Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 26 September 2024, 10am via zoom.


Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Snr Housing Dev Officer – Tenant Participation).

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer).

Revenue Matrix

Reviewed the revenue matrix and figures for 23/24 been added in so can see what was spent last year. Tenants had been interested in Employee costs and can now see this has gone down- staff vacancies are being filled but get delayed which makes savings. Issue for tenants will be if it gets to extend that affects service levels.

Abatements discussed as budget been significantly reduced to £200,000. Stefan advised that the budget is being monitored closely and broken down to examine when abatements being granted and any impacts. Have tightened up criteria and reviewed process. Tenants happy that it’s being monitored closely and as year progresses can watch to see if budget on target.

High rise Fire Safety and Asbestos Management - both budgets gone up but description is based on statutory requirements so unclear why they gone up- question to be asked.

Electrical installation management (EICRs) budget nearly doubled but being closely monitored and have additional contractors working and now have around 64.5% of properties reaching SHQS with a valid EICR in place.

CCTV maintenance and repair – clarified this is separate from the £750k new CCTV investment. Tenants interested in this budget and need clarified what the overall CCTV service cost is if this is the HRA contribution – question to be asked ahead of full JRG.  

Tenant sustainability budget discussed – the budget gets analysed each year to review spend and impact – been shared with tenants before and JRG happy this still happening.

Close cleaning query – small budget but where does this get done and what is the criteria?

Recoveries ie rechargeables – is in red so in a way it’s a cost but when it’s paid its seen as income - need proper explanation of what it covers and why figure has changed so much. Internally Stefan confirmed that looking at maximising recharges and increasing recovery rates.

Council Tax on voids – budget significantly reduced and can monitor progress thro void template. There’s an exemption applied if a Council decision that properties are surplus and will be demolished and no Council Tax charged in these circumstances. Been an exercise to make sure that not getting any charges for BMQ as they fall into this category. Dalmuir ground floor flats are surplus too and will never be relet but as can’t demolish are being charged 200% Council tax for around 20 properties in 6 blocks. This is being pursued by Nicola Pettigrew to review this interpretation of the rules. Tenants interested in outcome as seen as very unfair and could be a good benefit to HRA.

Loans – big expense – Stefan confirmed that Council does assess each year if better for General Fund and HRA to borrow together or not to ensure get best rates.

Date of Next Meetings:

Full JRG due to be held on 3/10 - it is early to avoid the October week but Stefan advised that due to being the end of the month and end of the quarter, wouldn’t be able to provide financial or performance info for void template as early as that. Also only a week way for the questions from today’s meeting to be addressed. Discussed rescheduling as better to have relevant info - 24/10 is possible option, though already have Liaison in the afternoon but tenants happy to do both on 1 day. Jane to see if officers can accommodate change to 24/10 and confirm to all.

Full JRG rescheduled to Thursday 24/10/24, 10 am on zoom

Tenant JRG 7 November, 10 am on zoom


Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 15 August 2024, 10am via zoom.


Cllr Gurpreet Johal, Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator), Ian Cummings (Building Services – Project Manager), Scott McLelland (Area Housing Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Snr Housing Dev Officer – Tenant Participation).

Welcome and Apologies

Gurpreet welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies received from June Todd (tenant volunteer), John Kerr (Homelessness & Housing Development Manager), Martin Feeney (Building Services Manager), Nicola Pettigrew (Housing Operations Manager) Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager) and Cllr Sorrell.

Updates on Outstanding Actions

Jane shared the updated action sheet on screen and went through the updates received.

JRG053 – Capital matrix not been provided yet – Jane to chase up Jim McCarron.

JRG058 –Tenant handbook – tenants looking for confirmation that staff process in place to ask about online access and be able to provide paper copies when necessary – Nicola has confirmed that she will ensure this is captured in the process.

