1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

2. Declaration of Interest
To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda

Reports For Approval

3.1 Proposed Revised Delivery Model – Sport & Physical Activity

Report 414 to seek the Board’s approval for the implementation of a revised delivery model for Sports and Physical Activity following the conclusion of the agreed consultation process.

4.1 Any other Competent Business

5. Next Meetings

Board Meeting: Thursday 23 February 2023, 6.00pm (Location TBC)

West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Board Meeting 19 January 2023

  • David Marshall (DM), Independent Director (Chair)
  • David McBride (DMcB), Partner Director (Vice Chair)
  • Clare Steel (CS), Partner Director
  • Gordon Scanlan GS), Partner Director
  • David Smith (DS), Independent Director
  • Tony Waclawski (TW), Independent Director
  • Charlie Gibson (CG ), Independent Director
  • David McCowan (DMcC), Independent Director
  • Tony Dempster (TD), Employee Representative Director

2. In Attendance:   

  • John Anderson (JA), General Manager (WDLT)
  • Fiona McGuigan (FMcG), Company Secretary (WDLT)
  • Amanda Graham (AG), WDC Partnership Manager
  • Louise Hastings (LH), WDC People & Change Partner (online)
  • Bobby Kerr (BK), Development Officer (WDLT) - Minutes

1. Welcome, Introductions and apologies
David Marshall (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting, there were no apologies

2. Declaration of Interest
There were no declarations of interest.

Reports for Approval

3. Proposed Revised Sport & Physical Activity Delivery Model

Report 414 was submitted by the General Manager to seek the Board’s approval for the implementation of a revised delivery model for Sports and Physical Activity following the conclusion of the agreed consultation process.

GS noted that at a previous Board meeting he had asked for an assessment on the impact on services if the proposal was approved.  JA noted that an Equalities Impact Assessment was carried out and provided within the papers which covered both service users and staff.  GS said that an EIA was different from an Impact Assessment and he asked JA if he was confident that there would be no reduction in programmes following the introduction of the proposal as there would be no reduction in the coaching staff who deliver the programmes.

DMcB said he felt the proposal protects front line services as the reduction in front line staffing is minimal. He added that the financial pressures of the Council in the coming years could see all services being affected in some way.

Having heard the General Manager and the People and Change Partner in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a) to note the content of the report and the associated appendices;

b) for the report to be updated to highlight that it was a ‘revised’ rather than ‘new’ model, and that it should be made clear that Trade Unions had been involved in all staff meetings as well as the two specific meetings held with the Trade Unions; and

c) following a vote where eight Directors were in favour and one Director (GS) not in favour, to approve the revised delivery model.

3.2 Any Other Business

There was no other business

4. Next Meeting

  • Board Meeting: Thursday 23 February 2023

David Marshall (Chair)

West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Board Meeting 23 February 2023


  • David Marshall (DM), Independent Director (Chair)
  • David McBride (DMcB), Partner Director (Vice Chair)
  • Tony Waclawski (TW), Independent Director (via Video)
  • Charlie Gibson (CG ), Independent Director
  • David Smith (DS), Independent Director
  • David McCowan (DMcC), Independent Director


  • Clare Steel (CS), Partner Director
  • Gordon Scanlan GS), Partner Director
  • Tony Dempster (TD), Employee Representative Director
  • John Anderson (JA), General Manager (WDLT)                                                                 

In Attendance:   

  • Fiona McGuigan (FMcG), Company Secretary (WDLT)
  • Janice Rainey (J.R.), WDC. Finance (via video)
  • Bobby Kerr (BK),      Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)

Welcome, Introductions and apologies

  • David Marshall (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting

Declaration of Interest

  • There were no declarations of interest.

Minutes of Meeting of 24 November 2022 & 19 January 2023 and Any Matters Arising

  • There were no matters arising

Reports for Monitoring

Financial Report as at Period 09 – Year to 31 December 2022

Report 415 was submitted by the Finance Manager to advise the Trust Board on the financial performance of the departmental revenue budgets 2022/2023 for the period to 31 December 2022.

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report.

