Ordinary Meeting of KCC
Monday 15th January 2024 at 7.30pm
in Kilmaronock Millennium Hall


KCC : Gavin MacLellan (Vice-chair/GM), Andrew Sinnott (Secretary/AS), Anita Anderson (Treasurer/AA), David Scott Park (DSP)
Guest : Ian Bain WDC Manager for Greenspace & Waste Management
Plus 14 members of the community


Cllr. Hazell Sorrell, PC Mikey McKay (Police Scotland)

Declaration of interest for tonight’s agenda


Minutes of meeting on 6th November 2023

Proposed as accurate by DSP, seconded by AA.

Treasurers Report

  • Outgoings since last meeting were for KMH rental and internet hosting.
  •  Current account balance : £1131.80
  • Benevolent fund balance : £354.41

The end of the financial year is 29th February 2024.

Planning Matters

New since last meeting

Erection of dwellinghouse and agricultural shed
Land West Of Mid Finnery Duncryne Road Gartocharn G83 8SA
Ref. No: 2023/0455/DET | Received: Fri 22 Dec 2023 | Validated: Tue 09 Jan 2024 | Status: Current

Single storey extension to rear
1 Blairlusk Cottage Stirling Road Balloch Alexandria
Ref. No: 2023/0451/HAE | Received: Wed 20 Dec 2023 | Validated: Thu 21 Dec 2023 | Status: Current

Erection of two-storey dwellinghouse and garage as previously approved but to a revised design to include side and rear extensions (amendment to Planning Permission ref. 2022/0180/DET).

Lower East Cambusmoon Farm Duncryne Road Alexandria G83 8RZ
Ref. No: 2023/0436/HAE | Received: Thu 07 Dec 2023 | Validated: Wed 20 Dec 2023 | Status: Current

The above applications were discussed with no issues arising.

Community Matters/Local Place Plan

Local Place Plan

KCC approved the document as presented in December and it is currently out for consultation with elected officials and neighbouring communities.
Once the consultation period closes any final amendments will be applied and the document submitted to LLTNPA for validation.

Vale of Leven Windfarm

The Energy Consents Unit have granted KCC an extension to the consultation deadline until 1st March. This is to allow a joint CC meeting with those areas directly affected and the developers and applicants followed by a Kilmaronock community meeting.
After discussion, KCC decided to hold a special meeting on 12th February following which KCC will submit a response to the ECU.

Points made included, the significant height of the turbines, proximity to housing, visual detraction, effect on house prices, minimal contribution to electrical capacity of the grid, possible negative health effects, destruction of peat bogland, impacts during the construction phase, relatively low communal benefit fund when spread across affected areas. Possible negative impact on tourism.

Relocation of War Memorial

The poor access to the present War Memorial is a barrier to remembrance ceremonies each year. It was proposed that KCC support the relocation to a more accessible site in Gartocharn. Years ago, Croftamie residents were amenable to this move as it is a shared memorial. Practically, the cross and the names stone are all that need to be moved.
Permission will be needed from the responsible authorities so as a first step KCC agreed to investigate that process, liaise with Croftamie CC to revisit their thoughts and bring in the community trust if funds are required.

The community will then need to be consulted on the new location, an area of the play park being suggested as a starting point.

KCC (AS) to follow up and report back.

Kilmaronock Community Trust

New date for AGM is 20th March, usually a short formal part followed by a presentation and maybe tea/coffee break for a chat.

Good opportunity to propose or volunteer for any projects of interest.

The LPP will be a guide based on input gathered during its production.

National Park Issues

GM is in correspondence with NPA regarding definitions of footpaths versus roads as displayed on maps.

DSP noted that there is a new patrol boat on the Loch

There was a discussion on the half million pound project to change the heating system in the Carrochan Road headquarters.

West Dunbartonshire Council


A811 pavement : Resurfacing of the next section from Ashfield House to Boturich North Lodge/waterworks road is planned by end of March (weather dependent). Any remedial work for the narrow spots on that section will have to be taken separately on a different funding stream.