JRG077- CCTV update briefing provided. Scott also advised that the 6 month target very feasible as the infrastructure is in place. Tenants keen to see cameras in place and Scott agreed will also help ASB team pursue convictions. Will make particularly the MSF blocks safer – often a displacement issue when cameras installed but ASB team foot patrols will help there. Agreed to updates on progress being provided for each full JRG until programme fully installed.

JRG086 – completed and void template layout been improved to more clearly show overall void figures, operational voids and those void over a year.

JRG089 – update to HRA Revenue matrix still outstanding and Jim not present to provide update. Jane to chase up with Jim McCarron.

Updated Template for Monitoring Void Budget and Performance

Jane shared void template on screen. Scott confirmed that decants still a focus. Voids numbers have been reducing and are liaising weekly with Building Services and communication is good. Focus on reletting being reiterated across all teams. Meter issues still a problem but are being progressed by Help to Move team- is a national issue not just specific to WDC.

Average void costs have gone down but unclear if less void repairs getting done or if less longer term voids needing loads of work is the reason – Scott agreed to get clarified

Update on Capital Programme (P3)

Jane shared updated Capital programme (Period 3) on the screen. Early in programme so no questions arising.

HRA Budget matrix – how does JRG want to use it?

Agreed Budget Matrix is a useful tool. Is a massive document and tenants spent nearly 2 hours on it at their meeting and didn’t get thro half of it. They were frustrated that the matrix hadn’t been updated with the outturn figures for 2023/24 as requested as that would have answered a number of their queries.

Agreed to keep on agenda, tenants can study at their meeting and raise any queries and Gurpreet will ensure commitment is given that updates are provided in advance of meetings.

Date of Next Meetings:

Tenant JRG 26 September, 10 am on zoom

Full JRG 3 October, 10 am on zoom


Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 27 June 2024, 10am via zoom.


Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Snr Housing Dev Officer – Tenant Participation).

Welcome and apologies

Apologies received from June Todd (tenant volunteer).

Updates on Outstanding Actions

Jane shared the updated action sheet on screen and went through the updates.

JRG058 – Happy with update as long as staff check if want a paper copy or can access online – Jane to ask Housing Ops to verify.

JRG077-Happy with update.

JRG085–Happy with updates and clarifications provided.

JRG087 –Revenue matrix been provided and discussed later in meeting.

Void Template for Monitoring Void Budget and Performance

Template info discussed. Still concern about budgets all being overspent and 2 key performance indicators not met. Stefan clarified that have an average of 850 terminations a year – can vary. To reduce void numbers, need to be letting more properties than getting terminated and this information is given in the first 2 lines of the contextual indicators.

Trend info found useful to see changes – decant numbers down but the average length of time decants used has increased.

Stefan amending void template to make it clearer re long term voids and will include decant abatements – Jane will circulate to JRG members and if OK with format will get it completed with Q1 figures for full JRG on 15/8/24.

Update on Capital Programme – Final Outturn

Jane shared updated year end Capital programme on the screen and update was discussed. Lower outturn for roofs –was explained that budget is based on stock condition. Often delays in getting a roof renewed when owners are involved. If being done as an improvement i.e. ideal to renew before it keeps leaking but owner may not agree – only when it’s essential that the roof is renewed can the owner be forced. The projected outturn will include an estimate of how many roofs they realistically can deliver. 

Stefan explained that outturn figure for showers and bathrooms been combined as same contractor doing them and often done together.

Revenue Matrix

Matrix shared onscreen and discussed – got up to end of Supervision & Management section (page 8).

Interest in employee budget line and how associated cost of any time spent on non HRA activities are calculated and how much gets recharged to General Services?

Difficult to assess without last year’s figure e.g. contract cleaning – use less buildings so has that gone down?

Action: Jane to circulate copies of the HRA methodology for 24/25

Action: Jane to ask Jim McCarron to add a column to the matrix for the outturn figure for 2023/24 – to sit beside the 24/25 estimate.