This agenda item was brought forward

5.3 Investment Policy and Opportunities

Report 421 was submitted by the Finance Manager to seek the Board’s approval for the Trust’s Investment Strategy for 2023/24.

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. the new Investment Strategy for 2023/24; and

2. to reduce the current four options to two i.e. combine the one month and six months amounts totalling £500k to six months at 4.25% and one year and two years totalling £750k to one year at 4.7%. This should start from 26 February; and

3. that, due to the current forecast volatility on interest rates, further reports are brought to the Board as required regarding interest rate movements and forecasts to allow further consideration of the investments.

J.R. left the meeting

4.2 Workforce Monitoring 3rd Quarter 1 October to 31 December 2022

Report 416 was submitted by the General Manager to provide Board with employment information for the period 1 October to 31 December 2022.

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:

1. to note the content of the report;

4.3. Performance Report 3rd Quarter 1 October to 31 December 2022

Report 417 was submitted by the Company Secretary to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the Trust for the period 1 October to 31 December 2022.

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report; and

2. to include in the next Performance Report individual membership figures for the current year compared to the last full year pre Covid i.e. 2019-2020: and

3. make amendments as highlighted by the Company Secretary.

4.4 Investment Projects Update

Report 418 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved.

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report and the progression of projects; and

2. to consider a future Board meeting to be held in the Denny Civic Theatre

Reports for Approval

5.1 Health & Safety Plan 2023-2024

Report 419 was submitted by the Health & Safety Co-ordinator to seek Board approval for the implementation of the West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust’s (WDLT) Health & Safety Plan for the financial year 2023/24.              

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report and attached appendix: and

2. to approve the Draft Health & Safety Plan for 2023 - 2024

5.2 Proposed Service Charges 2023/24

Report 420 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the implementation of the Service Charges from 1 April 2023 for the financial year 2023/24 including the introduction of new Service Charges for Posties Park Athletics Track.              

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report and attached appendix: and

2. to approve the Service Charges for 2023/24 including the introduction of new Service Charges for Posties Park Athletics Track; and

3. to review the booking process for clubs hiring the track.

5.4 Proposed Management Fee & 2023 – 2024 Budget

Report 422 was submitted by the Company Secretary to seek The Board’s approval for the use of reserves to offset the 2023/24 budget shortfall caused by savings imposed by West Dunbartonshire Council (WDC) and to advise the Board of the proposed Management Fee from WDC that is required to deliver a balanced budget for 2022/23.

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report; and

2. to notify the Board of the decision following the full Council meeting on 1 March 2023 with regard to the proposed reduction on the WDLT Management Fee.

6.1 Committees Update

Report 423 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 October to 31 December 2023.

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report and the additional information contained in the Appendices 1 to 3.

7. Proposed Future Agenda Items

Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairperson by Wednesday 12 April 2023

8. Any other Competent Business

1. D.M. asked the Company Secretary to consider future presentations to the Board on the various works of the Leisure Trust, similar to those that had previously been presented

2. D.M. ask that timescales for outstanding actions on the Delivery Plan be updated as several were now stated as March 2023 which may not be achievable.

9. Next Meetings

  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 12 April 2023, 1.30pm
  • Health & Safety Committee: Friday 21 April 2023, 1.30pm
  • Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 11 May 2023, 5pm
  • JCF Meeting: Tuesday 16 May 2023, 10am
  • Board Meeting: Thursday 25 May 2023, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)

Signed           __________________________

                        David Marshall (Chair)

Board of Directors meeting number: 50

Thursday, 23 February 2023


1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

2. Declaration of Interest

To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda

3. Minutes of Meeting of 24 November 2022 & 19 January 2023 and Any Matters Arising

To consider the accuracy of the minutes and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action    


Reports For Monitoring

4.1    Financial Report

Report 415 to advise the Board on the financial performance of the revenue and capital budget

4.2    Workforce Monitoring Report 3rd Quarter 2022/23

Report 416 to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 October to 31 December 2022 (3rd Quarter)

4.3    Performance Report 3rd Quarter 2022/23

Report 417 to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 October to 31 December 2022 (3rd Quarter)

