West Dunbartonshire Leisure is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status. In addition to being regulated by the Companies Act (1985), the company is also subject to the charities regulator in Scotland, OSCR (Office of Scottish Charity Regulator).

There are nine members of the company who serve as Directors comprising of three (3) Councillors (Partner Directors), an Employee Representative Director and five (5) Independent Directors. They have the ultimate control of the company subject to providing and operating the services in accordance with the Legal Agreement reached with West Dunbartonshire Council and provide strategic direction to the General Manager and his Management Team.

The company was incorporated in December 2011 and started trading in April 2012 and is responsible for the strategic and operational management of the council's Sport and Leisure Facilities; Community Facilities; Sports Development; Active Schools; and Outdoor Events.

West Dunbartonshire Leisure is a registered Scottish Charity SCO42999. Company Registration No. 413707. VAT No. GB 129 7502 04.  Delivering services on behalf of West Dunbartonshire Council.


West Dunbartonshire  Leisure Trust is a registered charity and as such, does not distribute profit but instead reinvests every pound generated into the provision of quality leisure services and facilities.

Our Trust is rooted in the local community we serve, with specific services designed and supported through the cross-subsidy model to support those in most need.

As a Trust we  manage facilities including: leisure centres, community halls, football pitches and the Denny Civic Theatre on behalf of West Dunbartonshire Council.

We are often guilty of assuming that people understand what we mean by the term ‘Trust ’

A Trust is a charitable organisation with the principles of non-profit distribution and independence at their heart. This means that every penny of profit generated is reinvested, supporting many of the organisations’ charitable aims by cross subsiding programmes, access and facilities.

This cross-subsidy distinguishes us  from some other service delivery models, as profit generating activities subsidise non-profit generating activities such as health rehabilitation and outreach programmes. It also enables income from users who can afford to pay to be ring-fenced to support subsidised access to activities.

 Yet, although this is an essential part of our identity, the true value of the trust  extends far beyond the non-profit distributing aspect. Our Trust is a genuine community anchor and we  deliver  different programmes and offers reflecting the local needs of this community.

 An independent board of trustees are at the helm of our charitable leisure trust, consisting of a mix of local people with different skill sets and backgrounds, which provides them with real insight into the local landscape and enables community involvement in agreeing our priorities.  Download the Trust model Infographic

Value Of The Trust Model Infographic 2020
Registered Office, West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust, Alexandria Community Centre, Main Street, Alexandria, G83 0NU, Tel 01389 757806

Head Office

  • WDL Head Office – 01389 757806

Leisure Centres

  • Meadow Centre – 01389 734094
  • Clydebank Leisure Centre – 0141 951 4321
  • Vale of Leven Swimming Pool – 01389 756931
  • To book any of the centres below please call 01389 757806


  • Skypoint - 01389 879797
  • Denny Civic Theatre - 01389 602575
  • Napier Hall - 01389 874690
  • Bowling Hall - 01389 878801
  • West Dumbarton Activity Centre - 01389 607298

Community Centres

  • Alexandria Community Centre - 01389 608064
  • Bonhill Community Centre - 01389 608179
  • Concord Community Centre - 01389 608428
  • Dalmuir Community Centre - 0141562 2484
  • Hub Community Centre - 0141 952 5455
  • Clydebank East Community Centre - 0141 952

Email Address