IHMS team has developed a system to do same as ‘Rent Sense’ so will now save HRA from paying for Rent Sense – system that prompts when tenants need reminders about rent payments.

£58k on ‘Other supplies & services – again need to know what cost was last year to get sense of cost.

Allocation of Central Support Costs £2,788k – need to check how it’s calculated in HRA methodology and previous years cost.

Abatement discussed - Apart from decants unclear what else gets abated – is there a criterion? Will be differing views e.g when some-one is on remand, benefits will cover the rent but if they then get a short-term sentence, the landlord can abate the rent to prevent arrears or the tenant terminating and when released, having to be rehoused as homeless. Daily lets also introduced to reduce relet times but has increased abatements (so still rent loss) as provide some abatements, depending on circumstances, to give people time to move in.

Date of next meetings

Full JRG 15 August, 10 am on zoom

Tenant JRG 26 September, 10 am on zoom


Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 16 May 2024, 10am via zoom.


Cllr Gurpreet Johal, Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator), John Kerr (Homelessness & Housing Development Manager), Martin Feeney (Building Services Manager), Nicola Pettigrew (Housing Operations Manager), Jim McCarron (Finance Business Partner), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager) and Jane Mack (Snr Housing Dev Officer – Tenant Participation).

Welcome and Apologies

Gurpreet welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Updates on Outstanding Actions

Jane shared the updated action sheet on screen went through the updates received.

JRG053 – Revenue matrix been produced, circulated and on agenda.

JRG058 –Relet standard is available to tenants and Nicola confirmed that it was given when the tenancy agreement is signed. Nicola confirmed too that it will be put on the website when the new tenant handbook is completed as will be included in that. Jane suggested could also be added to website for applicants to see too.

JRG077-work continuing with BT and costing and technical report will be available by 31/7/24. Nicola appreciated the frustration at delay but explained that is a big project and working with an external contractor so have less control over timescales but staff keen to get project progressed too.

JRG085– update provided – paths that don’t come under criteria for SHQS will be the ones that will be assessed based on condition, safety and available budget.

JRG086 – completed and void template been adapted to include rent abatements due to decants.

HRA Revenue Budget Matrix

Jim gave an overview of the matrix and advised that work being done on the Capital matrix and would hopefully be available for next full JRG meeting.

Some expenditure is out with control re energy cost, insurance. Some repair budget lines are legislative or essential like legionella, gas maintenance so no option but some more based on service delivery so more option to change. Environmental and open space maintenance being looked at moment and Jim appreciated been an area questioned before and will hopefully be able to provide more info on how costs are assessed.

On income side mainly comes from house and garage rents.

Jane highlighted that it was a complex document but will hopefully be a key document to guide JRG discussions and identify areas for further scrutiny. Harry agreed and thanked Jim for providing the document and they will need more time to study it and come back with questions.

Updated template for monitoring void budget and performance

Jane shared void template on screen and Nicola highlighted some progress made. Budgets are all overspent but are lower than previous year as have been able to reduce the level of voids. When setting the void budget, is difficult to pre-empt the volume of terminations so isn’t an exact science and for quarter 4 did have more voids due to the death of the tenant so the condition of the properties were poorer.

Fewer lets also due to the Christmas break and staff holidays. Level of decants been reduced and now down to 49 and have fortnightly meetings between Nicola and Martin’s team to ensure progress. 7 currently delayed due to needing new meters and despite dedicated staff resources to assist with meter issues these need an engineer.

Martin confirmed a spike in performance in last quarter as some of the properties in poor condition, so more work needed. All work being closely monitored to ensure VFM. Were using a contractor to help with void work but that’s been reduced, and most void work being done internally. Since review of relet standard are doing less décor work which has helped reduce relet times.

