Sheltered Housing Forum
29th February 2024
at Gray Street, Alexandria


Etta King (Gray St)
Mae Hollywood (Gray St)
Cathy Duncan (Manse Gardens)
John Stewart ( Mill Rd)
Angus Ferguson ( Mill Rd)
James O’Driscoll ( Mill Rd)
Mary Paton (Willox Park)
Margaret Whitten (Hogan Ct)
Lee Bell (HSCP), Linda Ryan (Sheltered Housing Supervisor)
Jane Mack (Snr Housing Development Officer -Tenant Participation).

Welcome, introductions and apologies

Apologies received from Myra Johnstone (Mill Rd), Margaret Stevenson (Melfort Ave), Theresa Hollywood (Manse Gardens) and John Redpath (Hogan Court). John Redpath not keeping well and has resigned from the Forum.

Lee welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Linda Ryan.

Ice breaker – positive news

Members introduced themselves and shared a piece of good news or something new that they had done in the last couple of months.

Updates from last meeting (16/11/23) – Jane Mack 

  • Sheet explaining the numbering at Manse Gardens been added to the door entry system to assist visitors and workers.
  • Ivy and trees at Gray street been dealt with and Lee will see Kevin McCrossan re tree at back of Manse Gardens.  To be actioned by Lee.
  • Roof at 205 Mill road sorted and Housing Officer surgeries have started there.
  • Warm hub info was sent out with meeting minutes and added to noticeboards.
  • Insurance team contact details passed onto Myra.

Call response times

Copy of the response times up to 31/1 circulated. 98.4% of calls were answered within 1 minute – longest wait time was 3.8 minutes (1 call). Forum happy to see majority of calls answered quickly and agreed to stop monitoring and any issues that arise can just be brought up at meetings. Lee advised that system is being updated so historical problems should be resolved. 

Update from HSCP – Lee Bell

Lee advised that the service was being reviewed and tenants would be getting asked for their views. The review is being done independently so unsure how long it will take and will depend on the issues that arise.

Care at Home team are under extreme pressure and unable to take on any more clients. If being discharged from hospital will still get home-care but no new referrals. Anyone getting home care will still get their care provided and Lees will update when situation improves.

Staff are all getting their 121 supervision at moment.

  • Question was asked about whether Hogan Court was independent living as have some people are house-bound. Lee explained that all sheltered housing is classed as independent living but as people age, they may become less independent but can still stay on in sheltered housing if that their choice and their needs are able to be met.
  • Etta advised that her alarm sometimes goes off in the night – been reported to the warden and Lee will get dates and ask Turnstall to check out.
  • Question was asked if the fire alarms in homes are connected to the Fire station as James had occasion when firemen had come to his door after his alarm had gone off because of steam from shower. Lee explained that they had only attended as the ARC controller had called James, but he hadn’t heard as was back in the shower, so they then contacted the Fire Brigade to check on him.
  • Question was asked about why carers could make a meal but couldn’t wash up dishes. Lee explained that it was the difference between practical tasks (washing dishes) and personal care tasks(feeding/meal prep). Home carers can only do assessed needs. Are adaptations that can be provided if needed to help people be more independent and give support to stand at sink etc.

Update from Tenant Participation – Jane Mack

Rent setting consultation. Those who took the time to vote in the rent setting consultation were thanked and had the highest number of tenants getting involved this year -1724 tenants voted for their preferred option. Most (76%) voted for Option 1 which was for the lower 6.7% increase.

The rent level will be agreed by Councillors at the Council meeting on 6/3 and the Housing Convener has given assurances that they will go with the outcome of the consultation. Once that is formally agreed, all tenants will get a letter confirming the increase and what it means for their rent.

Spring edition of the Housing News is being designed just now and due to be posted out to tenants around the 22 March. If anyone has a story or a subject they’d like to see covered in the Housing News to let Jane know – want it to be useful and interesting for tenants to read.

