor, Martin Rooney, Councillor Ward 1 Lomond, Jackie Bailley, MSP, Stephen McGarrigle, Police Scotland
No apologies from Hazel Sorrell (HS) – Councillor Ward 1 – Lomond

Register of Members Interest


Welcome and Introductions

LS and PS propose Gillian to be a Councillor.

Minutes from previous meeting

Proposed by PS and GC.

Local Place Plan

Place plan to cover significant places in the area.

Planning authority and community views on matters are of importance (Engaging and Inclusivity)

WDC (£500) and LLTNPs (2k) potential financial assistance.

BHCC need to decide which subcategory will be covered within the place plan (Countryside usage, Investment into nature restorations, risk assessments etc.),

Callander Place Plan to be shared to assist BHCCs decision.

Local economic data to be shared with BHCC.

Place Plan Standard online tool 14 questions to be shared

Levenhowe Flooding – Jim J Donnelly & Denis Blackwood

Channel lacking maintenance although some remedial work was carried out recently, this is an ongoing concern.

The advertised flood equipment fund, very hard to access for residents although some progress has been made. Lack of advice given.

SEPA not engaging with Levenhowe Residents association.

LS, Action – Emailed Jackie Bailley requesting to access £10,000 from the remaining £65,000 budget for the Levenhowe residents.

Carers of West Dunbartonshire Rise Project - Clare Sweeney

Project will assist all carers in Haldane.

Different levels of support offered depending on the carers situation.

Challenging poverty & exclusions.

AS, action - to advertise on the social media platforms.

Treasurers Report

DK to be removed from bank account. LS is to sign.

£305.72 in the bank account by the 22nd of February.

WDC ready to transfer the £3287.52 + £810.41 into the account.

DK due compensation for Poppy Reef.

St Kessog's Hall hire to be paid £40.

Planning Matters

Trees being felled with no plans for re-plantation. KS to respond to emails on the matter.

Secretary to email Scottish Forestry.

Police Scotland

Police report received on day of meeting which meant it was missed. The report has since been circulated around all councillor’s, no major concerns were noted. Update to be offered at March meeting.

Vale of Leven Wind Farms

Ross Greer, asked to comment but no response as of yet.

Jackie Bailley, rejected in Oct 2023.

Pam Gosell, rejected and she will present to Lorna Slater in the coming weeks. BHCC to submit an objection letter with all other local CC’s. Sally page is leading on this.

Survey still up circa 120 responses, 69% against, 25% for and 6% undecided.

Lennox Herald running an article ahead of the meeting and will attend on the 19th Feb to take pictures for a follow up article.

Complaint from Trevor Scott to LS (Chair), LS to respond and invite Trevor to next meeting.

Request for Gemma Energy Scotland to attend the public meeting on the 19th Feb (SB)

Developers refusing to attend public meeting on the 19th Feb

Ofgem regulations to be researched further (KS)

LS meeting Liam at St Kessogs hall to review equipment for meeting.

Entrance to Kilpatrick hills will be closed if Wind farms go ahead.

Lomond Banks (Flamingo Land)

PS proposed and GC seconded that BHCC re affirms the public opinion, unanimous vote to overturn the former BHCC decision.

Statement to be issued objecting to West Riverside and Woodbank House (Lomond Banks) planning application 2022/0157/PPP - LLTNP will be asked to confirm receipt of the objection and advise on next steps.

Press release started LS to share for comment/input and to be issued ahead of the meet and greet with Ross Greer on 23rd Feb.


To remove the ‘Change Balloch train station name’ from Agenda

Dogs being poisoned, general advice to the public on how to keep your animals safe year-round.

Adoption of Model Constitution, to circulate around for all to consider ahead of the March meeting.

Balloch Library Closure update. Cara emailed update, construction has started on the Balloch Primary School. If the library closes there will be no public spaces left in Balloch for groups to meet.


Tuesday 5th of March at Balloch House Hotel.

Balloch and Haldane Community Council Meeting
19:30 on the 8th February 2024
Balloch House Hotel.