Gurpreet advised that since the Council had declared a housing emergency in WD been highlighted to him properties that are empty for long periods and asked if those figures were known? Martin confirmed that they were and can give a breakdown of the longer term voids including fire damaged ones. Gurpreet agreed that this info would be helpful to have as the public only sees the empty properties they know of and not all the work done on others. Number of ‘operational’ voids already included on void template so long term and fire damage can be added on.

Update on Capital programme (P12)

Jane shared updated Capital programme (Period 12) on the screen and Alan talked through the main headings. Roofing underbudget as programme was pulled back to reduce spend last year. Most other lines on target. Environmental budget ended up lower than previously projected as some work not progressed.

Stefan asked for clarification on why if this was for P12, there was a year to date figure and still a PO(projected outturn ) figure. Jim confirmed they have final figures now so could produce an amended finalised position for P12.

Stefan also asked about the timing of providing costs and if the latest figures could be used to give the most up to date position for the JRG and Jim confirmed that they do track the figures each quarter and provide them formally for committee but monitor closely so can use up to date figures for JRG too. Is harder to align costs with exact number of completions due to the way work is completed and then billed but number of completions can be provided against budget spent to give an idea of average costs and programme progress.


Stefan wanted to flag that have started a review of the repairs policy and looking to bring it into a more tenant friendlier version. Starting with a survey to get tenant views on what’s important to them in terms of repairs and that feedback will be used to develop a draft policy that will go to Autumn HACC.

Date of Next Meetings

Tenant JRG 6 June, 10 am on zoom

Full JRG 15 August, 10 am on zoom

Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 18 April 2024, 10am via zoom.


Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Snr Housing Dev Officer – Tenant Participation).

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from June Todd (tenant volunteer).

Updates on Outstanding Actions

Stefan shared the updated action sheet on screen and Jane went through the updates received.

JRG053 –Frustration that the matrix isn’t available as could be a valuable tool for the Joint Rent Group and help the HRA be more transparent.  

JRG058 – Tenant reps reassured that they will be able to proofread to ensure its tenant friendly but felt that had lost sight of initial point of the action which was to share the new relet standard with applicants and new tenants. Can the relet standard not be made available to applicants and new tenants now? – is a critical piece of information that should be widely available.

Also concern that the update only mentions that new tenant handbook will be online and ask is that it should be available in paper form too as not all tenants have online access or only intermittent access. Issues to be raised with Nicola P/Suzanne M.

JRG077- Interim update from Nicola explained delay but tenants very frustrated by delays as the £750k investment in CCTV was from last year’s rent increase, been publicised to tenants but little progress to evidence. Can appreciate some delays but ask is for a realistic, honest timeline be produced so that progress can be monitored – will help JRG but also help members answer queries they are getting from tenants more generally about what’s happening.

JRG079 – tenants want to keep action on sheet to tie in with year-end information and see if disconnect been reduced.

JRG085– updates discussed and did help get better understanding of the info provided so completed responses to be removed from action sheet.

Update re Environmental budget discussed and concern about how some work would be prioritised if going to be ‘waitlisted’. Follow up question to be asked about what type of essential work is included in this budget, what are the type of non-essential works that were previously carried out that will now be “waitlisted” and how will these be prioritised?

Discussion did come back to the matrix and how many of these queries could be answered with it was available as would be clearer about what each budget line covers, how it’s calculated. Felt it was critical to have the revenue and capital matrix for 24/25 available as would specify what each budget line covers and what projected demand is.

JRG086 – discussed abatement process and is still a loss of income to the HRA so tenants think it should be included in the void performance template so that it can be monitored. Nicola/Stefan to get added to void template for next full JRG.

HRA Budget setting for 2024/25

No questions from the committee paper and 24/25 budget will continue to be monitored by JRG.

Date of Next Meetings

Full JRG 16 May, 10 am on zoom

Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 21 March 2024, 10am via zoom.


