West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Board Meeting 26 November 2020


David Marshall (DM) Independent Director (Vice Chair)
Charlie Gibson (CG ) Independent Director      
Tony Waclawski (T.W.) Independent Director
David Smith (DS) Independent Director
David McBride (D.McB.) Partner Director           


William Hendrie (WH) Partner Director (Chair)
Jim Finn (JF) Partner Director
Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director

In Attendance:

John Anderson (JA)  General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT)
Bobby Kerr (BK) Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)

1. Welcome, Introductions and apologies
David Marshall (Vice Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting.  There were apologies from W Hendrie, J Finn and T Dempster.

2. Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.

3. Minutes of meeting 27 August 2020 and Matters Arising
Minutes were agreed as an accurate record.

Matters Arising
(1) Item 4.5 Performance Management report J.A. noted that he had agreed with the Council’s Partnership Officer for the PIs to be reviewed due to COVID-19 and documented within a future Partnership Meeting and reflected in the future Corporate Services Committee paper which reports on the Trust's annual performance

Reports for Monitoring

4.1 Finance Report – 2020/21 as at Period 06 – Year to 30 September 2020
Report 316 was submitted by the General Manager and Gillian McNeilly, WDC Finance Manager to advise the Trust Board on the financial performance of the departmental revenue budgets 2020/2021 for the period to 30 September 2020.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the current position for revenue spend for the period.

4.2 Workforce Monitoring (2nd Quarter – 1 July to 30 September 2020)
Report 317 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with employment information for the period 1 July to 30 September 2020.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
(1) to note the content of the report.

4.3 Performance Report Period (2nd Quarter – 1 July to 30 September 2020)
Report 318 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the Trust for the period 1 July to 30 September 2020.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
(1) to note the content of the report and Appendix 1.

4.4 COVID-19 Update
Report 319 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update on the challenges of reopening facilities and services with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report; and
(2) to continue to keep the Board informed of developments

4.5 Investment Projects Update
Report 320 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of new projects / purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and appendices and the progression of projects.

4.6 Aquatics Strategy Six Monthly Update
Report 321 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with a progress report regarding the impact of the implementation of the agreed priorities in West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) Aquatics Strategy (2020 – 2023).

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report;

Reports for Approval

5.1 Health & Safety Six Monthly Review
Report 322 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the Health & Safety performance for the period 1 April to 30 September 2020 and to seek approval for a Health & Safety Policy Addendum.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report; and
(2) to approve the attached Health & Safety Policy Addendum with the rewording of the section on Procedures, item 1

5.2 Service Charges 2021 - 2022
Report 323 was withdrawn due to the demands of Management dealing with West Dunbartonshire entering Level 4 and the closing down of our services and will be submitted at the February Board meeting.

5.3 Review of Delivery Plan Key Actions
Report 324 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the re-prioritisation of outstanding Delivery Plan actions due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and attached appendices; and
(2) to approve the attached recommendations.

5.4 Draft Delivery Plan 2021/22
Report 325 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the 2021/22 Delivery Plan to assist achieve the Strategic Outcomes and Performance Targets identified within the three year Business Strategy (2020-2023)

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and attached appendix; and
(2) to approve the Draft Delivery Plan for 2021 - 2022

5.5 Agreement between West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust and West Dunbartonshire Council to Support Suitable Employment with an Associated Employer
Report 326 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board of a reciprocal agreement between West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust (WDLT) and West Dunbartonshire Council (WDC) to support suitable employment with an associated employer

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and attached appendix; and
(2) to approve the attached agreement and delegates authority to the General Manager to sign the attached agreement on behalf of the Trust.

Reports for Noting

6.1 Scotland’s Mental Health Charter for Physical Activity and Sport – Action Plan
Report 327 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the progression of WDLT’s Action Plan agreed with SAMH as part of the organisation signing up to Scotland’s Mental Health Charter for Physical Activity and Sport.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:
(1) to note the content of the report; and
(2) to note that an annual update on the Action Plan will be provided to the Board moving forward.

6.2 Committees Update
Report 328 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 July to 30 September 2020.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in the Appendices 1 - 2.