4.4    Investment Projects Update

Report 418 to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved

Reports For Approval

5.1    Draft Annual Health & Safety Plan

Report 419 to seek Board approval for the draft Annual Health & Safety Plan 2023/24  

5.2    Draft Service Charges

Report 420 to seek Board approval for the Service Charges for 2023/24

5.3    Investment Opportunities

Report 421 to update the Board on current investments and future opportunities to invest surplus funds

5.4    Proposed Management Fee & 2023/24 Budget – Report to Follow

Report 422 to advise the Board of the proposed Management Fee and Financial Budget for 2023/24

Reports for Noting

6.1    Committees Update

Report 423to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 October to 31 December 2022

7.      Proposed Future Agenda Items

Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 12 April 2023

8.       Any other Competent Business

9.       Next Meetings

  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 12 April 2023, 1.30pm
  • Health & Safety Committee: Friday 21 April 2023, 1.30pm
  • Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 11 May 2023, 5pm
  • JCF Meeting: Tuesday 16 May 2023, 10am
  • Board Meeting: Thursday 25 May 2023, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)

Board of Directors Meeting Number: 52

Thursday, 25 May 2023


Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

Board Development Session - Training Services

Postponed until later meeting

Declaration of Interest

To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda

Minutes of Meeting of 23 February & 3 May 2023 and Any Matters Arising

To consider the accuracy of the minutes and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action
Minutes - pages 5 to 10

Reports For Monitoring

5.1 Workforce Monitoring Report 4th Quarter 2022/23

Report to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 January to 31 March 2023 (4th Quarter)
Report No 425 - pages 11 to 15

5.2 Performance Report 4th Quarter 2022/23

Report to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 January to 31 March 2023 (4th Quarter)
Report No 426 - pages 16 to 39

5.3 Investment Projects Update

Report to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved
Report No 427 - pages 40 to 62

Reports For Approval

6.1 Draft Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028

Report to seek Board approval of the five year Strategic Plan 2023 - 2028
Report No 428 -  pages 63 to 78

6.2 Risk Management Strategy & Draft Strategic Risk Register 

Report to seek Board approval for the updated Risk Management Strategy and the Strategic Risks for 2023-208
Report No 429 - pages 79 to 105

6.3 Draft Delivery Plan 2023/24

Report to seek Board approval for the Delivery Plan 2023/24
Report No 430 - pages 106 to 123
6.4 Draft Service Charges Denny Civic Theatre
Report to seek Board approval for Service Charges for the refurbished Denny Civic Theatre
Report No 431 - pages 124 to 130

Reports for Noting

7.1 Aquatics Strategy 2020 - 2023: Third Year Update

Report to advise the Board of the progress and impact of the Trust's Aquatics Strategy, 2020 - 2023
Report No 432 - pages 131 to 148

7.2 Employee Survey

Report to advise the Board of the results of the recent Employee Survey
Report No 433 - pages 149 to 159

7.3 Annual Health & Safety Review 2022/23

Report to advise the Board of the Health and Safety performance during 2022/23
Report No 434 - pages 160 to 164

7.4 Committees Update

Report to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 January to 31 March 2023
Report No 435 - pages 164 to 171

Proposed Future Agenda Items

Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 12 July 2023.

Any other Competent Business

Next Meetings

" Appeals Committee: Wednesday 01 June 2023, 1.30pm
" Appeals Committee: Wednesday 09 August 2023, 1.30pm
" Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 10 August 2023, 5pm
" Health & Safety Committee: Friday 11 August 2023, 1.30pm
" JCF Meeting: Tuesday 15 August 2023, 10am
" Board Meeting: Thursday 24 August 2023, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)


West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Board Meeting 25 May 2023


David Marshall (DM) Independent Director (Chair) (via Video)
David McBride (DMcB) Partner Director (Vice Chair) 
Tony Waclawski (TW) Independent Director (via Video)
David Smith (DS) Independent Director
David McCowan (DMcC) Independent Director (via Video)
Clare Steel (CS) Partner Director


Gordon Scanlan GS) Partner Director
Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director
Charlie Gibson (CG ) Independent Director

In Attendance

John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG) Company Secretary (WDLT) 
Bobby Kerr (BK) Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)

Welcome, Introductions and apologies

David Marshall (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting, it was agreed that the Vice Chair should Chair the meeting in case of any technical issues.

