Garden waste collections will remain free of charge until summer 2024 when this will become a paid for service for those who opt in by purchasing a permit.

When is the scheme being introduced and why?

We anticipate this charge will come into force in summer 2024 and the service will continue to be provided free of charge until then. There is no statutory requirement to collect garden waste and Council Tax does not cover its collection. Due to reducing budgets and rising costs, the Council cannot continue to offer this service free of charge.

How will it work?

Everyone living in West Dunbartonshire, whether a homeowner or tenant will be required to pay £60 per year per bin if they want their garden waste collected. This will be reduced for 2024/25 as it will be implemented part way through the season and will be proportionate to the number of collections remaining. Those who opt in will be given a sticker to display on their bin.

Do I have to opt into the scheme?

No, you do not have to pay the £60 charge but if you don’t, your garden waste won’t be collected.

If I don’t opt in, can I return my brown bin?

More information will be made available closer to implementation.

What will happen to food waste?

The permit applies to garden waste only. Food waste can continue to be placed in the brown bin and will still be collected. Please note, if food waste is mixed with garden waste and no permit is attached, the bin will not be collected.

Can I put my garden waste in my general waste bin?

We ask that if you generate garden waste then you ensure it is disposed of appropriately by either purchasing a permit to have it collected by the Council or taking it to one of the recycling centres. 

The general waste bin is for non-recyclable waste only and if recyclable waste is disposed of in this bin, it may not be collected.

Will this lead to an increase in flytipping?

This approach has been successfully implemented in neighbouring local authority areas without an increase in flytipping.