7. Proposed Future Agenda Items
Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 6 January 2020

8. Any other Competent Business

  • J.A. advised the Board that Bonhill Community Centre from 27 November a local Charity Group, Y Sort-It would be taking on a short term lease until 31st March 2021 and potentially would enter negotiations with the Council for a community asset transfer of the facility.
  • It was proposed to use the Zoom video conference facility for the next round of meetings
  • The Directors asked J.A. to pass on their thanks to all WDLT staff for their hard work over the period of the pandemic

9. Next Meetings

  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 9 December 2020, 1.30pm
  • Health & Safety Committee: Friday 22 January 2021, 1.30pm
  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 10 February 2021, 1.30pm
  • Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 11 February 2021, 5pm
  • Board Meeting: Thursday 25 February 2020, 6.00pm

Chair of the Meeting - David Marshall (Vice Chair)

Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

Declaration of Interest

To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within
the agenda

Minutes of Meeting of 27 August 2020 & Any Matters Arising

To consider the accuracy of the minute and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action

Reports For Monitoring

4.1 Financial Report

Report to advise the Board on the financial performance of the revenue and capital budgets

Report No 316 

4.2 Workforce Monitoring Report 2nd Quarter 2020/21

Report to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 July to 30 September 2020 (2nd Quarter)

Report No 317

4.3 Performance Report 2nd Quarter 2020/21

Report to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 July to 30 September 2020 (2nd Quarter)    

Report No 318

4.4 COVID-19 Update

Report to provide the Board with an update on the challenges of reopening facilities and services with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic       

Report No 319

4.5 Investment Projects Update

Report to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved

Report No 320

4.6 Aquatics Strategy Six Monthly Update

Report to advise the Board of the progression of the Aquatics Strategy

Report No 321

Reports For Approval

5.1 Health & Safety Six Monthly Update

Report to advise the Board of the Health & Safety performance for the period 1 April to 30 September 2020 and to seek approval for a Health & Safety Policy Addendum     

Report No 322

5.2 Service Charges 2021/22

Report to seek Board approval for the Service Charges for 2021/22

Report No 323

5.3 Delivery Plan Key Actions

Report to seek Board approval for the re-prioritisation of the outstanding 2019/20 and 2020/21 Delivery Plan actions due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Report No 324

5.4 Delivery Plan 2021/22

Report to seek Board approval for the Delivery Plan 2021/22           

Report No 325

5.5 Agreement between WDLT  and WDC to Support Suitable Employment with an Associated Employer

Report to seek approval from the Board for a reciprocal agreement between West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust and West Dunbartonshire Council to support suitable employment with an associated employer

Report No 326

Reports for Noting

6.1 Mental Health Charter for Physical Activity Action Plan Update

Report to update the Board on the Trust’s Action Plan for the Mental Health Charter for Physical Activity and Sport

Report No 327

6.2 Committees Update

Report to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 July to 30 September 2019

Report 328

7. Proposed Future Agenda Items

Directors and invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 6 January 2021

8. Any other Competent Business 

9. Next Meetings

  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 9 December 2020, 1.30pm
  • Health & Safety Committee: Friday 22 January 2021, 1.30pm
  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 10 February 2021, 1.30pm
  • Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 11 February 2021, 5pm
  • Board Meeting: Thursday 25 February 2020, 6.00pm

West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Annual General Meeting 10 September 2020


David McBride (DMcB) Partner Director
David Marshall (DM) Independent Director
David Smith (DS) Independent Director
Tony Waclawski (TW) Independent Director


Jim Finn (JF) Partner Director (Vice Chair)
Charlie Gibson (CG) Independent Director (Chair)
William Hendrie (WH) Partner Director
Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director

In Attendance

John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT)           
Gillian McNeilly (G.McN) Finance Manager (WDC)   
Jenny Simpson (JS) Wylie & Bissett (External Auditor)           
Bobby Kerr (BK) Development Officer (WDLT) Minutes

Welcome, apologies and introductions

In the absence of C.G. and JF, D.McB. agreed to Chair the meeting and welcomed everyone to the 8th Annual General Meeting. 

Declaration of Interest

It was noted that there were no declarations of interest in any of the items of business on the agenda.

Minutes of meeting 12 September 2019 and Matters Arising

The minutes were submitted and approved as a correct record.  There were no matters arising.

Chairperson’s Report

In the absence of the Chair, the General Manager read out the Chairs verbal report. It gives me pleasure to present my report to you for the year ending 31 March 2020. Firstly the emergence of the COVID-19 virus is the biggest global challenge that humanity has faced for generations. Internationally, we have seen people and governments across the globe face similar challenges and choices. The World Health Organisation was notified of the first cases of a new disease - COVID-19 and declared the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) a global pandemic on 11 March 2020.

All WDLT facilities and services, following Government instruction closed or stopped from end of business on Friday 20 March 2020 and subsequently Scotland, with the other three UK nations, entered lockdown on 23 March 2020. We took the decision to take advantage of the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and furloughed approximately 95% of our total workforce and ensured that everyone continued to receive 100% of their normal pay.

