Alexandria Community Council Meeting

Wednesday 15 May 2024

Alexandria Community Centre




Ian Miller (chair), Harry McCormack (minutes), Brian Kemsley, Barbara Barnes, Angela Caldwell, Pauline Thumath (resident), Shirley McAlpine (Vale of Leven Trust), Sian Wilkie (Alexandria Traders Association). Dawn Conner (West Dunbartonshire Council), Anna Gallacher (West Dunbartonshire Council)


Tilda McCrimmon, Jan Taylor, Stephen Burns

Previous Minutes 3.4.24:

  • Agreed as accurate. Proposed by Angela Caldwell. Seconded by Barbara Barnes.

Alexandria Traders Association:

  • Alexandria Market on Saturday 4th May 2024, the first one following redevelopment was a massive success.
  • Most of the stalls were local businesses and have signed up for another 2 events in June and July.
  • Main Street and other areas around Alexandria Town Centre greatly benefitted from rising footfall on the day of the market.
  • Central Alexandria Tenants and Residents Association (CATRA) will hold a community stall at the June event.
  • The next Market will take place on Saturday 1st June 2024 10am to 2pm at Overtoun Road Car Park, next to the Pawn Bar.
  • Traders Association also in discussions in regard to potential future Christmas events and consultation.

Vale of Leven Trust:

  • VOLT were heavily involved in Alexandria Market on Saturday 4th
  • Deadline for job vacancy for Development Worker, Events and Activities has now passed.
  • There has been some progress with the old police box building at Bonhill Bridge and the two lamp posts.

Guest speaker - Dawn Conner, WDC Housing Development Officer - New Sheltered Housing Complex:

  • Dawn and colleague Anna gave a presentation on the proposed new shelter housing complex which is currently situated at Gray Street to the vacant site at Bank Street, where the doctor surgery building used to be.
  • The new development will contain 22 properties along with communal, staff and garden areas.
  • All homes will be designed to Housing for Varying Needs standards and will incorporate Designing for Dementia guidance.
  • The building will be Net Zero operational through a variety of modern technologies.
  • Application to go to WDC Planning Committee in June.
  • In process in getting a building contractor.
  • Expected to be on site for January 2025.
  • Alexandria Community Council supports this.


  • WDC Planning and Development: Application of erection of two semi-detached dwelling houses with private off-street parking. Location – Land to South of 7 Hardie Street, Levenvale. Notification expiry date – 21st May 2024.
  • WDC Planning and Development: Application of 2 two-storey houses in 1 semi-detached block arrangement on an existing plot of land. Location – land adjacent to Gaitskell Avenue, Levenvale. Notification expiry date – 9th May 2024.
  • WDC Consultation: Draft planning guidance on Pay Day Lending and Betting Office in West Dunbartonshire. Consultation from 13th May to 5th July 2024.
  • WDC Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development: Agenda for committee taking place on Wednesday 22nd May 2024.
  • WDC Corporate Services: Agenda for committee taking place on Wednesday 22nd May 2024.
  • Directorate for Planning and Environmental Appeals (DPEA): Online training for community councils and groups to be held on Wednesday 12th June 2024 6pm to 7.30pm (Microsoft Teams).
  • Scottish Fire and Rescue Service: Public engagement event “Shaping Our Future Service – Your Say.” Tuesday 4th June 10am to 12noon at Clydebank Fire Station.
  • LIDL Alexandria: Correspondence from WDC Councillors Hazel Sorrell and Ian Dickson that the onsite work will begin this month. This was following public rumours that the project was no longer going ahead due to delays.


  • £4,500 from WDC for successful Notice Board project transferred into account. £1,000 has already been used to begin project.
  • Alexandria Traders Association have taken out a total of £2,980 for their agreed BID project. £20 has been paid for administration costs (use of bank account)
  • Tullichewan TRA paid £60 for administration costs (use of printing facilities and community flat).
  • The current bank balance is £29,941.41p (£4,421.21p excluding Alexandria Traders Association monies). As of Wednesday 15th May 2024.

Local Development Plan (Leven Ward):

  • No update.

Lomond Banks:

  • Balloch and Haldane Community Council emailed all Community Councils with regards to the WDC meeting discussing the Lomond Banks proposal in Balloch. The meeting took place on Wednesday 24th April . Balloch and Haldane CC oppose this development due to infrastructure, environmental and economic reasons. This follows local consultation.
  • WDC voted not to oppose the development although the final say on this proposal is down to Scottish Enterprise for the land in Balloch.
  • Following discussions with views on all sides of the debate, Alexandria CC have decided “on balance to approve the application in principle but reserve the right to continue to scrutinise the final plans and any changes that might be made.”