WDC have been working on an Active Travel Strategy which will be available for public consultation mid-February. This is aimed at linking up nearby places with a focus on safer walking and cycling routes.
Drop kerbs will be installed in Gartocharn. Somewhere between House of Darrach and Duncryne Road, there is not enough space for one on the play park side of Duncryne Road.

Flooding : Although regular gulley clearances take place, they do not seem to resolve the issues. It was suggested that CCTV surveys be done to check the pipework and also check outfalls for blockages.

Passing places on single track roads : It was agreed that appropriate signage is still needed and that it would be OK for the community to follow up if WDC cannot.
Emergency diversion plan for A811 incidents : WDC confirm that they do not hold a generic diversion plan for accidents and incidents but it may be possible the Police do.

WDC assess diversions for planned works as they come up and prefer to have longer diversions avoiding the back roads altogether. Although many of the roadworks are utility lead, WDC will see if they can put a flag in the approval process that provides the utility company with our contact information so we can be informed in advance of major disruptions.

AA reiterated the need for preplanned diversion routes for the back roads whenever there is a road closure on the A811. Speed of implementation is the key to avoiding a backlog. It was pointed out that police officers attending scenes are from outwith the area and have little or no local knowledge.

KCC (AS) to follow up with Police Scotland regarding emergency diversion plans.

Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE)

Notice received on 19th December : “Your comments on this proposal would be welcome and I would be grateful if these could be received by Friday 26th January 2024. Where no response is received, it will be assumed that you support the proposals.”

Although pavement parking was ‘banned’ from 11th December, there is no current plan to enforce this any more than it is now (e.g. for blocking emergency access).
The proposal is just to take the enforcement powers into the council to primarily deal with yellow line infringements with Parking wardens rather than Police.

Waste & Recycling

Ian Bain from WDC spoke about the current and future waste management strategy. Currently about 25,000 tons of waste go into landfill. Approx 43% of produced waste is recycled which is about average for Scotland and the aim is to improve on that. The overall cost of waste management is £6.5 million.

Recycling types are handled as follows :
Garden & food waste goes to Fife for processing via a large collection hub in Clydebank

Glass is sent to Motherwell where the mixed collection is separated into the various colours for reuse.

Blue bin household collections are sorted and processed at Linwood Recycling Centre and the waste from the civic amenity collection sites are sent to the Paisley Recycling Centre.

Operations at Auchencarroch will cease in February although the site will still be maintained and monitored by Barr under SEPA licence.

will be banned by Scot Gov from 2026 and waste will be processed by energy plants starting in 2024.

Home collections of residual waste (green/grey bins) will move to a 3 weekly cycle and an information campaign will encourage better separation of household waste to reduce residual waste.

A glass collection point can be installed in Gartocharn if a suitable site can be agreed. A 3 month trial would be done to assess any negative impacts such as noise, broken glass etc. Suggested places are KMH carpark or Cooper’s Yard.

KCC (AS) to ask if KMHA would be amenable to using their car park.
Ian Bain to provide leaflets/posters with recycling information.


Police report : Two recorded crimes – shoplifting (detected) and fraud (not detected)
RSPB have translocated two more beavers and released them on their site.


House of Darrach – GM suggested that maybe they could provide a business hub facility.

Wikipedia – GM suggested that the Gartocharn page is updated.


Monday 4th March 2024 at 19:30 in KMH

An ordinary meeting of Kilmaronock Community Council
will be held on Monday 15th January 2024 at 7.30pm in Kilmaronock Millennium Hall


  1. Sederunt
  2. Apologies
  3. Declaration of interest
  4. Minutes of ordinary meeting November
  5. Treasurer’s Report
  6. Planning Matters
  7. Community matters & Local Place Plan
    ▪ LPP update
    ▪ VoL Windfarm latest
    ▪ War Memorial
  8. Kilmaronock Community Trust
  9. National Park Issues
  10. West Dunbartonshire Council
    ▪ Report on meeting with Roads Dept
    ▪ Decriminalised Parking Enforcement - Stakeholder Engagement
    ▪ Recycling & Landfill
  11. Correspondence
  12. Next meeting – 4th March 2024