Cllr Gurpreet Johal (Housing Convenor) - chaired meeting
John Kerr (Housing Development & Homelessness Manager)
June Todd (WDTRO)
Harry McCormack (Tullichewan TRA + WDTRO)
Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer-Tenant Participation)
Jim McCarron ( HRA Business Partner)
Mary Paton (Willox Park TA+ WDTRO)
Frances McGonagle (Littleholm TRA + WDTRO), Janette Donlin (Dalmuir MSF TRA + WDTRO) and Jacqui Peacock (Dalmuir MSF TRA + WDTRO)
Councillor Johal welcomed everyone to the meeting and asked for his best wishes to be passed onto Frances who currently in hospital.
John Kerr gave a summary of the report – covers all service areas that report to the HACC and come under Peter Barry. Some year end data not finalised yet and Stefan will provide WDTRO with an update report. ASB Strategy being developed and will go out to WDTRO and TRAs relatively soon.
Includes an action to deliver a Greener, Fairer revised Capital Investment Plan – national guidance still to be issued about Net Zero Standard as well as timescales. Technology still to be developed but Scottish Government wants all landlords to start to prepare.
In terms of Greener Fairer revised Capital programme, tenants keen to see tenants being involved in the revised Capital programme and affordability is main concern for tenants. John confirmed affordability a concern for landlords too and confident that timescales will be lengthened to make them more realistic and can help spread costs.
John Kerr highlighted the cut to the Affordable Housing Supply funding previously announced has been amended with an additional £80m being offered over 2 years but only announced 26/4 so don’t know what WDC’s allocation will be. Further meetings with Scottish Government arranged to confirm so still number of unknowns to be able to say how WD will benefit.
Question was asked regarding the Willox Park development and when the planning meeting was. John advised that it wasn’t a planning committee meeting but just a decision that planning were to make and he would get the outcome confirmed.
John advised of the unprecedented pressures on housing. Turnover has reduced and that has had an impact on letting activity. As a result, the Council has breached Unsuitable Accommodation Orders as more homeless applicants are having to be accommodated in Bed and Breakfast more often and for longer periods. Never used to have to use B&B so not a situation want to be in and is also financially more costly.
An annual review of the allocation letting targets is carried out and propose to increase letting target to homeless applicants to 64% to help relieve this pressure and reduce B&B costs. Rapid Rehousing targets not being met and want to reduce the time people are in temp accommodation.
Transfer applicants will also be prioritised for new builds (70% target) to help increase turnover and create allocation chains. New builds also help address medical needs too for transfer applicants. Is a risk of increasing void costs when increasing transfers but transfer applicants get inspected so these costs can be minimised and managed.
Also increased pressure from asylum decisions backlog being speeded up.
No issues raised.
Jim McCarron outlined the acute financial pressures on the HRA but hopeful that these pressures will ease in 24/25. Every pound is being scrutinised. Significant underspend in Capital budget mainly thro delays in new build progress – budget is still available and gets carried forward.
Working to identify efficiencies across all areas of housing budget e.g electricity costs are high so looking at how electricity is used and if fittings be changed to lower energy. Also looking in shorter term if some expenditure can be put into Capital so that it can be funded over longer period. Want to replenish HRA reserves to healthier level.
Main cost to HRA is on repairs, £20m so looking at that budget to ensure Value for Money (VFM). VFM group looking at how repairs can operate more efficiently.
Question was asked about how that will affect the Capital Budget work and Jim confirmed that it would have an impact but would wait until inflation and utilities go down.
Jim confirmed that most of this budget was being managed within budget. Main overspend is in relation to Homeless budget and as John already explained about the pressures on the whole housing system ,main financial cost is in relation to increase use of B&B accommodation.
Question asked about the Housing Asset and Investment listed in Appendix 1 and why there is a saving there. Jim explained that Alan Young’s team work with mixed tenure blocks and cost being absorbed into HRA.
Also question about why cost of Mitchell Way being moved to HRA as per Appendix 4 and Jim confirmed that no other services using it apart from Housing. John confirmed that is too big now that Police no longer using it so are looking for an alternative office space but one not been identified yet and Church Street can’t accommodate.
Individual debts over £5000 need approval from committee to be written off and paper sets out the process followed and the criteria for writing off. The accounts submitted for write off are for former tenants and fall into category of unreasonable to pursue.
No issues raised.
The next Pre- HACC Forum will be on Monday 19 August with the Housing Convenor and officers who have written the committee papers.
The papers are available the week before and electronic copies will be sent to all TRA Secretaries, WDTRO members and via TP Facebook page.
Paper copies will also be made available as are usually a lengthy document to read on a small screen- please contact Tenant Participation if you want a paper copy delivered to you.