Cllr Gurpreet Johal, Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator), John Kerr (Homelessness & Housing Development Manager), Martin Feeney (Building Services Manager), Nicola Pettigrew ( Housing Operations Manager), Jim McCarron (Finance Business Partner), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager) and Jane Mack (Snr Housing Dev Officer – Tenant Participation).

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from June Todd (tenant volunteer), Cllr Hazel Sorrell and Laura Ann Paton (HRA Accountant).

Gurpreet welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Update on Outstanding Actions

Stefan shared the updated action sheet on screen and Jane went through the updates received.

JRG053 – handover still to take place. Still keen to use as tool to help build understanding of budget setting process and opportunities for tenants to be involved.

JRG058 –. Draft version will be shared as soon as available. Nicola will also confirm if the guidance for new applicants also still being developed.

JRG077-initial CCTV survey been done and report due 25/3/24. After that detailed survey for new CCTV in MSFs to done asap.

JRG085– updates to follow on questions provided - further explanation provided to why transfer from revenue to capital as revenue has more restrictions and needs to balance but making it a capital spend as borrowing is more flexible. Is a threshold but type of work being capitalised will be deemed as being an enhancement to the asset (building).

JRG086 - updates to follow on questions provided. Rent loss figures don’t include decants – they’re done as abatements. Difficult to predict numbers of voids and hadn’t reduced numbers as much as had anticipated by beginning of financial year so budget

was set based on lower numbers. Estimate 800 voids a year. Turnover has dropped since covid and so waiting times still longer. Condition of properties also affects the amount of repairs needed.

Update on Capital programme (P10)

Stefan shared updated Capital programme (Period 10) on the screen. Alan talked through the main headings. Roof budget affected by delays in getting owners agreement although also reduced spend in this budget when there were financial pressures on the HRA.

Are trying to deliver on tenants demands. Budgets are tightly monitored.

HRA Budget setting for 2024/25

John confirmed that the paper went to Council on 6/3 and the 6.7% rent increase agreed as previously advised. Contribution from tenants had been highlighted and commended. Positive impact of text messaging helped achieve higher response rate.

Real cost pressures on the HRA this year and next. Reserves have been reduced and key performance improvements and efficiencies around repairs and voids needed to ensure budgets deliver. Focus is on ensuring delivering on efficiencies and maximising income.

Stefan asked for clarification on the Capital budget setting for 24/25 and that cost increases have been taken into account (staffing, materials etc). Alan confirmed that  budget lines are set to take account for inflation in line with financial predictions though these may change throughout the year if prices change. Alan also confirmed that slippage will be added normally by period 3 (June) – follows lengthy year end process. Template will then be updated with revised budgets and numbers.

Date of Next Meetings

Tenant JRG 18 April, 10 am on zoom

Full JRG 16 May, 10 am on zoom


Joint Rent Group

 Thursday 15 February 2024, 10am via zoom.


Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer) Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator) and Jane Mack (Snr Housing Dev Officer – Tenant Participation).

Welcome and Apologies:

Everyone was welcomed to meeting especially Frances who is still recuperating.

Updates on outstanding actions

Jane shared the updated action sheet on screen and the updates were discussed.

Update on Capital programme (Q7) with POs – Projected outturns

Alan Young had provided an updated version of the Capital programme (Period 7) with POs and Jane shared a copy on screen.

Concern raised about the PO for Capitalised minor works as it has a projected overspend of £2,929,000. Want to know what the budget covers and what is the justification for the overspend?

In the ‘Major component Replacements’ section a number of budget lines have a PO less than the budget and tenant concern particularly in relation to SHQS, EESSH and EWI are very low compared to the budget set so less of this work will be done. Much of these items were part of the ‘Enhanced Capital Programme’ funded by the additional rent increase of 5% for 2023/24 so tenant concern about these not being fulfilled. Why is the PO for SHQS, EESSH and EWI low and what has happened to the enhanced capital programme funded from the 5% rent increase?

Environmental Upgrades spend also got a high PO compared to the budget – what is the reason for that?