  1. Welcome & introductions
  2. Apologies and Sederunt
  3. Register of members interest
  4. Minutes of previous meeting
  5. Treasurers report
  6. Planning matters
  7. Police report
  8. Local place plans – WDC and LLTNP
  9. Levenhowe flooding
  10. Vale of Leven Windfarm updates
  11. Flamingo Land
  12. Dogs being poisoned by salt/grit.
  13. Any Other Business (AOB)
    1. Balloch Train Station name change
    2. Adoption of a model constitution
    3. Balloch library closure update
  14. Date and time of next meeting

Balloch and Haldane Community Council
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 16th of January 7.30pm in The Balloch House Hotel


Lynne Somerville (LS) – Vice chair
Pamela Scott (PS) – Treasurer
Ava Somerville (AS) - Secretary
Stephen Burns (SB) WDC
Gillian Clark (GC) Balloch Castle Country Park Regeneration Group (BCCPRG)
Sally Page (SP) Balloch Castle Country Park Regeneration Group (BCCPRG)
Matt Buckland (MB) Balloch Castle Country Park Regeneration

Apologies & Sederunt

David Keown (DK) - Chair,
Denis Blackwood (DB) – Chair, Levenhowe Tenants Association
No apologies from Police Scotland
No apologies from Hazel Sorrell (HS) – Councilor Ward 1 – Lomond

Register of Members Interest



BCCPRG presented on the great work BCCPRG is doing. Problems and potentials for the park were explored and SP offered an update on the AGM, charitable status and funding applications made on behalf of BCCPRG. BCCPRG has agreed to work with BHCC on their Place Plan and to explore other avenues to work together in support of Balloch Park.

Welcome and Introductions

Minutes of previous meeting held on the 5th of December 2023 meeting accepted as a true and accurate record.

Geoff Hull and Kenny Gibson voted in a Community Councillors

Social Media, PR and Marketing Update

Balloch Library closure

- Goven Law centre now involved.
- Cara Thom (LLTNP) is leading on this and will include BHCC in future meetings.

Biodiversity consultation

- Response was submitted and also posted on BHCC social media for members of the public to read.
- Consultation date, feedback not known as of yet.

Ongoing Midsteeple Quarter to be invited to a meeting with BHCC councillors to discuss community ownership of buildings.

Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park (LLTNP)

- Fiona Jackson responded to LS concerning the future of Lomond Shore Gateway Centre. This engagement is sought prior to any decisions being made regarding its future.
- LS submitted a request for an extension to the Place Plan to the LLTNP Dec Board meeting held on the 11th Dec 2024. This was accepted. LLTNP have been invited to attend the next CC meeting in Feb to set expectations for drafting the Place Plan.
- ONGOING Request LLTNP's input on their stance regarding the proposed Wind Farm development.
- ONGOING Request if BHCC can use LLTNP meeting space for future BHCC meetings.

Wind Farm update

- Meeting on the 25th January for Wind farm, involving other councils.
- Public meeting on 19th of February at 19:00, St Kessogs hall.
- £40 for hall to be hired, LS will pay and reclaim this.
- Online survey still available. LS to share this for wider dissemination.
- To gather costs for print designs for leaflet hand outs.
- Article to be featured in the Feb edition of the Community Advertiser.
- Lennox Herald to run article.

Levenhowe Tenants Association, Chair Denis Blackwood to attend Feb meeting to discuss flooding. Potential cause is gabion walls that were introduced 10 or so years ago.

- LS contacted WDC to get update on £350k Flood Prevention Budget and what this has been spent on.
-Contacted Dunbarton East CC for guidance on how they applied for funding.
-National Centre for Resilience funding to be explored in support of Levenhowe Tenants Association. Due to resources, BHCC does not have the capacity to apply to the 2024/25 funding applications as deadline is 31st Jan.
-Will apply to the 2025/26 funding call and build this into BHCC place plan.

Treasurers Report

- All signatures attained.
- Formal complaint sent on January 16th to RBS complaints team.

-Problem arose with Murdoch Cameron's signature, required to attend the bank with identification.
-Still awaiting account to be opened.

- Microsoft to be purchased for BHCC laptop.


- Talk of the closure of Dunbarton police station - Survey consultation for this action online.
- Fixed penalty notice and the hiring of parking officers in discussion.
- SB to confirm which other police station is pending closure.
- SB to also confirm if any invoices by BHCC can be paid from BHCCs budget by WDC until the situation with the bank is resolved.

Community Place Plan

- WDC (Matthew Sparway) & LLTNP (Hannah/Susan) invited to next meeting on the 8th of February 2024.
- Action, LS, to book family room for this date.

Date of next meeting

Thursday the 8th February @ 19:30 Balloch House Hotel