Full Alexandria CC statement as follows:

Lomond Banks

Alexandria Community Council is committed to listening to the concerns of local residents and raising them with the appropriate agencies.

The consistent issues which have been raised with us continually are…. roads and pavements, the Main Street, lack of variety of shops, the 250K spent on the fountain, charges for the brown bins, parking, Lidl, Mitchell Way, Christie Park toilets. Throw in the cost of living, difficulty in getting GP appointments or an NHS dentist. We can say in all conscience that Lomond Banks seldom if ever features in the concerns raised by residents living in the wards we represent.

We have, however, been encouraged to consider the development and we have done so on the basis of how we think it would affect Alexandria. We make no claim that we speak for the entire community. We are simply a cross section of local people; with a long and consistent record of community involvement whose only desire is to continue to serve that community where we live and which we love and champion its best interests.

After a stringent examination of the pros and cons of this development. We have decided on balance to approve the application in principle but reserve the right to continue to scrutinise the final plans and any changes that might be made. We would co-operate with West Dunbartonshire Council and other bodies to ensure that the promises that are made are kept. We expect the developers to deliver what they have promised.

We list them below as we understand them.  

1. inward investment in our community of around 40 million.

2. Training and employment of local people who will be paid the “real living wage” with no   zero-hour contracts.

3. A commitment to local businesses that Lomond Banks will work with them as “partners”.

4. Engaging with the community to ensure that what is created will be something that we can all be proud of.

5. Protection and care of Drumkinnon Woods.

6. An eco-friendly approach in the material they use and the buildings they create.

We also welcome their commitment to tackle parking and traffic issues with the local council and the National Park.  

(Alexandria Community Council)

WDC Garden Waste Charge (Brown Bin):

  • Alexandria CC sent correspondence to Councillor Martin Rooney, WDC Leader of the Council detailing our concerns about the new £60 permit charge for brown bins for garden waste.
  • WDC’s response was provided by Councillor David McBride, WDC Convener of Infrastructure, Regeneration and Economic Development (IRED).
  • Councillor McBride explained “charging for garden waste has been reluctantly introduced to protect other services. Due to continual underfunding and a decade of Council Tax freezes almost every council in Scotland now charge for this non-statutory services.”
  • In terms of our concerns regarding food waste as it goes in the same bin and is not part of the charge (leading to much confusion in the community), Councillor McBride added “You rightly state will food waste will continue to be collected with no additional charges, we are exploring other options of providing food caddies to this in the future, grant funding from Zero Waste Scotland is being considered. If any resident has a larger quantity of garden waste I am also seeking to if we can provide garden waste composters to assist.”
  • West Dunbartonshire Community Council Forum are already in discussions about this and Alexandria CC will forward our views.

Alexandria Notice Boards Update:

  • Report provided by Tilda McCrimmon in advance of her absence at meeting.
  • The notice boards are making progress. Permission has been obtained to place one at the top of Alexander Street and in the space next to Co-op in the town centre.
  • Both will be made of recycled wood where possible.
  • I will speak to John Woodcock and get sketches of planned board.

Right of Way:

  • Will discuss next meeting.

Smollett Fountain:

  • Improvement works with new heron and gargoyles has been completed as from last month.
  • New lighting has also been installed and currently on 24-hours before a timer device is installed.
  • Alexandria CC invited to a site visit for a demonstration of the lighting displays. The event will take place in the evening of Wednesday 29th May 2024 with Tilda and Harry attending.


  • No update.

Christie Park Toilets

  • Ian Bain, WDC Greenspace has confirmed the opening times as follows – Monday to Friday 8am to 3pm and Saturday to Sunday 8.30am to 4.30pm.

West Dunbartonshire Community Council Forum:

  • Next meeting is Wednesday 5th June 2024 7pm. No venue known as yet.
  • Papers will be distributed to Alexandria CC representatives when received.
  • Local authority issue of garden waste (brown bins) charge already discussed.

Forward Planning:

  • Link-up with Schools: Invite S5/S6 pupils from Vale of Leven Academy and Our Lady and St Patrick’s High School (who live in Alexandria) to next meeting on 26th June 2024.

Alexandria Town Website:

  • Progressing well with new businesses added to directory.

Social Media:

  • Alexandria Community Council’s public page on Facebook currently with 280 likes and 446 followers.
  • Alexandria CC Notice Board Facebook group membership of 2,982 members.