The closure of our facilities and services only came into effect at the end of the 2019/20 financial year however it has still had an impact on our financial accounts and unfortunately will have a huge impact over the coming years. Although these financial challenges that COVID-19 will bring, I am confident as an organisation and with support from the local authority we will meet these challenges head on and through making difficult decisions we will eventually recover and continue to be able to achieve our mission of ’inspiring healthy and active communities’.

2019/20 out with COVID-19 has still been a challenging year for WDLT, but I am delighted to report that despite the challenges, in the main we have had another successful year and I will hopefully highlight how as a charity we have made a difference to the lives of the people and communities that we serve in West Dunbartonshire. In addition it has been an extremely positive year with regards to the delivery on many of the priorities under each of our three Strategic Outcomes within the last year of our ambitious three year Business Strategy, with the following examples to illustrate this:

Grow the Business:

  • Refurbishment of the Vale Pool Spinning Studio and the purchase of new Spinning bikes at a cost of approximately £30k;
  • Management and commissioning of the new Mountblow Synthetic Pitch and Pavilion; and
  • Introduction of a new Direct Debit scheme for Gymnastics Community programmes.

Improve Customer Experience

  • The WDLT App has an average monthly customer interaction figure of 39,000;
  • Developed a new channel on Instagram social media platform with a current following of 1,994; and
  • An achievement of a NPS Score of 85 and increase of 9% from last year.

Financial Sustainability:

  • A 7% increase in health suite income following recent refurbishments;
  • Implemented various efficiency savings following the Review of Community Services resulting in delivering £190k of savings; and
  • Working with Community Groups in securing over £190k of external funding.

Furthermore It is heartening to see that in a competitive market with challenging local demographics, WDLT continues to deliver service improvements and exceed targets, agreed in partnership with West Dunbartonshire Council to increase participation in physical activity and sport. Although we saw our facilities close before the end of the financial year we only recorded a minimal reduction in overall attendances by 0.7% from last year, however we did see our community centres and outdoor recreation services attendances increase by 2% each from the previous year.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the continued success of WDLT during the year: our Trustees, staff, volunteers, funders and partners and in particular West Dunbartonshire Council.  Above all I would like to thank the local community, whose interests we serve, for their support and engagement over the past year.

The Directors gave a vote of thanks to C.G. for his tenure as Chair.

Reports for Noting

5.1 Audited Accounts and WDLT Annual Report 2019-2020

The final audited financial accounts for the period to 31 March 2020 were submitted for approval from the Board along with the Annual Report for 2019-2020

Having heard the General Manager, Finance Manager and External Auditor in further explanation of the financial aspect of report 312, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:

a. to note the content of the report and Wylie & Bisset’s WDLT Annual Report to the Board of Trustees on the External Audit for the Year Ended 31 March 2020 (Appendix 1); and

b. to approve the Trust’s Annual Report 2019/2020 and for the Chair and Vice Chair to sign the Letter of Representation contained within Appendix 1; and

c. to thank staff at Wylie & Bisset and officers at West Dunbartonshire Council’s Finance section and the Trust for their work in producing the accounts.

5.2 Schedule of Board & Committee Meetings 2021 / 2022

Report 313 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the implementation of the schedule of Board and Committee Meetings for the financial year 2021 / 2022 and agreement of Director Representation at Committee Meetings

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the financial aspect of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report;

b. to approve the schedule of Board and Committee Meetings for 2021/22; and

c. to elect M. to the Appeals Committee.

5.3 Retirement of Independent Directors and Appointment of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

Report 314 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the Retirement of Independent Directors and the appointment of a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson

The Chair advised that in accordance with Article 62 of the Articles of Association, there is a requirement for two Independent Directors to retire who have been longest in office since they were last appointed or re-appointed, those being David Marshall and Charlie Gibson. Under article 62, both retiring Independent Directors shall be eligible for re-appointment and both were re-elected.  There is also a requirement to appoint Chairperson from Partner Directors and a Vice Chairperson from the Independent Directors.

Having heard the Chair advise the process of electing the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, Provost William Hendrie was nominated and elected to the post of Chairperson by D.McB. and seconded by D.S. For the post of Vice Chairman, D.M. was nominated by T.W. and seconded by D.S.

Reports for Noting

6. Attendance at Board Meetings

Report 315 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the attendance levels of Directors at Board Meetings since the last Annual General Meeting on 12 September 2019.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report.


The General Manager gave an update on the preparations for re-opening the leisure centres following the long closure due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  The Directors asked the General Manager to pass on their thanks to all staff for their work in getting all the services back from lockdown and ready to open to the public and wished them all the best for a successful re-opening.

The meeting concluded by D.McB. thanking everyone for attending.