Cllr Gurpreet Johal (Housing Convenor) - chaired meeting
John Kerr (Housing Development & Homelessness Manager)
June Todd (WDTRO)
Janette Donlin (Dalmuir MSF TRA + WDTRO),
Jacqui Peacock (Dalmuir MSF TRA + WDTRO)
Mary Paton (Willox Park TA)
Harry McCormack (Tullichewan TRA + WDTRO)
Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer-Tenant Participation)
Jim McCarron ( HRA Business Partner)
Frances McGonagle (Littleholm TRA + WDTRO
Ana Deevy (Housing Development Officer-Tenant Participation)
Cllr David McBride
Cllr Hazel Sorrell (Vice Housing Convener)
Councillor Johal welcomed everyone to the meeting and advised that Councillor David McBride would be joining via zoom for the item on Willox Park.
Cllr Johal advised that the Police now list all crimes from a single incident, so all figures are up.
No issues raised.
John Kerr gave a summary of the ongoing new build programme. Bonhill gap site now been removed from the programme as it’s not economical – need for smaller and larger properties so are looking at a different configuration for the site so is still an option for a future development.
Paper sets out plans for creating 2 subsidiary organisations. Previously Local Authorities could only access financial support to build new homes for social rent but recent changes to the grant system mean can now get grants for mid-market homes, though at a lower rate. Mid-market can still be affordable new homes that are badly needed so worth investigating. For a mid-market rentals need a subsidiary to be able to issue a specific ownership/tenure agreement so these 2 subsidiary companies would enable the Council to do that. Proposal is to help give more options in addressing current housing shortage.
Question was asked if new housing developments always need to have affordable housing and John confirmed that they don’t – some private builders give Local Authorities a set amount but WDC not got an agreement in place. Social housing built does need to meet Design Standard and Housing Associations have a nomination agreement with WD so a percentage get let from the Council’s waiting list.
Jane asked for clarification on the number of properties planned for Queens Quay as table on page 25 says 100 but on page 28 it’s 20. John confirmed that currently projected as 20 but if can successfully acquire an adjacent site will go up to 100 which will make the site more viable.
Question asked about Queens Quay and John confirmed that the whole site has been decontaminated.
John advised that the Buy Back policy had been reviewed and updated to strengthen governance. Regular reports will be presented to the HACC and also have a dedicated officer working on the scheme. All properties that are bought back have to be empty so that they can be re-let and assist in reducing the housing waiting list. Will prioritise properties that are already energy efficient and so help the Council meet net zero targets.
No questions raised.
Councillor David McBride joined via zoom for this item.
John advised that this was a good example of working with tenants to get to this stage. Questions had been raised about the buildings fitness for purpose and meeting future housing standards. From surveys of the buildings and discussions with tenants, 4 possible options were consulted on and Option 3 got the most interest – of those who voted, 57% voted for option 3. Option 3 sets out to redevelop the site by replacing existing cottages with new energy efficient homes. Housing staff would also carry out personalised plans for each tenant and they can choose to stay on the site or be rehoused elsewhere if they wished. They will also be entitled to Homeless and disturbance payments. 17 new homes also being built on site of the old Willox care home.
Issue was raised that there were 24 remaining tenants but only 17 included in the new build at the care home site. John confirmed that are hopeful that everyone who wants to stay on site will be able to – some people have already expressed interest in moving elsewhere and John confirmed that personalised housing plans will mean that tenants have more choice.
Mary advised that some tenants are concerned about having neighbours above them as are used to being in single storey, but plans are for flats. John advised that building standards are high and that shouldn’t be a problem but in phase 2 of the development, they might be able to address that and see if single storey buildings could be included.
John clarified too that all tenant views were pursued and also sought views of family members if tenant wasn’t able. All tenant feedback been used to create this paper and the proposals included.
Councillor McBride also thanked all tenants for their input and for helping Housing get to this stage.
Jim McCarron outlined that there is a projected adverse revenue shortfall of £3.37m but will be offset by reducing the contribution from revenue to capital and using HRA reserves. Capital plan includes reprofiling of £66.48m and an overspend of £4.65m – the main overspent budgets being capitalised minor works, heating improvements, voids and environmental work.
Question was asked about the EESH compliance reduction on page 70 and what impact this will have on tenants. Jim advised that when work can’t get mobilised gets pushed into the next year. He confirmed that the money is not lost but gets pushed on – up to Building services to manage the work.
Paper sets out the budget position of all the service areas that come under the Housing & Communities committee and is a small overspend (£284k).
No issues raised.
The next Pre- HACC Forum will be on Monday 29 April with the Housing Convenor and officers who have written the committee papers.
The papers are available the week before and electronic copies will be sent to all TRA Secretaries, WDTRO members and via TP Facebook page.
Paper copies will also be made available as are usually a lengthy document to read on a small screen- please contact Tenant Participation if you want a paper copy delivered to you.