Void performance template

Jane shared the void performance template on screen and the figures were discussed. Tenant volunteers are happy with the updated template and agreed that it gave a fuller picture of voids. A number of issues were raised and some additional questions need to be raised with relevant officers,

Is the rent loss from decants included in the rent loss budget figure?

Revenue and capital budgets both showing an overspend but the number of voids is coming down as predicted so why is that?

Why is the draft void budget for 24/25 so high when the projected void figure is to continue to fall?

How has the rent loss figure met it’s target (0.89%) but is over budget – is that a mistake or how does the budget setting mismatch the target set?

Rent setting consultation

Tenants happy with increase in the response rate and hope to see the tenants preferred option agreed by Council on 6/3.

Once the HRA Budget is agreed, Jane to include copy of the paper to discuss at next full JRG.

Also get the new capital programme figures added into the Capital template.

Date of Next Meeting

Full JRG 21 March, 10 am on zoom

Joint Rent Group

Thursday 25 January 2024, 10am via zoom.



Cllr Gurpreet Johal, Harry McCormack (tenant volunteer), June Todd (tenant volunteer), Stefan Kristmanns (Housing Development Co-ordinator), John Kerr (Homelessness & Housing Development Manager), Martin Feeney (Building Services Manager), Nicola Pettigrew ( Housing Operations Manager), Jim McCarron (Finance Business Partner), Alan Young (Housing Asset & Investment Manager) and Jane Mack (Snr Housing Dev Officer – Tenant Participation).

Welcome and Apologies

Apologies received from Cllr Hazel Sorrell, Frances McGonagle (tenant volunteer) and Laura Ann Paton (HRA Accountant).

Gurpreet welcomed everyone to the meeting especially Jim McCarron who was attending for the first time (taking over from Janice Rainey). Best wishes were also voiced for Frances who was undergoing major surgery that day and June in touch with her family and will pass them on and keep group updated on her recovery.

Updates on Outstanding Actions

Jane shared the updated action sheet on screen and went through the updates received.

JRG053 – Jim confirmed that still to have handover discussion with Janice and Laura Ann about the matrix – will keep JRG updated and produce it with 24/25 figures as per previous update.

 JRG058 – timescale changed to 8/3/24 and still commitment to share draft with WDTRO to ensure it is tenant friendly.

JRG079- business processes improved and spend updated immediately.

JRG080 –Confirmed figures can be provided with caveat that are draft and still to be approved.

JRG081, and JRG085– Figures for number of long term voids , amount of Council Tax charge and trend graphs been added to void performance template for ongoing monitoring so actions will be removed from action plan.

JRG082 No discretion to not charge Housing the 200% charge after 1 year.

JRG083 – void template updated with draft budget figures for 24/25 – Jim confirmed final 24/25 budget figures may change and template will be updated once 24/25 budget is approved.

JRG084 – copies of HRA Methodology given to tenants and will be reviewed at their next meeting. Any other comments should be passed to Jane – want to improve the document each year.

Updated template for monitoring of void budget performance

Jane shared void template on screen.

Nicola ran through the budget figures for the voids – amount of variances is down but still over budget. Number of properties being returned to relet standard has increased and working through longer term voids. Level of work is monitored and process in place to flag voids with high levels of work needed and Housing Ops review how the void came in. Void group continues to meet and voids are monitored daily. Average relet time is down and now within target. Number of decants down slightly and being monitored closely. Dashboard system used for monitoring them between teams (Building services and Housing Ops). Decant total includes 9 due to structural defect programme so will be long term. Still some meter issues though Help to Move making a big difference but ongoing challenges about engineer shortages.

Martin confirmed that trends all in the right direction and are looking at all those needing major works and working hard to resolve utility issues – having additional resources to deal with meters is having a positive impact. Still have challenging targets to meet but in a better position to meet them than at beginning of the year.