David McBride (Acting Chair)

Annual General Meeting Number: 8
Thursday, 10 September 2020



  1. Welcome & Introductions
  2. Declaration of Interest - To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda.
  3. Minutes of Annual General Meeting of 12 September 2019 and any Matters Arising - To consider the accuracy of the minute and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action. Minutes – pages 5 to 8.
  4. Chairperson’s Report - Verbal report from the Chairperson
  5. Reports for Approval
    1. 5.1 Audited Accounts and WDLT Annual Report 2019-20. To seek approval from the Board for the final audited financial accounts for the period to 31 March 2020 and the WDLT Annual Report for 2019/20. Report No 312 – pages 9 to 96.
    2. 5.2 Schedule of Board & Committee Meeting 2021/22. Report to seek approval from the Board for the implementation of the schedule of Board and Committee Meetings for the financial year 2021/22 and agreement of Director representation at Committee Meetings. Report No 313  – pages 97 to 99.
    3. 5.3 Retirement of Independent Directors and Appointment of Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. To advise the Board of the Retirement of Independent Directors and the appointment of a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. Report No 314 – pages 100 to 102
  6. Reports for Monitoring
    1. 6. Attendance at Board Meetings. To advise the Board of the attendance levels of Directors at Board Meetings since the last AGM in September 2019. Report No 315  – pages 103 to 103.

West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Board Meeting 27 August 2020



Charlie Gibson (CG ) Independent Director (Chair)
William Hendrie (WH) Partner Director
David Marshall (DM) Independent Director
Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director         
David Smith (DS) Independent Director


Tony Waclawski (TW) Independent Director
David McBride (DMcB) Partner Director
Jim Finn (JF) Partner Director (Vice Chair)       

In Attendance        

John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT)
Bobby Kerr (BK) Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)

Welcome, Introductions and apologies

Charlie Gibson (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting.  There were apologies from T Waclawski, D McBride and J Finn

Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

Minutes of meeting 20 February 2020 and Matters Arising

Minutes were agreed as an accurate record.

Matters Arising

a. Item 4.2 - J.A. noted that he had raised the issue of holiday entitlement of Term Time workers with H.R. and that there were no issues

Reports for Monitoring

4.1 Finance Report – 2020/21 as at Period 03 – Year to 30 June 2020

Report 305 was submitted by the General Manager and Gillian McNeilly, WDC Finance Manager to advise the Trust Board on the financial performance of the departmental revenue budgets 2020/2021 for the period to 30 June 2020.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the current position for revenue spend for the period.

4.2 Workforce Monitoring (1st Quarter – 1 April to 30 June 2020)

Report 306 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with employment information for the period 1 April to 30 June 2020.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:

a. to note the content of the report.

4.3 Performance Report Period (1st Quarter – 1 April to 30 June 2020)

Report 307 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the Trust for the period (1st Quarter – 1 April to 30 June 2020)

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and in Appendix 1.

b. to discuss reviewing the performance measurement targets for 2020/2021 with West Dunbartonshire Council and for the Council to acknowledge any amendments within a formal Council report; and

c. for the General Manager to re-prioritise the outstanding 2019/20 and 2020/21 Delivery Plan actions and submit a report to a future Board meeting.

4.4 Investment Projects Update

Report 308 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:

a. to note the content of the report and Appendix 1 and the progression of the projects

4.5 Performance Measurement 2019 - 2020

Report 309 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update on the outcome of the Performance Measurement for 2019/20 and highlight the targets for 2020/21

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report.

5.1 COVID-19 Update

Report 310 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update on the Job Retention Scheme; Risk Register; and Reopening Plan with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report; and

b. for the General Manager to thank the staff on behalf of the Board for their contributions over a very difficult period.

Reports for Noting

6.1 Committee Update

Report 311 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 January to 30 June 2020 and due to the current COVID-19 pandemic provide additional information that was presented to the Health & Safety Committee on 14 August 2020.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in appendices 1 - 3.

Proposed Future Agenda Items

Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 15 October 2020

Any Other Competent Business

The General Manager presented a surplus funds application for the installation of an additional fresh air exchange high speed fan for the Vale of Leven Swimming Pool, which had previously been approved by the Chair of the Board and the Chair of the Audit & Risk Committee in line with the process agreed at the Board Meeting on 28 May 2020.   

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the surplus funds application.

