Common Bird Species

There are many bird species to be enjoyed within Dalmuir Park, the following list is just a taster of the various species you can enjoy watching.

Blue Tit

Blue Tit

Great Tit

Great Tit



Tree Creeper

Tree Creeper

House Sparrow

House Sparrow

What do I need to enjoy bird watching?

The great thing about bird watching is that it's completely free, fun, and very easy! You can simply sit on a bench in the park and watch birds at your leisure; there are however a few items which could increase your enjoyment: Binoculars, Bird I.D. book, enthusiasm, and plenty of patience.

Why is Bird watching so popular?

1. It's very inexpensive.

2. A great excuse to spend time outdoors.

3. Easy and convenient.

4. A very relaxing activity

5. Great social activity.

6. Good exercise.

Bird Nest BoxesBird Nest Boxes


Finding food, making a nest, and staying safe - sometimes it's a hard life being a bird! With this in mind - in order to 'help-out' our birds in the park - a dedicated volunteer group built 30 bird nest boxes. These boxes will hopefully become home to a variety of small bird species all over the park.

 Next time you are in the park, have a look high up around the tree trunks, and see how many bird boxes you can find! If you watch the boxes for long enough, you may be lucky enough to see who living in them! The map opposite displays the position of the 30 nest boxes in the Park.