Presentation - Training Services 

It was agreed that the presentation would be held over until the next meeting due to 3 absences and 3 online attendees and that the original presenter could not make the meeting. 

Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

Minutes of Meetings of 23 February & 3 May 2023 and Any Matters Arising

(1) JA advised that the membership base had grown by 4% (239) from pre-covid levels
Reports for Monitoring 

5.1 Workforce Monitoring 4th Quarter 1 January to 31 March 2023 

Report 425 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with employment information for the period 1 January to 31 March 2023.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report;
(2) to revise the F.T.E. equivalent absence quarterly target rate to 2.5% and the annual rate to 10%; and
(3) for J.A. to inform Trade Unions of the change and check with H.R. if there is a national absence target rate.

5.2 Performance Report - Period 1 January to 31 March 2023 (4th Quarter)

Report 426 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the Trust for the period 1 January to 31 March 2023 (4th Quarter).
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and note the following error of wet usage figures for 2021/22, (Comparison to Last Year Table) to indicate that the 2021/22 figure for the Quarter was 75,538 resulting in a positive Variance of 2,732 and the YTD figure for 2021/22 now being 271,592 and the Variance increasing to 43,525; and
(2) for the General Manager to pass on the thanks of the Board to the relevant officers for the Careers scheme that had received positive feedback with regards to its impact.

5.3 Investment Projects Update

Report 427 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and the progression of projects. 

Reports for Approval

6.1 Draft Strategic Plan 2023-2028

Report 428 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the five year Strategic Plan 2023-2028.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and attached appendix: and
(2) to approve the five year Strategic Plan 2023-2028 with agreed amendments for changing references of Our Objectives to WDLT Objectives.

6.2 Risk Management Strategy & Draft Strategic Risks 2023-2028

Report 429 was submitted by the General Manager to seek the Board's approval for the updated Risk Management Strategy and the Strategic Risks for 2023-2028 based on the proposed Strategic Plan.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and attached appendix;
(2) to approve the updated Risk Management Strategy as detailed at Appendix 1 with the exception to the change to "The strategy will require the approval of the WDLT Board following the recommendation of the Audit & Risk Committee"; and
(3) to approve the strategic risks as detailed at Appendix 2

6.3 Draft Delivery Plan 2023/24

Report 430 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the 2023/24 Delivery Plan to assist achieve the Strategic Objectives and Priorities identified within the five year Strategic Plan (2023 - 2028).
(1) to note the content of the report and attached appendix; and
(2) to approve the Draft Delivery Plan for 2023/24. 
6.4 Proposed Denny Civic Theatre Service Charges
Report 431 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the implementation of revised Service Charges for the refurbished Denny Civic Theatre.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report;
(2) to ask the General Manager and appropriate Officers to look at calculating the cost to the Leisure Trust of staffing and fixed costs to a regular user's let to put on a production; and
(3) to convene a Special Board meeting within the next few weeks to consider and agree the level of discount to be applied within the Denny Civic Theatre Patrons - Concessionary Scheme.
Reports for Noting

7.1 Aquatics Strategy 2020 - 2023: Third Year Update

Report 432 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an annual report regarding the progress and impact of West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust's (WDLT) Aquatics Strategy, 2020 - 2023.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and attached appendices.

7.2 Employee Survey

Report 433 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update on the results of the employee survey which was completed in February 2023.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of the report and the attached Appendix 1 - Employee Survey Results.

7.3 Health & Safety Annual Review 2022/2023

Report 434 was submitted by the Health & Safety Coordinator to advise the Board of Health and Safety performance during the twelve-month period from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) note the content of the report and the additional information contained in Appendices A, B, C and D.

7.4 Update of Board Sub Committees for the period 1 January to 31 March 2023

Report 435 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 January to 31 March 2023.
Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
(1) to note the content of this report and the additional information contained in the Appendices 1 - 2.

Proposed Future Agenda Items

Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairperson by Wednesday 12 July 2023.