  • None

(With no other business, the meeting was closed)

Next meeting:

Wednesday 26th June 6.30pm, Alexandria Community Centre.

Alexandria Community Council


Wednesday 17th January 2024

Alexandria Community Centre




Ian Miller (chair), Harry McCormack (minutes), Angela Caldwell, Jan Taylor, Brian Kemsley, Tilda McCrimmon, Stephen Burns (WDC Communities Team), Shirley McAlpine (Vale of Leven Trust), Callum McConnachie (WDC Regeneration – 1st Item only)


Barbara Barnes, Sian Wilkie


Previous Minutes 15.11.23:

  • Agreed as accurate. Proposed by Angela Caldwell. Seconded by Brian Kemsley.


Guest speaker – Callum McConnachie, WDC Regeneration

  • Callum’s remit is projects within the Alexandria area.
  • Focus on supporting Green Heritage Project at Alexander Street and linking up with the walking and cycling network and Alexandria Town Centre.
  • Current partnership working and discussions with Vale of Leven Trust and Central Alexandria TRA.
  • Consultation period from mid to late February.
  • Looking to complete future designs in June/July.
  • Callum to provide updates as things progress.
  • Ian thanked Callum for his time and highlighted the positive discussion around the table and looking forward.


Election of office bearer 2023/24:

Vice Chairperson – Tilda McCrimmon – proposed by Angela Caldwell and second by Brian Kemsley.




  • WDC Local Development Plan: Stephen provided an update. Looking to consult on public views on existing and any new priorities for the area. For the benefit of the LDP’s development, the area covered will be Leven Ward only and not the full Alexandria CC area (which includes part of Lomond Ward). Updates will be provided as things progress which Alexandria CC are happy with.
  • Better Buses for Strathclyde: Public campaign to restore bus services to public owned and looking to take the opportunity to speak to Strathclyde Public Transport with new powers within the Transport Act 2019 and use this power to create a similar setup to Great Manchester. Campaign plans for 2024 provided.
  • Alexandria Christmas Lights: Correspondence with Councillor Martin Rooney, Leader of WDC on the budget savings effect on the lights in the town. In conclusion, future events would be an option for the Community Council and Alexandria Traders Association to take on – with WDC support. Future discussions will cover the full extent of this.
  • Vale of Leven Windfarm Proposal: Balloch and Haldane CC have invited all CCs to a meeting on Thursday 25th January 7pm at the Balloch House Hotel. Developers will be in attendance this meeting. A further public meeting has also been planned for Monday 19th February at St Kessog’s Church Hall, Balloch. A survey is also ongoing and deadline is Friday 1st Tilda and Angela have agreed to attend January meeting.
  • Auchencarroch Landfill Site: Update from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) provided report of Barr combating the unpleasant smell of landfill gas over the Christmas period. WDC will no longer be using this site from 19th Update shared by Bonhill & Dalmonach CC.
  • Roadwork Issues in Alexandria: Alexandria CC to monitor traffic and road closure management in future works following complaints regarding Tullichewan Roundabout area – A811 up to A82.
  • Strathclyde Passenger Transport Regional Bus Strategy: Consultation on review of bus services in the area. Tilda to research more details on this.
  • Resilience Funding for Community Councils: £500 available for CCs planning on resilience planning against the impact of bad weather including flooding and heavy snowfall. Deadline Wednesday 31st
  • WDC Place Based Investment Fund: Community Grants available for community groups for funding capital projects. Spit into up to £5,000 and £50,000 or more. Tilda to look into possibility of an opportunity to improve public notice boards in the area. Shirley says Vale of Leven Trust happy to assist if needed. Deadline on Tuesday 23rd


  • £20,000 for BID grant for Alexandria Traders Association now included in account.
  • Excluding this figure, the current balance is £1,077.93p as of 17th January 2024. This includes £30 expenditure to Tullichewan TRA for administration costs.

Alexandria traders association:

  • Current discussions on preparing funding application for new outdoor market in Alexandria.
  • Looking to include family events etc. to help make the market more of an attraction for the town.
  • Surveys ongoing online and paper copies for both traders and the general public.
  • Alexandria CC are more than happy to support these plans.

Christie park toilets:

  • Angela to action on WDC Greenspace’s formal response on this as no clear answer has yet been provided.

 Smollett Fountain:

  • Works progressing with most of the scaffolding now down with a completion date for February.


