Monthly Meeting 17 January 2022
7. 00pm: Online


Sederunt /Apologies

Fiona McGeachin.

1. Minutes and Matters Arising
Proposal and Acceptance of Minutes

• Amnesty Skip
• Allotments
• Dalmonach steps

2. Chair and Secretary’s Report

• Review of CC’s Scheme of Establishment.
• Y Sort It and Ladyton Centre
• Bonhill Community Garden

3. Treasurer’s Report

  • Incoming £0
  • Outgoing (WD Leisure) £0
  • Balance £

4. Replacement of Defibrillator at Ladyton plus the provision of another at the Community

5. Gardening Competition. We need to start NOW

6. Could we Invite the Councillors to Speak on their Manifesto, pre election??

7. AOB

8. Date of Next Meeting 14 March. Shall we return to “In Person” meetings

Minutes of Monthly Meeting - January 17 2022 7.00pm
Online : Zoom


Attending: Jack Fordy - Chairperson (JF), Cllr Jim Bollan, Cllr Iain Dickson, Fiona Jenkins (FJ), Nancy Malcolm (NM, Gloria Hendry (GH), Agnes Pollock (AP)


Pauline Larking, Fiona McGeachin


read and approved by: GH and AP.

Matters Arising:

Amnesty Skip - JF contacted John Sartain who advised him to speak to Andy Devine. He replied that this could be arranged but unfortunately not on a weekend. JF then proposed Friday 18th February as a possible date.

Allotments - JF has been unable to contact Iain Bain, despite his best efforts. AP suggested copying Andy Devine into the email.
Dalmonach Steps - There is no further progress with the funding at present.

Chair/Secretary's Report:

Review of Scheme of Establishment - This has now been sent to the council for approval. AP added that following on from last month's question regarding a complaints procedure, there is one in the handbook.

Y-Sort It - JF had a good meeting with Gillian Kirkwood from Y-sort it and expressed approval at the work they have already done at the Centre. It was suggested again that we alternate the location of our monthly meetings between there and the Dalmonach Centre and this was widely agreed. It was also thought that if we use this location for some of our meetings, we might be able to entice some youngsters onto the Community Council, giving it a wider demographic.

Bonhill Community Garden - JF met with Catherine Howard who expressed interest in tonight's meeting. There was a brief discussion about the transformation of the Bonhill Community Garden and this evolved into discussing litter picks and the huge amounts of litter in various areas.
Minute Taking During the course of discussion with Ms Howard she mentioned that she might be able to offer secretarial skills. This led to a general discussion about the always-present problem of providing an accurate record of our meetings and the additional strain this placed on the CC Members. JF thought that it must be possible to obtain the services of a professional Minute Taker. It was agreed that we look into this further This idea is met with approval!

Treasurer's Report:

NM was unable to give a report due to technical difficulties, but she is now operational with online banking.

Defibrillator - JF spoke with Colin Smith - he has offered another defibrillator and it was thought that we use our funds for the other one. There was some discussion around the best location for the defibrillator at Dalmonach, with McLean's shop being one suggestion. There was also discussion around the best location for the defibrillator in Ladyton area, with reluctance at replacing it back at the shops due to the high incidence of vandalism. JF contacted the manager from the Early Learning Centre, but they have gates which are closed so there would be an access issue. Y-Sort It would be willing to have it in their Centre and they plan to be open 'til around 9pm every night, so this option seems appealing. This led to a discussion on the possibility of erecting signs highlighting the importance of the defibrillators which would educate the local youngsters. The life rings at Bonhill Bridge were also discussed, it which had disappeared again at the time of the meeting

Garden Competition - We had a discussion around the need to begin to organize this now, with a view to having posters/leaflets ready for mid-March. FJ will run with this and will have a detailed report prepared for next month's meeting. JF and FJ also plan to meet with Catherine Howard from Bonhill Community Garden for advice.

Local Elections - JF suggested inviting local councillors to come and speak at the monthly meetings with a short "manifesto". It is hoped this will attract more locals to attend the meetings. It was agreed this would be a positive move and JF will further investigate the possibility.



Date of next meeting:

  • Monday 14 February at Y-Sort It Centre.


Minutes of Monthly Meeting – 14 February 2022 7.00pm
Ladyton Community Centre

1. Sederunt:

Attending: Jack Fordy – Chairperson (JF), Cllr Jim Bollan, Cllr Iain Dickson, Fiona Jenkins (FJ), Nancy Malcolm (NM, Gloria Hendry (GH), Pauline Larking (PL), Helen Leslie (HL), Pat McManus (PM)

Apologies: Fiona McGeachin, Margaret Stewart, Catherine Howard

2. Minutes: read and approved by: Cllr Bollan and NM

3. Matters Arising:

a) Defibrillator – This has now been ordered and will be temporarily placed inside the local shop (until we get the box). JF is keen to use the box that remains on the wall as it should be salvageable. We are also receiving one from Colin Smith.

The bill for the new defib is £1020. JF spoke to Andy Moffat, and it is thought if we placed the second defib onto the wall of the (Dalmonach) Community Centre which faces Second Avenue, it would look onto where residents would be happy to keep an eye on it. There are also cameras there so there would hopefully be a lesser risk of it being targeted for vandalism. The defib which is going to be replaced at Ladyton will be placed on the wall at the entrance to the Ladyton Community Centre, which is currently being used by Y-Sort It.

JF spoke to Gillian from the organization and it was agreed that, as there have now been good relationships made with the local youngsters, the defib will hopefully be respected and, in addition, the youngsters would be keen to learn more about it and have some training in conjunction with First Aid Training. PM queried whether it would be possible to take out some insurance on the defibs and it was agreed this was a good idea so it will be investigated.

b) Dalmonach Community Centre – JF had a meeting with Andy Devine. The planters which are currently in the town centre are going to be removed so JF suggested they are placed in the grounds of the Community Centre. This was agreed by all.

c) Amnesty Skip – The Chair noted his disappointment that plans for this seem to have been halted by various issues all to do with WDC Greenspace Cleansing Dept. The result is that we will have to postpone this idea and, as it is “Keep Scotland Tidy” month between 21st March and “21st April, JF suggested we organize some litter picks as an alternative.

d) Allotments – JF spoke to Iain Bain regarding the progress of this project. IB replied he has plans and would send them to JF, although they haven’t transpired yet. There are four local projects going ahead and Cllr Dickson had enquired about our project and has been assured that funding for this has been set aside and it will happen.