Any other Competent Business

Next Meetings

" Appeals Committee: Wednesday 01 June 2023, 1.30pm
" Appeals Committee: Wednesday 09 August 2023, 1.30pm
" Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 10 August 2023, 5pm
" Health & Safety Committee: Friday 11 August 2023, 1.30pm
" JCF Meeting: Tuesday 15 August 2023, 10am
" Board Meeting: Thursday 24 August 2023, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)
David McBride (Acting Chair)


Board Of Directors Meeting Number: 54

Thursday, 24 August 2023


1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
2. Board Development Session - Training Services
Training Services Presentation as part of the annual development sessions for Board Directors.
Presentation - Colin Adam, Training Officer
3. Declaration of Interest
To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda
4. Minutes of Meetings of 25 May & 15 June 2023 and Any Matters Arising
To consider the accuracy of the minutes and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action
Minutes - pages 5 to 11
Reports For Monitoring
5.1 Financial Report
Report to advise the Board on the financial performance of the revenue and capital budgets
Report No 436 - pages 12 to 15
5.2 Workforce Monitoring Report 1st Quarter 2023/24
Report to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 April to 30 June 2023 (1st Quarter)
Report No 437 - pages 16 to 20
5.3 Performance Report 1st Quarter 2023/24
Report to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 April to 30 June 2023 (1st Quarter)
Report No 438 - pages 21 to 41
5.4 Investment Projects Update
Report to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved
Report No 439 - pages 42 to 53
5.5 Performance Measurement 2022/23
Report to advise the Board of the Performance Measurement for 2022/23
Report No 440 - pages 54 to 76
Reports For Approval
6.1 Surplus Funds
Report to seek Board approval for Expenditure from the Designated Funds following the Audit & Risk Committee's recommendation.
Report No 441 - pages 77 to 84
Reports for Noting
7.1 WDC Community Facilities Review
Verbal report to update the Board on the Council's Review of Community Facilities - 
Verbal Report  -page 85
7.2 Committees Update
Report to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 April to 30 June 2023
Report No 442 - pages 86 to 97
8. Proposed Future Agenda Items
 Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 11 October 2023
9. Any other Competent Business
10. Next Meetings
AGM: Thursday 07 September 2023, 6pm
Appeals Committee: Wednesday 04 October 2023, 1.30pm
Health & Safety Committee: Friday 27 October 2023, 1.30pm
Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 09 November 2023, 5pm
JCF Meeting: Tuesday 14 November 2023, 10am
Board Meeting: Thursday 23 November 2023, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)




1. Tour of Denny Civic Theatre

2. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies

3. Board Development Session – Online Director Training / Sharing of Information

Presentation as part of the annual development sessions for Board Directors.
Presentation – pages ? to ?

4. Declaration of Interest

To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda

5. Minutes of Meeting of 7 September 2023 (meeting rescheduled from 24 August 2023) and Any Matters Arising

To consider the accuracy of the minutes and to receive verbal reports on action taken to progress issues referred for action

Minutes – pages 7 to 10

Reports For Monitoring

6.1   Financial Report
Report to advise the Board on the financial performance of the revenue and capital budgets
Report No 446 – pages 11 to 14

6.2   Workforce Monitoring Report 2nd Quarter 2023/24
Report to provide the Board with key employment information for the period 1 July to 30 September 2023 (2nd Quarter)
Report No 447 – pages 15 to 19

6.3   Performance Report 2nd Quarter 2023/24
Report to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the trust for the period 1 July to 30 September 2023 (2nd Quarter)
Report No 448 – pages 20 to 43

6.4   Investment Projects Update
Report to advise the Board of new projects/purchases the General Manager has approved and the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved
Report No 449 – pages 44 to 61

6.5 Governance Arrangements
Report to update the Board on the progression of legal requirements with regards to governance arrangements
Report No 450 – pages 62 to 67

6.6   Health & Safety Six Monthly Update
Report to advise the Board of the Health & Safety performance for the period 1 April to 30 September 2023
Report No 451 – pages 68 to 73