Next Meetings

  • Annual General Meeting: Thursday 10 September 2020, 2.00pm
    (Virtual Conference Call)
  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 14 October 2020, 1.30pm
  • Health & Safety Committee: Friday 23 October 2020, 1.30pm
  • Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 12 November 2020, 5pm
  • Board Meeting: Thursday 26 November 2020, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)

Charlie Gibson (Chair)


Board of Directors Meeting Number: 38

Thursday, 27 August 2020



  1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest - To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda.
  3. Minutes of Meeting of 28 May 2020 & Any Matters Arising - To consider the accuracy of the minutes and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action. Minutes – pages 5 to 9
  4. Reports For Monitoring
    1. 4.1 Financial Report. Report to advise the Board on the financial performance of the revenue and capital budgets. Report No 305 – pages 10 to 14.
    2. 4.2 Workforce Monitoring Report 1st Quarter 2020/21. Report to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 April to 30 June 2020 (1st Quarter). Report No 306 – pages 15 to 20
    3. 4.3 Performance Report 1st Quarter 2020/21. Report to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 April to 30 June 2020 (1st Quarter)Report No 307 – pages 21 to 39   .
    4. 4.4 Investment Projects Update. Report to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved. Report No 308 – pages 40 to 48.
    5. 4.5 Performance Measurement 2019/20. Report to advise the Board of the Performance Measurement for 2019/20 and of the targets for 2020/21. Report No 309 – pages 49 to 72.
    6. 4.6 COVID-19 Update. Report to provide the Board with an update on the Risk Register and Reopening Plans with regards to the COVID-19 pandemic. Report No 310 – pages 73 to 77.
  5. Reports for Noting    
    1. 5.1 Committees Update. Report to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 April to 30 June 2020. Report No 311 – pages 78 to 90
  6. Proposed Future Agenda Items. Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 15 October 2020. 
  7. Any other Competent Business
    1. Surplus Funds Application  - Pages 91 to 93   
  8. Next Meetings
    1. Annual General Meeting: Thursday 10 September 2020, 6pm (Location TBC)
    2. Appeals Committee: Wednesday 14 October 2020, 1.30pm
    3. Health & Safety Committee: Friday 23 October 2020, 1.30pm
    4. Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 12 November 2020, 5pm
    5. Board Meeting: Thursday 26 November 2020, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)


West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Board Meeting 28 May 2020



David Marshall (DM) Independent Director 
William Hendrie (WH) Partner Director   
Tony Waclawski (TW) Independent Director     
David McBride (DMcB) Partner Director 
David Smith (DS) Independent Director 
Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director         


Charlie Gibson (CG)  Independent Director (Chair)
Jim Finn (JF) Partner Director (Vice Chair)

In Attendance      

John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT)
Bobby Kerr (BK) Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)     

Welcome, Introductions and apologies

Due to the Corvid-19 pandemic, the meeting was conducted via a video link.  In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair it was agreed that Tony Waclawski would chair the meeting.  T.W. welcomed everyone to the 37th Board Meeting.

Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

Minutes of 20 February 2020 and Matters Arising

Minutes were agreed as an accurate record.

Matters Arising

a. J.A. noted that several unsuccessful attempts have been made to contact Samantha Baird to ask her to formally confirm her resignation date following her email of intention to resign dated 4 December 2019.  It was agreed to record todays date, 28 May 2020 as the date of her formal resignation as a Director of WDLT.

2. Recruitment of a new Independent Director – J.A. advised that due to the COVID-19 situation it would not be possible to start the recruitment process until we returned to the workplace.

3. SAMH Action Plan unlikely to be presented to the August Board due to the COVID-19 situation;

Item 5.3. – Investment Strategy – J.A. noted that due to the COVID-19 situation it was not the appropriate time to look at investing any additional monies and he would inform a future Board meeting when the time was appropriate;

Item 5.6 (3) – J.A. said that again due to the COVID-19 situation a delay in implementing the proposed structure may occur and that he would report back to a future meeting; and

Item 5.6 (4) – J.A. noted that there may be limited information available again due to the COVID-19 situation, however it was still his intention to report back to the Board in November; and

It was highlighted that the following had been omitted from the previous Note with regards to the Special Board Meeting on 24 January 2020 (Early Retirement Requests) and that the following had been agreed as an accurate record:

a. to ensure names of employees on future requests are not redacted on papers to allow Directors to offer any declarations of interest but redacted once a  decision has been made; and

b. to approve all seven (7) Early Retirement Requests.

Reports for Monitoring

4.1 Finance Report - (3rd Quarter – 1 October to 31 December 2019)

Report 297 was submitted by  Fiona McGuigan, Company Secretary to advise the Board on the financial performance of the Trust.

Having heard the General Manager and Company Secretary in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report.

4.2 Workforce Update

Report 298 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update on employment information based on the current COVID-19 pandemic

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report; and

2. for the General Manager to raise the issue of holiday entitlement of Term Time workers with H.R.

