Statement of local totals

The total number of ballot papers received: 23,518

The total electorate being:  65,913

This represents a turn out of:  35.68%


1.  The total number of valid votes given to each registered party in the West Dunbartonshire Local Counting Area is as follows:

Statement of local totals
Party Number of Votes
Change UK - The Independent Group      417
Conservative and Unionist Party   1,484
Labour Party   3,748
Liberal Democrats   1,706
Scottish Green Party   1,554
Scottish National Party (SNP) 10,670
The Brexit Party   3,240
UK Independence Party (UKIP)      486
Edgar, Gordon      103
Parke, Ken       35

 2.  The number of ballot papers rejected is as follows:

The number of ballot papers rejected is as follows
a) want of an official mark  0
b) voting for more than one registered party  15
c) writing or mark by which voter could be identified  0
d) unmarked or void for uncertainty  60
The total number of rejected ballot papers was:


 3. The number of valid postal votes received: 5,202


Joyce White - Local Returning Officer - 26 May 2019

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