e) Minute Taking – JF had made some enquiries as to whether there was an external service to take minutes. He had then corresponded with someone and is due to meet her this coming Tuesday or Thursday (15th or 17th). He was given a quote of £32 for two hours. PM suggested exploring the idea of a local student willing to do this service and this idea will be investigated.

f) Local Election Candidates – At our last meeting JF had expressed an interest in inviting the candidates for the upcoming local elections to come and speak briefly at a few of our meetings. This idea has not yet been taken further, as we are still waiting to receive the final list of potential candidates.
Bonhill and Dalmonach Community Council

4. Chair and Secretary’s Report

a) Dalmonach Steps Project – We have been promised £60000 from the Environment Trust. JF queried how to appeal for the remaining sum (£70000) from West Dunbartonshire Council so this project can begin. Cllr Bollan suggested it could be classed as “Capital Funding”? It was suggested to write to Iain Bain at Greenspace.

b) Treasurer’s Report – Current balance is £10683.98, although this includes the £3000 grant from “Paths for All”. There are several cheques to be written. In addition, the cost of the defibrillator is due to be paid.

c) Footpath Project – JF received an email from Richard Armstrong from “Paths for All”, asking what our plans are for spending the grant we were allocated.

There was a discussion on the practicalities of the plans for the footpath from Strathleven to the old bridge at Dumbarton, with suggestions it could be sold as a “Whisky Trail” given the history of the route. JF explained how the original plans had been given the go-ahead by Chivas but had been halted by an access issue. There were then suggestions we could improve the path from Lyonsgate to the riverside, replacing the “kissing gates” along the path. JF had received quotes for this work - £280.00 each and £140.00 transportation costs.

5. Bonhill Gardening Competition – FJ gave a brief synopsis of the plans for this competition, and all agreed. It was suggested we approach Balloch Coop to ask if they would donate some of their delivery boxes which the children could then use for their miniature gardens.

6. AOB – GH enquired about the plan to cut staffed stations on the Balloch line. JF explained the plans and highlighted the concern that they may cut the entire line.

FJ enquired about the plans to erect signage to warn of deer between Strathleven and Bonhill. There have been no further developments regarding this idea.

7. Date of next meeting – Monday 14 March at Dalmonach Community Centre.

Monthly Meeting
14 March 2022
Dalmonach Community Centre 7.00pm – 9.00pm


Sederunt /Apologies

Fiona McGeachin,

1. Minutes and Matters Arising

2. Police Report

3. Proposal and Acceptance of Minutes

  • Replacement of Defibrillator
  • Litter Pick
  • Allotments
  • Core Footpath 49 / CBL South Road
  • Dalmonach Steps

4. Chair and Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

Incoming £0

Outgoing 2 £1032.50

Balance £9651.48

6. Gardening Competition. (FJ)

7. AOB

8. Date of Next Meeting 11 April. Venue: Ladyton Community Centre (Y Sort It)

Minutes of Monthly Meeting – 14 March 2022, 7.00pm

Dalmonach Community Centre


Attending: Jack Fordy - Chairperson (JF), Cllr Iain Dickson, Fiona Jenkins (FJ), Jim O’Donnell (JoD), Nancy Malcolm NM), Gloria Hendry (GH), Helen Leslie (HL), Pat McManus (PM)

Apologies: Fiona McGeachin, Agnes Pollock, Cllr Bollan, Pauline Larking (PL)

Minutes: read and approved by: GH and HL.

Matters Arising:-

  1. Defibrillator:- JF has collected the new defibrillator. It is looking very likely that it will be situated outside the Y-Sort-It hall at Ladyton. A volunteer will be required to take weekly readings of the unit and do a battery check. It was discussed that insurance for the unit will be obtained, however this process is not expected to be without difficulty, and may be somewhat protracted. Working with Y-Sort-IT we still hope to involve local youngsters in a form of general first aid training, to aid the future security of the defibrillator unit.   Gillian at Y-Sort It is confident that she will be able to undertake this. (JoD) suggested that in this regard, it would also be beneficial to cover the (frequently stolen) life rings at the bridge, again so as to attempt to keep the rings secure and in situ.
  2. Allotments:- JF reported that nothing has been forthcoming from Greenspace, and no drawings have been received. It is appreciated that it is a busy time for all and hopefully matters will move forward soon.
  3. Core Footpath 46:- Chivas have issued a Pre Planning Notice  of their intention to expand their bottling plant and apparently build an access road, not previously shown on the LDP .  This development would appear to extinguish an Historic Right of Way (Core path 46)  JF has made contact Charles Scott, Architects who have offered a consultation, to take place via Zoom at 11am tomorrow.  JF said that he had consulted and obtained advice from Scotways (Scottish Rights of Way Soc. PM has agreed to also take part in the meeting.
  4. DALMONACH STEPS See below.

Chair & Secretary’s Report:–

- JF advised the Council that he has fully recovered from the recent bout of Covid and apologised to the group for causing anxiety.

- Keep Scotland Beautiful Big Litter Pick:- The Litter Pick will take place on Sunday, 27th March from 10am to 2pm.  It was noted that this falls upon Mother’s Day and therefore there may be a lack of willing volunteers, however at the time that the date for the Pick was set it was not appreciated that there could be this potential clash.  An interest in volunteering was expressed by several parties, and suitable equipment will be available.  Refreshments and lunch provided to all volunteers.  The area will be central Alexandria, meet at the Veterans Hall in Alexander St.

- Dalmonach Steps:- JF expressed concern at the rapidly rising cost of this proposal in line with inflation, potentially jeopardising the ability to achieve sufficient fundraising.  There is the possibility of funding being obtained from the Roads Department and Greenspace.  A request in writing has been submitted to both parties and a response awaited. West Dunbartonshire Environment Trust have confirmed they are to contribute £60,000.In order to try and progress things an online meeting with Gillian McNamara and Davina Lavery of WDC Regeneration was organised.  JF and Alan McMullen attended. Looking at our proposals, Gillian believes that the true cost could be closer to £170,00.00, and that the original estimate for the project was too low.  Cllr Dickson commented at this point that the budget for roads and pavements has increased significantly this year which may leave some reserves for tackling this urgent project.