Reports For Approval

7.1   Review of Reserves Policy
Report to seek the Board’s approval following the scheduled bi-annual review of the WDLT Reserves Policy
Report No 452 – pages 74 to 79

7.2   Draft Workforce Plan 2023-2028
Report to seek Board approval for the five year Workforce Plan
Report No 453 – pages 80 to 88

7.3   Recommendations from Collective Grievance
Report to advise the Board of recommendations from a Grievance Officer (Director) and for the Board to agree and advise the General Manager how the Board wish to proceed
Report No 454 – pages 9 to 90

7.4   Director Vacancy on Audit & Risk Committee
Verbal report to seek Board approval for the appointment of a Director to the Audit & Risk Committee following Gordon Scanlon’s resignation from the Board

7.5   Surplus Funds
Report to seek Board approval for Expenditure from the Designated Funds
Report No 455 – pages 92 to 97

Reports For Noting

8.1   WDC Community Facilities Review
Verbal report to update the Board on the Council’s Review of Community Facilities

8.2   Committees Update
Report to update the Board on Committees during the period 1 April to 30 June 2023
Report No 456 – pages 99 to 107

Proposed Future Agenda Items
Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairman by Wednesday 10 January 2023

9. Any other Competent Business

10. Next Meetings

  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 06 Dec 2023, 1.30pm
  • Health & Safety Committee: Friday 26 Jan 2024, 1.30pm
  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 07 Feb 2024, 1.30pm
  • Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 08 Feb 2024, 5pm
  • JCF Meeting: Tuesday 13 Feb 2024, 10am

Board Meeting: Thursday 22 Feb 2024, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)

West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Board Meeting 23 November 2023


David Marshall (DM)  Independent Director (Chair)
David McBride (DMcB)  Partner Director (Vice Chair)
Clare Steel (CS)  Partner Director
Jonathan McColl (JMcC)  Partner Director
Tony Waclawski (TW) Independent Director
Charlie Gibson (CG )  Independent Director
David McCowan (DMcC) Independent Director


Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director
David Smith (DS) Independent Director
Laura Mason (LM) WDC Partnership Officer

In Attendance:  

  • John Anderson (JA  General Manager (WDLT)
  • Fiona McGuigan (FMcG)  Company Secretary (WDLT)
  • Bobby Kerr  Development Officer (Minutes)

1. Tour of Denny Civic Theatre

2. Welcome, Introductions and apologies

David Marshall (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting and gave a special welcome to Councillor Jonathan McColl who was appointed to replace Councillor Gordon Scanlan who had recently resigned from the Board.

3. Presentation – Online Director Training / Sharing of Information

Bobby Kerr gave a brief presentation on the new online cloud based Egress system where all W.D.L.T. Board information is hosted for Directors to access.

The General Manager gave a brief presentation on the Council's online iLearn training system where a range of training sessions for Directors will be hosted.  The General Manager noted that further details of the session subjects and how to access and the training sessions will be provided in due course.

4. Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

5. Minutes of Meetings of 7 September 2023 and Any Matters Arising

The Company Secretary gave an update on the feedback from the Council's Procurement section regarding creating a single specification that requests companies to provide costs of leasing of fitness equipment as well as outright purchase.  F.McG noted that the Procurement advised against writing a specification that included both options as it would be difficult to evaluate.  Following a brief discussion it was agreed that F.McG. ask Procurement their advice in issuing 2 specifications, one for outright purchase and one for rental / leasing and advise the Board via email on their feedback.

Reports for Monitoring

6.1 Financial Report

Report 446 was submitted by the W.D.C Finance Manager to advise the Trust Board on the financial performance of the departmental revenue budgets 2023/2024 for the period to 30 September 2023.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report.

6.2 Workforce Monitoring 2nd Quarter – 1 July to 30 September 2023

Report 447 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with employment information for the period 1 July to 30 September 2023.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report.

6.3 Performance Report - 2nd Quarter – 1 July to 30 September 2023

Report 448 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the key performance areas for the Trust for the period 1 July to 30 September 2023 (2nd Quarter)

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report.

6.4 Investment Projects Update

Report 449 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of the progression of Investment Projects which have previously been approved.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report and the progression of projects.