4.3 Recovery Planning

Report 299  was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of Management’s proposed preparations for remobilising of it’s services following the COVID-19 outbreak

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report.

4.4 2019/20 Audit Planning Memorandum

Report 300 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the preliminary audit planning procedures in relation to the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 March 2020.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and attached appendix; and

b. note the wrong wording in the memorandum to approve financial statements, should be Annual General Meeting rather than Board Meeting

4.5 Appointment of Catering Supplier

Report 301 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the appointment of Beangrinder as the Catering supplier at Clydebank LC following a procurement process

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and the process undertaken to select and evaluate bids from suitable contractors.

4.6 Banking Facility to West Dunbartonshire Leisure

Report 302  was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the continuation of the same Banking Facilities and limits for 2020/21

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and attached appendix.

Reports for Approval

5.1 COVID-19 Risk Register

Report 303 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board on the key risks that have been identified following COVID-19 and the actions to be taken.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and the attached appendix;

b. to approve the attached (appendix 1) COVID-19 Risk Register;

c. for the General Manager to monitor any changes in risks and update the Board in the short term via the new monthly Directors update; and

d. to delegate authority to the General Manager to identify any new Key Risks associated with COVID-19 as they develop and puts into place appropriate actions to minimise such risks.

5.2 Governance Arrangements during COVID-19

Report 304 was submitted by the General Manager to seek Board approval in relation to specific governance arrangements during the COVID-19 pandemic

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the contents of the report;

b. to approve the process for undertaking Committee and Board Meetings;

c. to approve the process for urgent Board approval as outlined in points 4.11 and 4.12; and

d. to approve the process for the General Manager to provide a monthly update (via email) to Directors to ensure that they are kept up-to-date with the progression of works and any other issues around COVID-19.

Any Other Competent Business

a. William Hendrie indicated that by having Board Papers only sent electronically he was finding it difficult to review them on his mobile phone and asked if there was the possibility of receiving a hard copy in the future. J.A. indicated that we would make every effort to do so moving forward;

b. J.A. took the opportunity to thank those key staff that were working under exceptional circumstances to assist protect jobs for the future and safeguard the financial stability of the organisation going forward; and

c. The Board of Directors echoed J.A. comments and asked for their thanks to be passed on and indeed to the full workforce for their patience and support during these unprecedented times.

Next Meetings – to be confirmed

  • Health & Safety Committee: Friday 7 August 2020, 1.30pm
  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 12 August 2020, 1.30pm
  • Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 13 August 2020, 5pm
  • Board Meeting: Thursday 27 August 2020, 6.00pm – venue TBC

Tony Waclawski (Acting Chair).



Board of Directors Meeting Number: 37

Thursday, 28 May 2020



  1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest - To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda.
  3. Minutes of Meeting of 20 February 2020 & Any Matters Arising - To consider the accuracy of the minutes and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action. Minutes – pages 5 to 9
  4. Reports For Monitoring
    1. 4.1 Financial Position. Report to advise the Board on the financial position of the Trust. Report No 297– pages 10 to 13
    2. 4.2 Workforce Update. Report to provide the Board with an update on employment information based on the current COVID-19 pandemic.Report No 298 – pages 15 to 28.
    3. 4.3 Recovery Planning. Report to advise the Board of Management’s proposed preparations for remobilising of it’s services following the COVID-19 outbreak      . Report No 299 – pages 29 to 32.
    4. 4.4 2019/20 Audit Planning Memorandum. Report to advise the Board of the preliminary audit planning procedures in relation to the financial statements of the charity for the year ended 31 March 2020. Report No 300 – pages ?33 to 47
    5. 4.5 Appointment of Catering Supplier. Report to advise the Board of the appointment of Beangrinder as the Catering supplier at Clydebank LC following a procurement process. Report No 301 – pages 49 to 51
    6. 4.6 Banking Facility to West Dunbartonshire Leisure. Report to advise the Board of the continuation of the same Banking Facilities and limits for 2020/21. Report No 302  – pages 53 to 56.
  5. Reports for Approval
    1. 5.1 COVID-19 Risk Register. Report to advise the Board on the key risks that have been identified following COVID-19 and the actions to be taken. Report No 303 – pages 57 to 70.
    2. 5.2 Governance Arrangements during COVID-19. Report to seek the Board’s approval in relation to specific governance arrangements during the COVID-19 pandemic. Report No 304 – pages 71 to 73.
  6. Any other Competent Business
  7. Next Meeting
    1. Health & Safety Committee: Friday 7 August 2020, 1.30pm
    2. Appeals Committee: Wednesday 12 August 2020, 1.30pm
    3. Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 13 August 2020, 5pm
    4. Board Meeting: Thursday 27 August 2020, 6.00pm (WDLT HQ)

