Showing 1 to 10 of 4 results
  1. Animal Welfare and Rehoming Establishment Licence


    You can use the form below to apply for an Animal Welfare and Rehoming Establishment Licence. Animal Welfare and Rehoming Establishment Licence Fees The fee is £514.50 and is payable in advance. …

  2. Animal boarding establishments


    Apply  Animal Boarding Licence Application Please read the information below before completing the application. Fees The fee is £514.50 and is payable in advance What does the law require? You need…

  3. Performing animals


    Applications Application to register for the exhibition or training of performing animals Application to change a performing animals registration What does the law require? You must register with…

  4. Riding establishments licence


    Apply  Riding Establishment Licence Application Please read information below before completing the application. Fees The fee is £514.50 and is payable in advance.  (Please note, Vet fees will also…

Showing 1 to 10 of 2 results
  1. September 2022 - Special Meeting Minutes (1)


    Kilmaronock Community CouncilJim Morrison (Chair) Email : secretary@kilmaronockcc.orgthe only rural parish in West Dunbartonshire Minutes of Special Meeting of Kilmaronock Community Councilregarding…

  2. September 2022 - Special Meeting Minutes


    Kilmaronock Community CouncilJim Morrison (Chair) Email : secretary@kilmaronockcc.orgthe only rural parish in West DunbartonshireMinutes of Special Meeting of Kilmaronock Community Council regarding…