Treasurer’s Report:

NM confirmed that the balance of funds held is as stated in the agenda at £9,651.48, and there are no matters which she requires to raise at the present time. JF commented that expenditure on footpath gates may well still be required, but is for now postponed, pending the outcome of matters with Chivas.

GH enquired whether funds could be made available for cleaning and clearance of the steps leading down from Croft Street to the road, and whether there would be any possibility of having a permanent footpath constructed across this area of ground.  The ground in question is boggy in nature, and there are drainage issues to overcome as a result of seepage from the spring at the locale. Funding held is provided by Paths For All.  JF will make appropriate enquiries.

Bonhill Gardening Competition:

FJ will speak with the Co-op in Balloch in order to seek donation of suitable tubs for the childrens’ element of the competition.  Entries for consideration will be handed in by the children on Saturday 17th June for judging the following day, Sunday 18th June.  FJ will speak to Gillian at Y-Sort It to organise a drop-off location, and will contact local press to advertise the competition.  A previous year’s poster design can be adapted for use this year.  JF To forward the old artwork.The adults’ section of the competition will be judged by means of a walk around the local area to view gardens which have entered for consideration.  JF suggested that Mark Hand could be approached and may well be keen to assist with judging.  MS will proceed with weeding now that transfer of the area of ground has been completed.

Mitchell Way LIDL Development:

The drawings and plans for the development were circulated for perusal.  Cllr Dickson advised that Farmfoods plan to close their store, considering it not to be busy enough and have rejected alternative offers of premises for relocation.  This is not widely known. The development will inevitably reduce footfall to the town centre, and it remains to be seen what affect this will have on shops located within the town centre and the ability to attract new traders.  Access to Church Street will be blocked off as a result, this was the part of the plans which caused most concerns and it was felt that it could not be allowed to happen.

Cllr Dickson declared an interest and was unable to engage in further discussion on this particular point. 

Parking at the new LIDL store will be ample and it was noted that the new properties which are being constructed will be very well designed and built.  

After considerable discussion the Committee as a whole agreed that other than the severe concerns over the closure of Church Street, they have no other objections to the development going ahead bring a possible benefit the local area.

Town Centre and Fountain Improvements:

The Chair (JF), as the BDCC “Delegate” to the Alexandria Town Centre Forum, led the comments and remind the meeting about the painstaking effort by the Forum to make sure that as wide a range of views as possible were canvassed before the plans were finalised.

Several of the questions (both at the meeting and by email) asked if the fountain water supply would be restored but unfortunately, the Fountain will not have a flow of water There are too many issues to overcome in order to reinstate water flow, the legislation is difficult to navigate and there needs to be great caution around the development of bacteria and other safety issues. The meeting reluctantly accepted that it would not be possible within the practical and financial resources currently available.

There were some concerns at first about the provision of a filter lane on to Bank Street, but it was pointed out that this would be included, together with a slight alteration of the alignment at the N End to make it easier for large vehicles to pass. The aim is for this part of the development to give a community, people-based feel, rather than simply a through-route for cars.  Car parking will be enhanced, but the main emphasis will be on the free flow of pedestrian traffic.

There were also some questions about the appearance of the buildings surrounding the Fountain and about ongoing maintenance. Cllr Dickson was able to address these to the satisfaction of all.

Two of our visitors asked if the much-disliked planters were to be removed from the final scheme.  (They are, and we hope to obtain a few of them for our area.)

We ended the discussion with a summing up and everyone agreed that the proposals were extremely sound and would be a great improvement to the appearance of Alexandria Town Centre. The priority given to human rather than vehicle traffic would make Main St and the Fountain areas a much pleasanter place to visit and to shop in. Some thought they should have gone further, but did not offer any suggestions as to how this could be done.

As the planter boxes are to be moved to alternative locations, JF has asked for two of these to be relocated to the Dalmonach Community Centre. This meets with general approval. The meeting discussed the issues faced in crossing over to the fountain, as the traffic control does not operate both ways.  Cllr Dickson advised crossing timings are being changed/extended in an attempt to address this, and at further crossings in the wider area.

NM excused herself and left the meeting at 8pm.


- Tree Planting:- The West Dunbartonshire Environment Trust have a tree planting programme underway, and are keen to involve the community in the forthcoming planting of c.2000 trees.  There will be a community planting event taking place on 24th March, open to the public, with a separate event for schoolchildren.  This is to be part of our Contribution to the Jubilee year events.  GH enquired if any of the fruit trees dotted around the Dilichip area were to be fenced off as a consequence of the works, but was assured that the areas were separate.

- Leamy Foundation:- It has come to light that the Leamy Foundation has closed, which has been unexpected and, it would seem, completed without any practical notice being given. The usual channels of communication with the former Foundation are no longer available.

- BARR Environmental & Landfill Issue, Auchencarroch Landfill Site:-. In Response to a question by the chair, Cllr Dickson advised Barr are still trading as a going concern, despite being very heavily fined for, amongst other things, improperly separating waste, which in effect bankrupted the business. There is an ongoing High Court appeal, and in the meantime extra fees are being paid to keep the company solvent pending this issue being resolved. It is hoped that thereafter all can go back to normal.  JF mentioned very recent complaints received regarding the methane, gaseous-type odours at and around the site.  SEPA had previously investigated and found the escape of gas following what they noted to be the improper capping of extraction holes.  The odours did seem to go away for a time, however the problem has been noted to be particularly bad again recently.

- Waste Recycling:- A discussion was raised as to whether it would be possible to have a dedicated section at the local refuse tip for certain items to be set aside for uplift by those who may be able to make use of and repurpose. Cllr Dickson commented that on an informal basis and as and when time and space permit, the staff do set aside items which they consider to be appealing and/or useful, however lack of space in general at the site, together with Health & Safety issues, would prevent this from being a permanent service.

- Can Recycling / Deposit Refund Scheme:- GH raised that Cllr. Bollan had stated previously that the Council was going to install such a facility for the recycling of cans. Sainsbury’s do similar and offer a deposit refund scheme. Cllr Dickson advised that it is in fact the Scottish Government who plan to have more of these facilities in place, however this scheme has been delayed from its original proposed inception date of 2023. 

- Dalmonach Steps Overgrowth:- HL raised that the bramble bushes at the Dalmonach steps pose a significant trip hazard. JF commented that Greenspace have promised work on trees here and hopefully this problem can be addressed at the same time.