Our Tenant Participation Strategy is due to be reviewed so are beginning to plan for how we will do that and will be looking for views from tenants and staff. The Sheltered Forum is one of the many ways that tenants can get involved so Forum members’ views will be really important to make sure we can keep improving.

Looking to get new members for the Forum so that all sheltered complexes are represented – Jane made up a flyer and will get it sent to Lee for putting on noticeboards. Current Forum members also asked to encourage new people to come along. To be actioned by Jane/Lee

  • John asked about TV licenses and Lee advised that they were dealing with the issue directly with TV license people and has been paid but have asked for site maps for some reason so still being sorted out.

Update on Housing new builds – Jane Mack

Willox Park, Dumbarton – Last year some of the cottages at Willox Park were found to have serious damp problems and the tenants in the worst homes had to be rehoused. Due to the amount of work needed to fix the problems, various options were put together and tenants consulted on what they wanted to see happen. Most tenants who responded, voted for the redevelopment of the complex. The new homes planned will be energy efficient and offer better, more accessible layouts than the existing cottages. The master plan will also include a new common room. Councillors agreed to the redevelopment at the Housing & Community Committee meeting on 28/2/24.

The first phase of the redevelopment is building on the site of the demolished care home and that just been granted planning permission and work should start onsite July 2024. The second phase of development will only start once the first phase is completed which means that existing residents can move into the new homes on the site if they want to. A personalised housing plan will be agreed with each tenant and they will be entitled to home loss and disturbance payments.

Bank Street, Alexandria- at the engineering design stage. There will be 22 flats built over 4 floors with double lift access. At ground floor there will be common room, laundry and an office for staff. All the flats will be one bedroom, suitable for wheelchair users and be designed to an accredited dementia design. Hoping to submit planning application in May 2024 and have a contractor appointed by October 2024. Construction will take about one year. A further consultation meeting with tenants at Gray Street is planned for Tuesday 19th March.

Gray Street tenants will be able to relocate to Bank Street and each tenant will be entitled to home loss and disturbance payments.

Clydebank Health Centre (corner of Kilbowie Rd and West Thomson Street)- at early feasibility stage - site being considered for including sheltered housing as well as family homes. In process of appointing a design team and the design process will take about 9-12 months. As part of the design process, architect will consult with the existing tenants of Young Street and to keep them informed about progress. Rough timetable would be to receive planning permission by March 2025 and be on site late summer 2025.

Willox Park, Gray Street and Young St tenants will be kept updated on progress -Forum agreed that these updates are of interest to all and Jane will get updates for future meetings.

Any other business

Margaret asked why the common room was locked at Hogan Court as means there is nowhere to wait if you using the laundry. Linda confirmed it would be locked when there was no staff on site and only done to keep people safe. Agreed arrangements could be made for it to be left open when necessary and Margaret can arrange with the warden in the morning.

Community Transport had been in touch with Jane and want to do a pilot offering people transport to and from shops– either local shops or a trip to Braehead, Silverburn whatever people want. Offering to do it for Sheltered Housing as part of their pilot. General agreement that it was a good idea and Lee happy for the wardens to help organise and be the contact. Can only do a Friday in the beginning but could do a different complex each week – their people carrier can take up to 5 people. Agreed that Jane will confirm support back to them and get a paragraph on the pilot with contact details that can be included in newsletters. To be actioned by Jane/Lee/Community Transport.

James raised outstanding request from Tenant Priority Budget for new slabbing and another raised beds – Jane will raise with her colleague who deals with the proposals. To be actioned by Jane/Ana.

Old damaged streetlight also still not been removed from outside 17 Millbrae Crescent – Building Services Officer was dealing with it – Jane to chase up. To be actioned by Jane.

Additional light at Mill Road on from 5pm – meant to be a sensor – Jane to check out what was agreed. To be actioned by Jane.

Date and venue of next meeting

 Thursday 30 May 2024, 2pm at Leven Court, Westbridgend, Dumbarton– Jane will arrange transport.