West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Board Meeting 20 February 2020


David Marshall (DM) Independent Director 
William Hendrie (WH) Partner Director
Tony Waclawski (TW) Independent Director
Jim Finn (JF) Partner Director (Vice Chair)
David Smith (DS) Independent Director        


Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director         
David McBride (DMcB) Partner Director
Samantha Baird (SB) Independent Director
Charlie Gibson (CG)  Independent Director (Chair)

In Attendance       

John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT)
Gillian McNeilly (GMcN) Finance Manager (WDC)
Bobby Kerr (BK) Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)

Welcome, Introductions and apologies

In the absence of the Chair, Vice Chair Jim Finn welcomed everyone to the meeting.  There were apologies from C Gibson, T Dempster, S Baird, David McBride

It was agreed that Agenda item 5.3 be brought forward to allow the Finance  Manager to leave the meeting.  It was also agreed that Agenda Item 5.6  would be moved to the end of the Agenda and that Bobby Kerr would leave the meeting prior to this Agenda Item being considered.

J.A. noted that Samantha Baird had sent an email indicating her intention to resign from the Board.  J.A. will commence the process of recruiting a new Director and will try and have the position filled by the May Board meeting but it may take to the August meeting due to the process on MyJobScotland.

Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

Minutes of meeting 28 November 2019 & 24 January 2020 and Matters Arising

Minutes were agreed as an accurate record.

Matters Arising

a. Item 4.6 of November 28 meeting, J.A. said that the meeting with the Council's Health & Safety Section Head was still to take place.

b. Item 6.1 SAMH – J.A. noted that it was his intention for the action plan to be presented at the August Board meeting.

Reports for Monitoring

4.1 Finance Report - (3rd Quarter – 1 October to 31 December 2019)

Report 285 was submitted by the General Manager and Gillian McNeilly, WDC Finance Manager to advise the Trust Board on the financial performance of the departmental revenue budgets 2019/2020 for the period to 31 December 2019.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the current position for revenue spend for quarter 3.

4.2 Workforce Monitoring (3rd Quarter – 1 October to 31 December 2019)

Report 286 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with employment information for the period 1st October to 31 December 2019.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report.

4.3 Performance Report Period (3rd Quarter – 1 October to 31 December 2019)

Report 287 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the Trust for the period 1 October to 31 December 2019 (3rd Quarter).

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and attached appendices; and

b. for the General Manager to arrange a site visit to Mountblow Football site for Directors.

4.4 Investment Projects Update

Report 288 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved and to seek Board approval for the purchase of new Spin Bikes for the Meadow Centre.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and attached appendices; and

b. to approve the expenditure for the purchase of new Spin Bikes as outlined in appendix 2.

4.5 Business Plan 2020-2021, WDC, Corporate Services Committee

Report 289 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the presentation of WDLT’s Business Plan for 2020 / 2021 to the Council’s Corporate Services Committee.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and attached appendix.

Reports for Approval

5.1 Aquatics Strategy 2020 – 2023

Report 290 was submitted by the Sports Development Manager to seek Board approval for the implementation of West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) new three year Aquatics Strategy 2020 – 2023.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report; and

b. to approve the Aquatics Strategy 2020 – 2023.

5.2 Risk Management Strategy & Risk Register 2020/21

Report 291 was submitted by the General Manager to seek Board approval for a Risk Management Strategy and the Trust’s Risk Register for the financial year 2020/21.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report; and

b. to approve the Risk Management Strategy and the 2020/21 Risk Register.

5.3 Investment Strategy

Report 292 was submitted by the General Manager to highlight options to the Board for investment of current surplus funds, with recommendations for approval for an updated Investment Strategy for 2020/21.

Having heard the General Manager and the Finance Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to approve the updated Investment Policy and Strategy;

b. to approve the investments as detailed in point 5.6; and

c. to approve the opening of a new account with the Clydesdale Bank where a sum of up to £250k could be placed for fixed interest rate over a 12 month period following Board approval.

5.4. Health & Safety Plan 2020 - 2021

Report 293 was submitted by the General Manager to seek Board approval for the implementation of the West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) Health & Safety Plan for the financial year 2020/21.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report; and

b. to approve the Health & Safety Plan for 2020 – 2021.

5.5. Annual Governance Checklist

Report 294 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the implementation of the Service Charges from 1st April 2020 for the financial year 2020/21.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in Appendix 1; and

b. to approve the Annual Governance Checklist to be implemented in the review of annual accounts and governance checks commencing from the financial year 2019/20.