Gurpreet asked for more information about what plans there was for voids needing major work and was it a funding issue? Martin advised that he had provided Peter with an update and happy to share it with Gurpreet. All have been assessed and getting worked on – some of them have meter issues and 1 has no power but getting progressed.

Update on Capital programme (Q7)

Jane shared updated Capital programme (Period 7) on the screen.

Alan confirmed that the PO figures hadn’t been updated and will get an updated version done so that can go out with the meetings minutes.

Alan ran through the rest of the completion figures and programmes all tracking OK. Roof programme been held back where possible so less completions there.

Harry asked question in relation to door/window programme as high completion figure but YTD spend seemed low and if this was accurate? Alan confirmed that this would be a lag in being charged by the contractor and the fitting windows and doors catching up. Harry flagged also the  low completions for smoke detectors/fuse boards/ld2 ( interlinked smoke alarms) and Alan confirmed that only about 200 ld2 ‘s to do and have new programme for sensors and EICR checks so focusing on them and picking up when fuse boards or ld2 needed done that way. Also working with Nicola’s team when access is the issue and picking up some when they are void.

Harry also asked about the low bathroom numbers and Alan advised that some tenants don’t agree to a new bathroom. Alan highlighted that there is no figure for shower installations but these are getting done and some of these costs are getting caught up in bathroom spend as it’s the same contractor but looking at ways to better track the costs for each of these.

Stefan asked if the time lag was an ongoing issue as the update before seemed to suggest that the business processes had been improved so this shouldn’t be an issue and so how could budgets be monitored? Alan confirmed budget spend not done every month and not doing another budget report until period 10. He does get a monthly report on the number of completions for all the elements of the Capital programme so these can be provided. Jim advised that  more an issue when a

contractor is doing multiple work  and will invoice for it all so are some scenarios when there will be a disconnect between numbers completed and the budget spent – number of completions is still a good indicator of progress in terms of a capital programme of work. Stefan voiced worry that consequence of lag is then may only see an over variance late in the year – Jim confirmed that it does make budget monitoring more difficult but should come together at year end. Martin confirmed that they look at performance and forecasts closely so shouldn’t be big discrepancies as monitoring and internal communication is good. Also have processes in place to prompt contractors to update on completions and invoice regularly so the PO is as accurate as possible.

Given this lag between spend and completions still exists (though is being managed as well as possible), Stefan suggested that the projected out-turn for both completions and spend is probably more relevant to focus on and that it is important for these to be as accurate as possible for the JRG to properly monitor progress regularly. 

Update on Rent Setting consultation

Jane confirmed that 1724 tenants had responded and majority ( 76%)  voted for Option 1 ( 6.7% increase) . 9973 tenants had been sent out the winter edition of the Housing News which included info on the options and ways to vote so response rate works out to be 17.3% - up from 12.3% last year.

Benefited from the extended consultation period – ended up being 10 weeks and also made more use of QL to send out text and emails and got increased responses from them. Also produced a video reel which increased engagement. Main negative comments were about not wanting any rent increase.

Harry agreed good to see increase in the response rate and had been concern about that. He also reported that comments he had heard were also in relation to concern over any increase and also that there was only 2 options. Jane will make sure when reporting the outcome of the consultation in the spring HN that the rationale behind the 2 options is emphasised.

Stefan agreed that good to highlight the impact of QL and only works if housing teams keep the contact details updated so shows that Repairs and Housing Op teams have worked hard to do that. He also confirmed that after the December Liaison meeting when discussing the lift protocol, an exercise to check how many contact details QL held for the MSFs was done and had details for 90% so good process in place.

Jane advised that also have a £50 prize draw to encourage tenants to respond to the rent setting and leave their contact details and Gurpreet was asked to pick a number between 1 and 1219 - 1174 picked and Jane will contact the winner.

Date of next meetings

Tenant JRG 15 February, 10 am on zoom

Full JRG 21 March, 10 am on zoom