- Animals on Road:- JoD mentioned again the issue of deer being hit, predominantly close to the piece of woodland bordering the estate road. A sign being in place would be a way of raising awareness to drivers approaching the locale. JF to contact Roads or Greenspace as appropriate.

- Loch Lomond Lido:- PM also raised interest in finding out as much as information as possible about the proposals for a Loch Lomond Lido. JF will get in touch with Sally Page to facilitate contact with PM.  She is keen to establish whether Flamingoland could contribute towards funding of such a project.  Cllr Dickson commented that the possibility of a Lido remains merely at a tentative discussion stage, and any figures mentioned thus far will be a guesstimate only to outline likely costs.  It is envisaged that altogether it would be a costly exercise to get such a facility in place and up and running.

Date of Next Meeting

  • 11 April 2022, 7.00pm, at Ladyton Community Centre

Minutes of Monthly Meeting – 14 April 2022, 7.00pm
Ladyton Community Centre


Attending: Jack Fordy - Chairperson (JF), Cllr Iain Dickson, Cllr Jim Bollan, Cllr John Miller, Fiona Jenkins (FJ), Nancy Malcolm NM), Pauline Larking (PL), Margaret Stewart (MS), Candidate Matt Dillon, Candidate Ronnie McColl, Candidate Michelle McGinty, Candidate Sian Wilkie. 2 members of the public.

Apologies: Fiona McGeachin, Agnes Pollock, Gloria Hendry (GH), Helen Leslie (HL), Pat McManus (PM), Candidate Paula Baker.

Meet the Candidates

JF in the chair, welcomed the candidates and asked each in turn to give a brief introduction and disregarding Party affiliations, how they would hope to bring benefit to the community of Bonhill. It was intended to simply ask the new candidates to speak, but as there were members of the public present, he thought it appropriate to ask the sitting councillors (who were also candidates) to speak too.

Candidates were invited to speak in reverse alphabetical order, and we an interesting insight into the aspirations of the individuals, fairly free from any political bias. It seemed that the sitting councillors all shared a frustration with the perceived lack of responsiveness by certain departments of West Dunbartonshire Council, and by the difficulties caused by lack of financial resources.

Minutes: read and approved by: NM and FJ.

Matters Arising:-

a) We now have possession of 2 Defibrillators and their Cabinets, Currently Trying to get them installed, spark recommended by Sheenah says that he can comply after Easter. Still waiting to hear from WD Leisure

b) Tree Planting by the Environment Trust, excellent day out and a Very Positive experience. It was attended by both the local schools during the week and by several local families on the Thursday. Our own FJ was there with daughter Willow, who was able to plant her own Willow.

c) Litter Pick This went well and was a massive effort by WDC, ACAN and Leamy. The chair attended and had a good conversation with local members of the Youth
Council. Unfortunately, several attempts to contact them since have not been successful.

d) Allotments Still waiting on information from Greenspace.

e) Core Footpath 49 / CBL South Road. See below

f) Dalmonach Steps Overgrowth Has now been dealt with by WDC Greenspace

g) Gardening Competition FJ has gone ahead with poster designs for insertion in the Community Advertiser Magazine. We also hope to co-opt Catherine from Bonhill Community Gardens to assist with organisation of the event.

Chair & Secretary’s Report:

a. Dalmonach Steps:- JF had a good conversation with Gillian McNamara, who agreed that WDC should be able to part-fund this project ITRO £40,000 once the next trance of funding was released.

b. Animals on Road:- JF had spoken with both Greenspace and with Derek Barr of Roads, DB acknowledged the problem, but had to refer this to another branch.

Treasurer’s Report:

NM confirmed that the balance of funds held is as stated

Incoming £0

Outgoing 2 £1,111.20

Balance £9560.28

Police Report

From PC Martin McKenna this showed a list of 25 recorded crimes as per attached Appendix

Core Footpath 46/ CBL South Access Road

Our meeting with CBL and Chas Scott was interesting but ultimately disappointing. They showed a wire frame drawing from a CAD programme, I could read it, but it was not straightforward. This showed how their plans to build a Southern Access Road would cut across the area of Greenbelt and across Core path 46. The path would have to be moved approx. 5m to the S/E and would be bisected by what would become a busy road. They stated that this road would be only to access a new car park, there was an enlarged Lorry Park shown just behind, so I am sceptical. CBL stated that they were intending to hold a public meeting but their originally stated date may slip. They have now applied for planning permission to build the Car Park, but the access road is not shown. See that the decision was delegated so I think we should oppose this so that it goes to the full planning Committee.

Kilpatrick Hills Wind Farm Proposals

The Secretary of Kilmaronock CC sent me a proposal from a company called Coriolis Energy, apparently, they are seeking to revive the Merkins Wind Farm plans of circa 2014/16. Their first move is to have a marketing company contact Kilmaronock CC to ask for their support. They seem to be offering fairly negligible amount of Community Payback.

The area shown on their map is enormous, and includes 3 Historic Sites and at least two SSSI’s, as well as a large area of peat bog. One boundary of their proposed site comes extremely close to the houses of Braehead/Pappert and Beechwood. Coriolis claim they have asked for planning permission to erect a sampling mast, but we cannot find anything, nor have they contacted WDC. I spoke with Craig Jardine (Development Resources) and he knew nothing about it. H & BCC have asked them along to speak at their next meeting, so we will be able to find out some more.

JF said that he had looked up their Company record and found that Coriolis is a very small company with just 6 listed employees and one director, a Mr Martin, who is also shown to owe Coriolis over £100,000 (about 2/3rd of their capital). The Irish energy company they name as the builders and operators of the Wind Farm did not answer the phone or respond to my email.

Mr Jardine stated that the 45mtr masts they are planning for are no longer considered economic.

Cllr Bollan stated that these proposals were raised from time to time and his opinion was that they would not proceed.

Bonhill Bike Day

Following a meeting between Michael of Y-Sort-iT,we have planned another Bonhill Bike Day on Saturday 30th April. In the morning we will have Dr Bike cycle maintenance, Y sort it will organise a Cycle Skills session and (weather permitting) a Barbecue Lunch (Pavilion Catering) followed by a Led Ride in the afternoon. Cycleform (a local bike shop) will provide two mechanics for Dr Bike.


There was no other business.