6.5 Governance Arrangements

Report 450 was submitted by the Company Secretary to advise the Board in relation to the governance arrangements annual review following completion of the 2022/23 external audit and completion of the related Annual Governance Checklist.

Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the contents of the report and approve the Governance Checklist; and

2. to sign off the 2023 Annual Governance Checklist as approved.

6.6 Health & Safety Six Monthly Update

Report 451 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of Health and Safety performance during the six-month period from April to September 2023.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report and attached appendices.

Reports for Approval

7.1 Review of Reserves Policy

Report 452 was submitted by the Company Secretary to seek the Board’s approval for the Trust’s Reserves Policy following the scheduled bi-annual review of the formal WDLT Reserves Policy, which was last reviewed in November 2021.

Having heard the Company Secretary and General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the policy in terms of the purpose of having a Reserves Policy and rationale behind setting a reserve fund target; and

2. to approve the Reserves Policy which highlights a reserves fund that equates to 7.5% of total funding or a value of £750,000 whichever is greater and that the policy is reviewed on an annual basis.

7.2 Draft Workforce Plan 2023-2028

Report 453 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for the five year Workforce Plan 2023-2028.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. note the content of the report and appendices; and

2. to approve the WDLT Workforce Plan for 2023-2028.

7.3 Recommendations from Collective Grievance

Report 454 was submitted by the General Manager to advise the Board of recommendations from a Grievance Officer (Director) and for the Board to agree and advise the General Manager how the Board wish to proceed.

Having heard the Director and the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report;

2. for the General Manager to create draft Role Profiles for the Chair, Partner / Independent Directors and the Employee Representative Director for the Board to consider;

3. for future proposed organisational change within the Trust for the Board Report to include an indicative implementation programme; and

4. for all consultation meetings with staff (formal or informal) for the nominated senior officer to be supported by HR including attendance at meetings or in their absence an appropriate WDLT Officer.

7.4 Director Vacancy on Audit & Risk Committee

There followed a verbal report from the General Manager regarding the appointment of a Director onto the Audit & Risk and Appeals Committee following the resignation of Gordon Scanlan.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the verbal report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to appoint Jonathan McColl to the Audit & Risk and Appeals Committees.

7.5. Re-investment of Surplus Funds

Report 455 was submitted by the General Manager to seek the Boards approval of expenditure for external signage at the Meadow Centre.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of the report: and

2. to approve expenditure for the investment project as detailed in the appendix.

Reports for Monitoring

8.1 W.D.C Community Facilities Review

There followed a verbal update report from the General Manager regarding the West Dunbartonshire Council’s Community Facilities Review.

8.2 Update of Board Sub Committees for the period 1 July to 30 September 2023

Report 456 was submitted by the General Manager to provide the Board with an update and copies of all Committee minutes for the period 1 April July to 30 September

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report, and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

1. to note the content of this report and the additional information contained in the Appendices 1 &

9. Proposed Future Agenda Items

Directors are invited to propose items for future agendas to be forwarded to the General Manager for consideration by the Chairperson by Wednesday 10 January 2024.

10. Any other Competent Business

11. Next Meetings

Appeals Committee: Wednesday 06 Dec 2023, 1.30pm
Health & Safety Committee: Friday 26 Jan 2024, 1.30pm
Appeals Committee: Wednesday 07 Feb 2024, 1.30pm
Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 08 Feb 2024, 5pm
JCF Meeting: Tuesday 13 Feb 2024, 10am

Board Meeting: Thursday 22 Feb 2024, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)


Signed   _______________________________

                        David Marshall (Chair)

West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust
Note of Special Board Meeting 15 June 2023
Via Video Link


  • David Marshall (DM) Independent Director (Chair)
  • David McBride (DMcB) Partner Director (Vice Chair)
  • Tony Waclawski (TW) Independent Director
  • David Smith (DS) Independent Director
  • Clare Steel (CS) Partner Director
  • Gordon Scanlan GS) Partner Director


  • David McCowan (DMcC) Independent Director
  • Charlie Gibson (CG  Independent Director
  • Tony Dempster (TD) Employee Representative Director

In Attendance:   

  • John Anderson (JA) General Manager (WDLT)
  • Amanda Graham (A.G.) W.D.C. Partnership Officer
  • Bobby Kerr (BK) Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)

1. Welcome, Introductions and apologies

David McBride (Vice Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting
David Marshall then attended the meeting and assumed the role of Chair.

2. Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3. Proposed Denny Civic Theatre Service Charges

Report 431 was submitted by the General Manager following the Board’s request for further information to allow the Board to consider the implementation of revised Service Charges for the refurbished Denny Civic Theatre.

Having heard the General Manager in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member’s questions, the Board agreed:-

a) to note the current scale of charges and discounts at Denny Civic Theatre; and the budgeted operating costs of the facility;

b) to note the £20,000 fund created by the Council as part of their 2023/24 budget to support community groups with the hire of venues or facilities for one-off events including the Denny Civic Theatre;

c) to approve the Service Charges for the Denny Civic Theatre and the Patrons Concessionary Scheme which includes a 30% discount;

d) to delegate authority to the General Manager to establish a process and criteria for applications to the fund;

e) to delegate authority to officers to approve or reject applications to the fund; and

f) to submit a report to a future Board meeting to update Directors on the progress of the scheme.

4. Any other Business
There was no other business

David Marshall (Chair)

Special Board of Directors Meeting Number: 53

Thursday, 15 June 2023


1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies
2. Declaration of Interest
To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda
3. Reports For Approval
Proposed Denny Civic Theatre Service Charges
This report responds to the Board's request for further information to allow them to consider the implementation of revised Service Charges for the refurbished Denny Civic Theatre.
Report No 431 - pages 4 to 16
4. Next Meetings
  • Appeals Committee: Wednesday 09 August 2023, 1.30pm
  • Audit & Risk Committee: Thursday 10 August 2023, 5pm
  • Health & Safety Committee: Friday 11 August 2023, 1.30pm
  • JCF Meeting: Tuesday 15 August 2023, 10am
  • Board Meeting: Thursday 24 August 2023, 6.00pm (Clydebank LC)

Special Board of Directors Meeting Number: 51

Wednesday, 3 May 2023


1. Welcome, Introductions & Apologies (For Noting)
2. Declaration of Interest (For Noting)
To receive declarations of interest by Directors relating to items contained within the agenda
3. Early Retirement Requests (For Approval)
Report to seek approval from the Board for two (2) Voluntary Early Retirement / Severance Requests from employees of West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust (WDLT) as part of the redesign of the Sport & Physical Activity Delivery Model
Report No 426 - pages 4 to 6
4. Any other Competent Business


West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust

Note of Special Board Meeting 3 May 2023

Via Video Link


David McBride (DMcB ), Partner Director (Vice Chair)
David McCowan (DMcC), Independent Director
Tony Waclawski (TW), Independent Director
David Smith (DS), Independent Director
Clare Steel (CS), Partner Director
Gordon Scanlan GS), Partner Director
Tony Dempster (TD), Employee Representative Director


David Marshall (DM), Independent Director (Chair)
Charlie Gibson (CG ), Independent Director

In Attendance

John Anderson (JA), General Manager (WDLT)
Fiona McGuigan (FMcG), Company Secretary (WDLT) 
Bobby Kerr (BK), Dev Officer (WDLT) (Minutes)

Welcome, Introductions and apologies

David McBride (Vice Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting

Declaration of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

Voluntary Early Retirement /Severance Requests (For Approval)

Report 424 was submitted by the General Manager to seek approval from the Board for two (2) Voluntary Early Retirement / Severance Requests from employees of West Dunbartonshire Leisure Trust (WDLT) as part of the redesign of the Sport & Physical Activity Delivery Model
Having heard the Company Secretary in further explanation of the report and in answer to Board Member's questions, the Board agreed:-
a) to note the content of the report and attached appendix;
b) to approve both requests as summarised in appendix 1; and
c) the Vice Chair passed on the Board's thanks to the two individuals for their service and also their best wishes for the future.

Any other Business

There was no other business
David McBride (Vice Chair)