  • WDC are exploring an application to Transport Scotland to take over the enforcement of parking restrictions in the local authority. This would be done through Decriminalised Parking Enforcement (DPE) via the Road Traffic Act 1991. This would allow WDC to take over responsibility from Police Scotland for enforcement on all parking restrictions and identify a dedicated resource for this activity. Full plans included in update from Liam Greene, WDC Roads and Transportation Manager. Harry to notify WDC of Alexandria CC’s support.

Alexandria ton website:

  • Website is progressing well with more local businesses being added to the directory.
  • Alexandria Traders Association are happy to support this by notifying of businesses not yet included.

 West Dunbartonshire Community Council forum:

  • Meeting took place on Wednesday 6th December 2023.
  • Issues discussed included communication issues with WDC Chief Officers, WD Community Transport, Sex Education in schools and the upcoming 50th anniversary of community councils in Scotland.
  • Next meeting is Wednesday 13th March 7pm with venue announced nearer the time.

Forward Planning:

  • Link-up with Schools: will be discussed next meeting.
  • Link-up with Youth Councils and Groups: lengthy discussion on how to bring youth people into CCs. The outdoor market planning is one possible avenue.

Meeting Schedule:

  • Following meeting dates agreed to continue 6.30pm at Alexandria Community Centre, Area One.
  • 28/2/24, 3/4,24, 15/5/24, 26/6/24. Future meetings to be discussed at June meeting.
  • Harry to contact WD Leisure to book.

 Social Media:

  • Alexandria Community Council’s public page on Facebook currently with 211 likes and 344 followers.
  • Alexandria CC Notice Board Facebook group membership of 1,888 members.


  • Balloch and Haldane Community Council: Ongoing campaign against WDC’s proposal to move Balloch Library into Balloch Primary complex.

Next meeting:

Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 28 February 6.30pm, Alexandria Community Centre.

Alexandria Community Council 


Wednesday 3 April 2024

Alexandria Community Centre




Ian Miller (chair), Harry McCormack (minutes), Brian Kemsley, Barbara Barnes, Angela Caldwell, Tilda McCrimmon, Helen Alston (resident), Pamela Alston (resident), Colin Smith (WDC Communities Team)


Jan Taylor, Stephen Burns

Previous Minutes: 28.2.24:

  • Agreed as accurate. Proposed by Brian Kemsley. Seconded by Ian Miller.


  • Dawn Conner: WDC Housing Development Officer who wants to speak with us regarding proposal of 22 new units at Gray Street Sheltered Complex. Confirmed as guest speaker for CC meeting on Wednesday 15th May 2024.
  • WD Licensing Board: Next meeting on Tuesday 7th May 2024. Applications for Morrisons Levenvale and Aldi. No objections from Alexandria CC.
  • Bonhill & Dalmonach CC: Confirmation of WDC’s rejection of a windfarm on Broomhill Wood near Bonhill. This is separate from Vale of Leven Windfarm proposal.
  • UK Government: Free portrait of HM The King under a voluntary scheme which was open for Community Councils. Deadline was Thursday 28th March 2024.
  • WDC Planning and Development: Aldi – amendment to warrant – symphonic drainage outlet, man safe system, increased structural opening, size of fire exit doors to ensure minimum clear opening width.
  • WDC Planning and Development: Provision of care for 4 children/young people at Woodlands House, Heather Avenue. Provided by Benesse Care Ltd.
  • Planning Aid Scotland: In person discussion with Community Councils about Local Planning Participation focussing on barriers to involvement as well as ideas to improve with local development plans with WDC. Tilda attended event.

Local Development Plan (Leven Ward)

  • Tilda’s report of the Planning Aid Scotland event linked with this topic.
  • Colin explained that a discussion and survey was processed with the local community in the Leven Ward (in Alexandria this excludes Tullichewan and Levenvale which are in Lomond).
  • Feedback from the community for locality plans – roads, street lighting, dog fouling etc.
  • Locality plans discussion now forwarded to Alexandria CC.
  • Alexandria CC interested in future community use of vacant land in Mitchell Way and the former St Andrew’s Church site.
  • Locality plan to be concluded for March 2025.
  • Alexandria CC agreed to discuss in depth at next meeting.


  • Alexandria Traders Association monies of £20,000 was moved to a new account for the Traders but had to be returned due to the rules of the Scottish Government’s rules on the BID Fund application. A further grant from Scottish Government of £8,500 also added to the account with £990 spent on ATA activity.
  • Excluding ATA’s monies the current balance is £981.41p as of Thursday 28th March 2024. This includes £18.26p paid to WD Leisure for booking for 28th February meeting.
  • Currently awaiting £4,500 from WDC for successful Notice Board proposal. Project explained later in the meeting.