Date of Next Meeting

  • 9 May. Venue: Dalmonach Community Centre

Monthly Meeting
9 May 2022
Dalmonach Community Centre 7. 00pm – 9.00pm


Sederunt /Apologies

Fiona McGeachin, Nancy Malcolm

1. Minutes and Matters Arising

Proposal and Acceptance of Minutes

2. Chair and Secretary’s Report

3. Treasurer’s Report

  • Incoming £0
  • Outgoing 2 £ 389.75 (Cycling Valley Project Bike Day
  • Balance £4313.70 (£9153.61)

4. Police Report

5. Fountain Planters

6. Gardening Competition

7. Litter Pick

8. AGM and Election.

9. AOB

10. Date of Next Meeting 13 June Venue: Dalmonach Community Centre

Minutes of Monthly Meeting – 13 June 2022, 7.00pm
Dalmonach Community Centre

1. Sederunt:

Attending: Jack Fordy - Chairperson (JF), Cllr Iain Dickson, Cllr J. Bollan, Nancy Malcolm (NM), Fiona Jenkins (FJ), Gloria Hendry (GH), Pauline Larking (PL), Helen Leslie (HL), Agnes Pollock (AP), Jim O’Donnell (JO’D).

2. Apologies:


It was noted with sadness that Pat McManus has passed away following recent illness. Further, Fiona McGeachan has resigned from her position on the Committee, as she is moving out of the area.

3. Minutes:

Read and approved by NM and seconded by GH.

4. Matters Arising:

a. Defibrillator: JF has now met with the electrician and is awaiting prices for installation. The work can be carried out at Ladyton shops during the week commencing 25 June. JF proposes temporarily setting up the indoor box at the Chemists if the work is not completed by the electrician on or before
this date.

b. Allotments: JF reported that there is still nothing forthcoming from Greenspace, but is hopeful that the situation can move forward, following his recent chat with Martin Rooney. Councillor Dickson commented that available funds have been lodged with the Development Contribution Fund for a
considerable period of time now. He believes that the delays here may well be down to the funding situation, if the likely costs have exceeded the original estimate and the process by which funds are accessed being by no means straightforward.

c. Gardening Competition: FJ reported that at present it looks like the only entrants to the competition will be local children. Volunteers to assist on the day are still needed. JF is available to assist Catherine on the day of the competition.

d. Waste Recycling: A site visit to Barr Environmental has been requested. JF expects that this will be a long process, given that the company is presently in Administration. Noting that there is a video available online which gives an overview of the recycling processes undertaken.

e. Mitchell Way Development: Councillor Bollan advises that works should start shortly, initially in the main services will be disconnected. Farmfoods is now closed.

f. Chivas Path: JF has spoken further with a WDC planner, Jim McColl, however matters have not ]progressed since.

g. Bramble Bushes: The Committee noted that these have now been dealt with and trimmed back, as advised by JF.

5. Housing Presentation by West Dunbartonshire Council:

- Dawn Connor and Jillian Logan from Housing Development at West Dunbartonshire Council attended the meeting to give a presentation on the 27 new houses to be built. These will comprise a number of family homes and flats, 7 of which will be passive (a first for the Council) and 20 will be designed and built to net zero standard, in an attempt to tackle fuel poverty in housing.

- A passive home will have no radiators nor obvious heat source, as they are designed and built so as to be sufficiently well insulated with very secure glazing.

- A mechanical ventilation and heat recovery system (MVHR) recycles air so as to create heat and energy. There may be some supplemental heating supplied by ground source heat pumps, and some solar panels, however much fine detail still requires to be confirmed.

- The development is for now at the pre-planning stage and community influence is welcomed. Planning matters ought to be progressed towards finalisation in or around August this year. The homes will have a south facing elevation so as to maximise solar energy gathered.

- There then followed a discussion regarding the solar panels and heat pumps proposed at the development, Jillian confirmed that the benefit of any solar panels will be passed back to the tenants and not fed into the Grid.

- The department led by Tim Sharp at Strathclyde University has been engaged to judge air quality. Strict measures are in place to ensure the properties will be well ventilated and the systems well maintained. Windows will still be capable of being opened. A passive house requires no lifestyle change. Monitors will be in place in most rooms in order to conduct post-occupancy research to ensure the strict desired standards are met.

- The development will be a mixture of family housing and one-bedroom flats, together with a couple of ground floor flats which will be fully wheelchair accessible.

- Allocation will be based primarily on need, with other factors being considered, and tenants sourced from the waiting list.

- Councillor Bollan enquired as to levels of rent. Dawn commented that there will be a small premium only chargeable on such a new-build in order to cover the MVHR maintenance, however aside from this, rents will be comparable to current levels.

- Elevation drawings were then circulated among the Committed for examination, and improvements in design were highlighted. In terms of design, mobility and medical issues, demarcation of gardens and parking spaces are being addressed.

- Each new-build house will now have a ground floor bedroom
and bathroom.

- GH enquired as to provision for ensuring the future tidiness and maintenance of the garden ground.

- Dawn commented that gardening support will be made available. Councillor Bollan expressed concern regarding the feasibility of assisting all tenants across the board, due to the volume of numbers involved, and options regarding care of the gardens were discussed.

- JF expressed concern regarding the situation of a housing development on the hill which in effect necessitates residents to own cars, and is thus less environmentally friendly.

- Discussion then took place as to any possible future projects being located more centrally including Bonhill Gap Sites where 32 units of housing are being considered, and where wheelchair accessible housing would be located due to the area’s topography.

- Dawn then outlined a trial buy-back scheme which is underway, whereby repairs to the property in question will be undertaken and specification improved, together with a possible trial of ground source heat pumps and insulation. Half of the cost of any purchase by the Council under this scheme
would be subsidised by the Scottish Government. This is a pilot project with quick results expected.

- Future presentations and attendance at Committee Meetings by Dawn and Jillian was then discussed, and the meeting gave thanks for their attendance at tonight’s meeting and the very useful presentation given.