D Marshall left the meeting.

5.6 Staffing Review           

Report 292 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the review of the Trust’s Management and Operating Structure and to approve the saving options required to deliver a balanced budget.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and the reduced level of efficiency savings requested by the Council;

b. to approve the revised saving options highlighted at  point 4.11;

c. to delegate authority to the General Manger to devise an implementation plan for the agreed new structure including timescales and to act as Lead Officer to ensure that there is full consultation with Trade Unions; and

d. to instruct the General Manager to bring to the November 2020 Board Meeting a paper outlining the outcome of the Review of the Community Facilities Duty Officer role and the final proposed efficiencies to deliver the revised £150,000 saving for consideration and approval. 

Committee Update

Report 296 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 October to 31 December 2019

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a. to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in appendices 1 and 2.

Proposed Future Agenda Items

Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 9 April 2020

Any Other Competent Business

a. The General Manager highlighted that following the possible intention of a Partner Director to step down from the Audit & Risk Committee and the Board’s request to ascertain whether the Council would be satisfied if no Partner Director was to sit on this Committee; the Council’s Partnership Officer had indicated that the Board should consider themselves whether they wish for a Partner Director to sit on the Committee or not. Following a discussion it was agreed that the current Terms of Reference for the Audit & Risk Committee would remain where the membership would be made up of four (4) Directors with a quorum of a minimum of two (2) Directors present  for meetings to take place.

Next Meetings

  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 15 April 2020, 1.30pm
  • Health & Safety Committee: Friday 24 April 2020, 1.30pm
  • Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 14 May 2020, 5pm
  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 10 June 2020, 1.30pm
  • Board Meeting: Thursday 28 May 2020, 6.00pm (Clydebank Leisure Centre )

   Jim Finn (Vice Chair)

Board of Directors Meeting Number: 36

Thursday, 20 February 2020



  1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
  2. Declaration of Interest - To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda
  3. Minutes of Meeting of 28 November 2019; 24 January 2020 & Any Matters Arising- To consider the accuracy of the minutes and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action. Minutes – pages 5 to 12
  4. Reports For Monitoring
    1. 4.1 Financial Report. Report to advise the Board on the financial performance of the revenue and capital budgets. Report No 285 – pages 13 to 17
    2. 4.2 Workforce Monitoring Report 3rd Quarter 2019/20. Report to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 October to 31 December 2019 (3rd Quarter). Report No 286 – pages 19 to 23.
    3. 4.3 Performance Report 3rd Quarter 2019/20. Report to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 October to 31 December 2019 (3rd Quarter). Report No 287 – pages 25 to 56
    4. 4.4 Investment Projects Update. Report to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved. Report No 288 – pages 57 to 73.
    5. 4.5 Business Plan – Corporate Services. Report to advise the Board of the presentation of WDLT’s Business Plan for 2020/21 to the Council’s Corporate Services Committee. Report No 289 – pages 75 to 86
  5. Reports for Approval
    1. 5.1 Aquatics Strategy. Report to seek Board approval for the 2020 – 2023 Aquatics Strategy. Report No 290 – pages 87 to 103.
    2. 5.2 Risk Management Strategy & Risk Register 2020/21. Report to seek Board approval for the Risk Management Strategy & 2020/21 Risk Register. Report No 291 – pages 105 to 125.
    3. 5.3 Investment Strategy 2020/21. Report to seek Board approval for the 2020/21 Investment Strategy. Report No292 – pages 127 to 137.
    4. 5.4 Annual Health & Safety Plan. Report to seek Board approval for the 2020/21 Health & Safety Plan. Report No 293 – pages 139 to 144.
    5. 5.5 Annual Governance Checklist. Report to seek Board approval for the Annual Governance Checklist. Report No 294 – pages 145 to 149
    6. 5.6 Staffing Reviews. Report to seek Board approval for the implementation of efficiency savings following a review of Staffing Arrangements, Report No 295 – pages 151 to 157
  6. Reports for Approval
    1. 6.1 Committees Update. Report to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 October to 31 December 2019. Report No 296 – pages 159 to 165.
  7. Proposed Future Agenda Items - Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday  9 April 2020.
  8. Any other Competent Business
  9. Next Meetings
    1. Appeals Committee: Wednesday 15 April 2020, 1.30pm
    2. Health & Safety Committee: Friday 24 April 2020, 1.30pm
    3. Nominations & Performance Committee: Thursday 14 May 2020, 3.30pm
    4. Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 14 May 2020, 5pm
    5. Board Meeting: Thursday 28 May 2020, 6.00pm (Clydebank Leisure Centre)