WDC Budget 2024/25:

  • WDC announcement of budget savings decided at the Council meeting on Wednesday 6th March 2024.
  • Apart from the Garden Waste/Brown Bin charge (which is discussed next item) – the savings included: reduction of school patroller locations in line with national guidance, breakfast clubs to be replaced by early start clubs with charge for pupils not entitled to a school meal and the removal of £14,000 grant funding for the now cancelled Loch Lomond Highland Games.
  • WDC are providing funding grants from “existing funding” including provision of £500,000 matched capital funding for proposed Community Sports Facility at Millburn Park. Plus, Cost of Living revenue funding of £12,000 to the Time for Tully group based in Tullichewan. Other funds being made available to community groups in dependence with their planning.
  • Alexandria CC expressed disappointment in the budget savings once again curtailing local services and jobs which are impacting the community including the vulnerable.
  • Leader of the Council, Councillor Martin Rooney explained that the decisions made are due to “…a result of rapidly reducing funding from the Scottish Government” and the “most difficult budget of my career to date” and that “there is no magic money tree.”

WDC Garden Waste Charge:

  • As part of the budget savings, there will be a new £60 annual charge for garden waste brown bin collection – this applies to each bin emptied.
  • The charge begins in summer 2024 and will not be the full £60 due to late start in the year. A permit will be required for the bins to continue to be collected.
  • Brown bins in West Dunbartonshire also take food waste but this won’t be included in the charge and collected free. However, contamination of both will see the bin not lifted due to this reason. This includes garden waste being placed in the refuse bin.
  • Harry to draft up a letter to WDC with a few enquiries and concerns – including fly tipping.

PBIP Community Grant

  • Alexandria Community Council were successful in securing Community Grant of £4,500 to commission two community notice boards to be erected in areas with regular footfall in Alexandria town centre.
  • Tilda made application on behalf of Alexandria CC with support from Shirley McAlpine of the Vale of Leven Trust – many thanks to both.
  • Notice boards to be handcrafted in durable wood. They would be designed to be accessible to wheelchair users with duplicate notices at 1000-1100mm and 150-1700mm. They would be place in locations which provide adequate turning space for wheelchairs. The design features of the notice board would hopefully become small focal areas in the town centre. Potential areas include Main Street and Mitchell Way with work to be done by local tradesman John Woodcock.

Alexandria Traders Association:

  • Farmer’s Market returns on Saturday 4th May 2024 with preparations for event underway.

Vale of Leven Trust

  • Continue to hold regular events including walks and cycling.

Smollett Fountain

  • Vincent McIntyre, WDC Regeneration has confirmed that the works are almost completed, and picture of the new heron provided.
  • He also provided information of the old gargoyles which have been replaced by new ones. Are the Community Council interested in helping to find them a new home in the local community. CC agree but would like to discuss in detail next meeting on what the best way forward is. Harry to find out the time limit to collect them at current location.
  • Alexandria CC also invited to a site visit for a demonstration of the lighting displays. Agreed and will email Vincent to make arrangements for this.


  • Harry to contact Liam Greene, WDC Roads for update.

Christie Park Toilets:

  • Harry to contact Ian Bain, WDC Greenspace to clarify opening times which has been asked for since last summer.

Alexandria Town Website:

  • No update.

West Dunbartonshire Community Council Forum:

  • A 50th Year Anniversary of Community Councils event with Provost Douglas McAllister to take place in September.
  • Community Councillors to receive training on “dispute resolutions” due to recent problems at a Community Council in the area.
  • Speaker from the Community Energy Trust will be invited to a future meeting.

 Forward Planning:

  • Link-up with Schools: Alexandria CC agree with Ian’s proposal to invite school captain from Vale of Leven Academy to attend a future CC meeting to give a young person’s view on the town. Also, future plans to do with the same (or similar) with Our Lady and St Patrick’s.

Social Media

  • Alexandria Community Council’s public page on Facebook currently with 237 likes and 387 followers.
  • Alexandria CC Notice Board Facebook group membership of 2,623 members.


  • WDC Communities Team: Alexandria CC invited to a “Progress Visit” by the Scottish Government which will set up as focus group event. Tuesday 16th April 2024, venue to be confirmed. Angela to attend.

(With no other business, the meeting was closed)

Next meeting:

Wednesday 15th May 6.30pm, Alexandria Community Centre.