6. Chair & Secretary’s Report:

a. Fountain Planters: It was noted that no planters have been received as yet, there have been delays in making contact. In the meantime, the flowerbed will be finished off and weeds dealt with. Drainage has been improved, but is by no means perfect as puddles do still gather following rainfall.

b. Tree Planting: The Committee noted that planting by West Dunbartonshire Trust at Dillichip has really taken off. Councillor Dickson believes that the trees appear to have been planted particularly close together, and future thinning measures were then discussed.

c. Committee Participation: It was noted that generating sufficient publicity for meetings, so as to encourage more community participation and attendees at meetings, was still a struggle. Very often, it will depend on the cooperation of an individual shopkeeper and their willingness to display posters provided. Recent local community activities too would have benefited from additional publicity and circulation. Councillors Dickson and Bollan commented that it would be worthwhile running paid adverts on Facebook in order to reach a wider local audience and JF will look into this.

d. Police Report: From the report most recently provided by Constable Wilson it would appear that there has been an increase in the number of crimes listed, particularly assaults and breaches of the peace and suggestion was made that this may be in line with a decrease in the numbers of police allocated locally. The detection rate does seem to be reasonable. Police are still advising that any incidents in the area are to be reported by telephoning 101 and asking for Sergeant Bruce Simpson, which it was agreed is not terribly satisfactory. In general, JF expressed his concern as to the level of policing in the area.

e. Dr Bike: The event held on Saturday 11th June was very successful, despite the poor weather on the day. 16 bikes were worked on and turned around. JF has asked Vale of Leven Trust to provide more information and literature in connection with their Sofa to Bike program, but this is still awaited. Dr Bike would have been an ideal event at which to publicise such a scheme on behalf of the Trust.

f. Litter Pick: No further progress has been made in pushing this event forward. The litter pick event at Strathleven which had been proposed clashed with the hosting of the Dr Bike event. JF will get back in touch in the hope of progressing this in the near future.

g. Speeding & Road Safety / Traffic Calming: A petition has been started by Ian on in order to take action to address traffic calming measures in the Vale. He commented that this does need further tweaking, it is the first petition he has raised in this way. There then followed discussion on how to circulate the petition locally for public awareness. Ian strongly believes traffic calming is
needed in the area. Should there be a universal 20mph speed limit in certain areas?

Councillor Dickson advised that Scottish Government involvement is a requirement in order for a restriction on speed limit in an area to be imposed. Ian believes that all things considered, speed bumps would be the best option.

h. Treasurers Report: NM advises that the Community Council have successfully obtained their yearly grant and the balance presently held in the account is £11,983.89. There are a few costs still pending and not therefore reflected.

i. Flamingoland: The proposed Lomond Banks development was again discussed and following the last meeting JF had submitted a unanimous objection to the development on behalf of the Community Council.

Councillor Bollan believes the second application is worse than the first application which was submitted, as the footprint is smaller than that of the original. The same development is now to
be built on a smaller area of land resulting in what Councillor Bollan believes would be overdevelopment.

JF commented that in his view the plans do not give an accurate appearance of the final developed site. Noting that this is however still at the outline Planning Permission stage and is open to all manner of future tweaks and modifications. JO’D however believes that the local infrastructure will benefit as a result of the development and struggles to object to something which will bring additional employment to the area. The various reasons for objection held by the individual
members of the committee were then discussed, as was access to and maintenance of the path. Loss of access to the site is a real concern, both during and after construction. Councillor Dickson discussed the impact on employment in the hospitality sector. Councillor Bollan recommends that further agreement is sought once a detailed planning application is available for examination. JF acknowledged that there is no unanimous agreement by the Committee on this occasion.

j. Merkins Wind Farm: The Committee noted that an application is in place to erect a trial mast at the site, which will be for testing purposes. JF recommends that the Committee submit their objection to this, believing that in this case there are no real benefits to the community. Preservation of the peat bogs was discussed. Councillor Bollan commented that any planning application will require to address this. It was noted however that this application may not come to anything, and will be dictated by available finance, and the company concerned do appear to be under-funded.

7. AOB:

a. A fire which had been reported was discussed, but no specific details were noted.

b. Licensing Forum: PL enquired as to whether attendance at the Licensing Forum was possible, she understands it is to take place online. Councillor Dickson confirmed the Forum meeting would take place tomorrow.

c. Fly Tipping/Dumping: GH raised that a laundry appliance had been dumped in a public area, and rolled away some days later, and the grass has subsequently been cut in and around its present location. Reporting and removal of the appliance was discussed.

d. Abandoned Vehicles: NM mentioned what would seem to be several abandoned vehicles situated at Northfield Road which are an eyesore. Ownership of the land is unclear, and in this regard the possibility of ownership by the Golf Club was discussed. Councillor Bollan will make appropriate enquiries. The problem of other abandoned vehicles in the local area was then discussed. The
committee agreed that unfortunately, unless there is a clear Environmental Health hazard posed, there is very little that can be done.

e. Garden: Margaret asked for an update as to the position with the garden, JF commented that he expects progress this week.

f. Japanese knotweed: Greenspace have read the report into knotweed, but have yet to reply.

8. Date of Next Meeting:

The next meeting of the Committee will take place on 12 September 2022 at Ladyton Community Centre at 7.00pm.

Agenda Annual General Meeting

12 September 2022
Ladyton Community Centre 7. 00pm – 8.00pm

1. Welcome

2. Sederunt

3. Minutes of last AGM (adoption)

4. Chairman/Secretary Report for session 21/22

5. Treasurer’s Report and Accounts (adoption)

6. Election of Office Bearers

Chair: J Fordy is available for re-election

Vice-Chair: This post is vacant

Secretary: JF is currently combining this with the post of Chair

Treasurer: N Malcolm is available for re-election

7. AOB

8. Frequency, dates and locations of future meetings

Agenda Monthly Meeting
12 September 2022
Ladyton Community Centre 7. 00pm – 9.00pm


Sederunt /Apologies

1. Minutes and Matters Arising

2. Reading and Acceptance of Minutes

3. CO-OP Catherine Howard on the benefits of mutual support

4. Chair and Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

  • Incoming £0
  • Outgoing 6 (Jul & Aug) £308.14
  • Balance £11273.92

6. Community Council Elections

7. Coffee Morning/Kindness Day

8. Bonhill Pumpkins

9. AOB

10. Date of Next Meeting 14th November Venue: Dalmonach Community Centre

Monthly Meeting
12 September 2022, 7.00pm
Ladyton Community Centre


Attending: Jack Fordy - Chairperson (JF), Cllr Iain Dickson, Cllr J. Bollan, Nancy Malcolm (NM), Margaret Smith (MS), Fiona Jenkins (FJ), Jim O’Donnell (JO’D) Gloria Hendry (GH), Pauline Larking (PL), Iain McPhie, (IM), Helen Leslie (HL), Suzanne Mason (SM), Geraldine McDonald (GM).




Read and approved by NM and seconded by GH.

Matters Arising:

a) Defibrillators, disappointing, but neither of these devices is operational yet, the Electrician continually promises he is going to start next week, but nothing happens. The one we supplied to Dalmonach CC. is in the hands of WD Leisure.

b) IM said that his employers used a company to install Defibrillators, they were good, he will enquire and report back if it is possible for us to use them.

c) Allotments: WDC Greenspace had been allocated £110,000 in Grant funding Mr Bain had forwarded plans for our comments, circulated. JF had asked for a possible completion date, but none forthcoming as yet.

d) The planting has now been done at Dalmonach CC. There had already been some vandalism by young children (6 & &) MS and NM will supervise and the WD Leisure Caretaker will also assist.

e) Gardening Competition FJ said that she had encountered some problems with the administration of this event, it had been a valuable learning experience and she hoped to do better in future.

f) Barr Environmental still TBC.

g) Chivas Path JF attended Strathleven House for a well presented, very badly publicised event.

Sadly, he was the only attendee. Chivas are proposing to completely rebuild the path as far as the river Leven, although it would involve a zebra crossing. This could be a worthwhile trade off as it would leave us c/a £4k to spend on another path project.


Catherine introduced herself as a Co-Op Member Pioneer, she has been recruited to spread the word about the benefits of CO-OP mutual model. When you buy selected Co-op products and services from them, 2p for every £1 you spend goes into your Co-op Membership account. And they will give the same amount to support community organisations and local causes through their Community Partnership Fund, spending £100’s of thousands on community projects. You can spend the rewards you earn on most things you buy from us, not just Co-op products, or you can also choose to donate your rewards. Although they are not always the cheapest for food and groceries, the dividend and community funding commitment make this worthwhile.

Chair and Secretary’s Report

a) AGM and Election JF thanked all our Community Councillors for continuing to be involved with the Community Council. He stressed that it was a real commitment, but our strengths were that we are a Statutory Body and that we were free to examine any and all issues affecting not just the local community but in the wider area of West Central Scotland.

b) SM said that we could have possibly organised our AGM at a different time as there would have to be an inaugural meeting, covering virtually the same ground after the elections, but JF said that we were obliged to hold an AGM to finalise the business of the 21/22 session before the election. It was intended that the Inaugural meeting would simply vote to accept the Election of Office bearers from the previous month as a single proposal.

c) At this meeting, we are also beginning the process towards the (usually 4 yearly) Community Council Elections. There have been much delayed by the C19 Pandemic, but after a faltering start WDC will be going ahead with these in the month of October. Thanks to all of those who completed the Nomination Form, JF noted that the elusive Electoral Number would be inserted by WDC.

d) Minute Secretary, Fiona J has performed brilliantly, but it remains a time-consuming task to keep and write up an honest record, so we sought to employ a professional writer. Use of Laura Palmer as a minute taker has resolved many of the problems around record keeping, but (due to geographical issues) has come with very considerable price tag. I am constantly hoping that we will be able to identify someone locally who could do the job for lower costs.

We are looking tonight at producing a sort of hybrid record of the meeting which can be transcribed later. As always, a work in progress.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Incoming £0
  • Outgoing 6 (Jul & Aug) £308.14
  • Balance £11273.90

NM Commented that most of the outgoings were for the Minute Taker service, Laura had performed well, but the high costs had attracted adverse comment.

Pappertwell Roading and Replanting

Slow progress since our last meeting, JF had commented on the extensive nature of the roading for the amount of timber being extracted. The statement in the replanting schedule says all existing paths will be retained. In his reply to the scoping request, JF commented that the design of the roading (in a circle) would make it attractive as a racetrack for the illegal Dirt Bikers. Otherwise this
could eventually improve the access to both Pappert Well and to the Pappert Hill.

The replanting scheme in particular would feature greater diversity of tree species and retain some of the open grasslands.

Coffee Morning/Kindness Day

This would seem like a good Winter project, we discussed it last year, but we could not go ahead because of the incomplete kitchens at Dalmonach Community Centre. MS said that she and NM would like to organise this, Cllr Bollan declared that he would also be prepared to volunteer to pour teas. SM Mentioned that Agnes Pollock was very keen to get involved with this type of project and would be in touch.

Bonhill Pumpkins

It was thought that we could do this again FJ is keen to organise. Hopefully we can expand it now that C29 no longer seems to be a thing. The dates would be 29 and 30 October.


Dirt Bikers IM and FJ Commented on the increase in activity by the “Dirt Bikers” they were now tearing about on the Dilichip Park and the adjacent playing fields and greenspace. They were becoming a real hazard. IM commented that he had tried to get Police Officers who were attending nearby to take action, but they were very reluctant to do so. JF and Cllr Dickson also said that they had noted an increase in activity and hoped to be able to point out their home location. A particular hazard noted by JF was two youngsters aged around 13 or 14 riding a small without lights often after dark, they passed along Hillbank St regularly.

Bonhill Community Garden During her talk on the CoOp Catherine mentioned that she was the convener of the Bonhill Community Garden, several of our Community Councillors were unaware of this and of the really fantastic commitment that Catherine had shown in getting the whole project
up and running. It was decided that a group visit to the Garden should be made on a suitable date. If anyone wished to visit at other times, please email Catherine Howard on

  • Date of Next Meeting 14 November Venue: Dalmonach Community Centre

Monthly Meeting
10 October 2022
Dalmonach Community Centre 7. 00pm – 7.30pm


Sederunt /Apologies

1. Minutes and Matters Arising

2. Police Report

3. Reading and Acceptance of Minutes

4. Chair and Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

6. Coffee Morning/Kindness Day

7. Bonhill Pumpkins

8. Wind Farm

9. Flamingoland

10. Bonhill Quarry Development

11. AOB

12. Date of Next Meeting 14th November Venue: Ladyton Community Centre

Agenda Inaugural Meeting
10 October 2022
Dalmonach Community Centre 7. 00pm – 7.30pm


1. Sederunt

2. Suspension of Standing Orders

3. Election of Office Bearers

The following have been nominated as office bearers:

Chair J Fordy Vice-Chair I McPhie Secretary (Acting) J Fordy Treasurer N Malcolm
Following our AGM last month it is suggested that we propose and second them en bloc

4. Adoption and Signature of new Standing Orders

5. Day, Time and Venue of Monthly Meetings

6. Start of Monthly Business Meeting


Sederunt /Apologies

1. Minutes and Matters Arising

2. Police Report

3. Reading and Acceptance of Minutes

4. Signing of the (amended) Constitution

5. Chair and Secretary’s Report

6. Treasurer’s Report

7. Balloch MTB Track

8. Pappert Well Forestry

9. Landfill Site

10. Wind Turbine

11. AOB

12. Date of Next Meeting 12 December Venue: Dalmonach Community Centre

Monthly Meeting
14 November 2022, 7.00pm
Ladyton Community Centre


Attending: Jack Fordy - Chairperson (JF), Nancy Malcolm (NM), Margaret Smith (MS), Fiona Jenkins (FJ), Jim O’Donnell (JO’D) Gloria Hendry (GH), Iain McPhie, (IM), Helen Leslie (HL).


Cllr John Millar, Cllr Michelle McGinty, Cllr Iain Dickson, Cllr J. Bollan, Suzanne Mason (SM), Agnes Pollock (AP) Catherine Howard (CH).

Police Report

The chair suggested that we allow PC Scott Hardie to give us his report first. It was most welcome to have Police Scotland back again to give us insights into the Police Report. Const. Hardie changed his shift in order to attend which is very good of him. (The Police report for 1/10 – 14/11 is attached as an appendix).

a) PC Hardie explained that he was one of a team of 3 Community Officers who were now covering Community Policing in the area. He detailed some of the background to the 51 reported and solved crimes.

b) Housebreakings, although there were a comparatively low number are always of concern, PC Hardie gave us some background and helped to dispel concerns.

c) He also reported that they had some success in deterring the illegal dirt bikers and in confiscating their bikes. IM and FJ confirmed that fewer incidents had taken place.

d) It appeared that there seemed to be a large number of Breach of the Peace offences, but this was accounted for by the longer than usual period of reporting (6 weeks)

e) IM also commented that there had been a reduction in speeding along Main St and thanked the officers for their efforts

Minutes and Matters Arising:

a) Defibrillators: The second cabinet is now installed and functioning at Ladyton. The chair thanked IM for his efforts in co-ordinating with Geoff Logan to get the installation completed. He has promised to remove the original cabinet and present his invoice this week.

b) Dalmonach Steps we have been asked if we can increase our contribution to this project, originally, I’d put this at £1000, but in view of a shortfall of £7000 due to inflationary pressures, I thought we could increase our contribution to £4k, as we did have a surplus due to an under-spend over the period of C19. WDET said they could fund the balance. Works will start at the beginning of the year. JF to consult neighbours.

c) Geoff will remove the old cabinet and present his invoice this week.

d) Coffee Morning Kindness Day. Our first on the 2nd Nov was well attended, despite the awful weather, the 9th Nov a much nicer day, had no visitors at all! If there is a similar low response, the chair suggested that we cancel the hall bookings until the Joint meeting with Jackie Baillie on the 7 Dec. MS said that she thought we should carry on and was happy to do so, so we decided to continue as planned.

e) Flamingoland: After studying the plans provided are we any further on? There was some more debate around this but no clear conclusion was reached.

f) Chair reported that he had not had a chance to make contact with Roads, will arrange a meeting with them soon. JO’D proposed that he write to roads and ask

g) Bonhill Pumpkins, once again this event was affected by bad weather, many thanks to FJ and her sister who produced the most intricately carved pumpkins. Also, thanks to local resident Mrs Young who once again contributed generously.

Acceptance of Minutes FJ and GH

Signing of the (amended) Constitution

There was an error in the copy we had signed at the inaugural meeting, Chair had been in touch with Suzanne Mason at Community Support and we were now able to sign the amended copies which would now be passed to WDC for filing.

Chair and Secretary’s Report

a) The chair said that after the confusion around the Inaugural Meeting last month, it was good to be back to a semblance of normality and particularly welcomed the renewed presence of Police Scotland.

b) The Winter warmer days were still going ahead every Wednesday. We are most grateful to Margaret and Helen for giving so generously of their time to do this.

c) Bonhill Quarry Development Nothing further has been heard from Viga Homes, they claim to have produced a nature study, but no sign of it.

d) Chivas Path, Planning Application from Chivas, now looks like they are building their car park in the industrial estate. JOD said that there had been some changes, but he was unsure of the current state of things. Chair would look into it.

e) I’m sure we all took the opportunity to attend the Presentation by Coriolis Energy. Chair was surprised by the size of the turbines, largest in the country. Clearly there could be issues with noise and vibration. The potential for future revenue from these turbines means that we should watch this development carefully.

Treasurer’s Report

  • Incoming £0
  • Outgoing £0
  • Balance £11273.90

NM stated that no invoices had been received from either WD Leisure Trust or Geoff Logan.

Balloch MTB Track

We should comment about this, why not in Bonhill. Balloch Park is the wrong place, high risk of conflict with walkers in the park. Chair would attend to this.

Pappert Well Forestry

Thought we had commented on this, we had another enquiry ref our opinion on the Planting plan.

It was felt that IM had most experience in this area and after some discussion about the location, IM agreed to confirm that we would have no objection.

Landfill Site

Chair had noted that the council Planning Dept were debating a time extension for this. Chair wrote to the Committee and our ward councillors asking that it be moved elsewhere, Bonhill area has done enough heavy lifting, with smells and traffic. Cllr Bollan agreed with our summation.

Chair will follow up on this.

Wind Turbine

A single wind turbine, plus a very substantial shed, far too near Beechwood houses (only 450m). It was agreed that we should object.


Proposal by Jackie Bailie to join up with our Winter Warmer Event on 7th December. This was approved. Chair would write to confirm .

  • Date of Next Meeting 10 December Venue: Dalmonach Community Centre

Agenda Monthly Meeting
12 December 2022
Dalmonach Community Centre 7. 00pm


Sederunt /Apologies

1. Police Report

Possible attendance by Clydebank Officers

2. Minutes and Matters Arising

3. Acceptance of Minutes

4. Chair and Secretary’s Report

5. Treasurer’s Report

  • Incoming £0
  • Outgoing Nov/Dec £209.34
  • Balance £11,064.00

The treasurer noted that she had not yet had an invoice from WD Leisure

6. AOB

7. Date of Next Meeting 9 January Venue: Ladyton Community Centre