When does the We Do Sport programme run?

The We Do Sport programme is split into four blocks, coinciding with the West Dunbartonshire school terms:  

  • August – October 
  • October – December  
  • January – March 
  • April – June 

Holiday camps will be available during Easter, Summer & October School holidays.

How do I book and pay for my child to attend an activity?

Sports Development are moving to a new booking platform for all our community programme classes. The platform is called Class For Kids.

Please follow the link to register and book your child https://wdl-sportsdevelopment.classforkids.io/ 

" If you are in the WDL gymnastics programme you will have already registered with Class For Kids.

Can I book after a block has started?

Yes. If there are still spaces available. Your payment will be adjusted pro-rata so you pay for the number of sessions remaining in the block.

What should my child wear to the session?

Children should arrive ready to participate in appropriate sports clothing and footwear e.g. shorts/leggings/tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt. They should wear trainers. 

If your child has long hair we would advise it is tied back during the session. 

If your child’s session is outdoors, please make sure that they have appropriate clothing for the weather.

Goal keeping session require goal keeping gloves. 

Please note:

Gymnastics – Children will participate bare footed so they are encouraged to wear sliders/wellies etc. which are easily removable prior to the session starting. Long hair should be tied back and gymnasts should wear clothing which covers their stomach and upper legs. 

What should my child bring to the session?

Any necessary medications e.g. inhaler, as well as a bottle of water/non-fizzy drink.  

How early can I arrive for my session?

Please do not arrive before your session start time. Please also ensure your child is changed and ready to participate or can remove small items of clothing easily.

You should avoid congregating before and after sessions and be mindful to maintain physical distance between yourself and others at all times.

Only one parent per household should attend with each child where possible.

Can I stay to watch my child’s session?

If your child is 4 years and under then YES*, you are required to stay at the session. 

*Please note – for Pre-Gym classes at Dumbarton Gymnastics Centre, parents are unable to stay in the building except in exceptional circumstances. Please contact us directly for more information.

If your child is 5 years and above then NO, you should leave the session and return to collect your child at the end.

Parents are required to stay at the disability football sessions unless discussed with the coaches. 

When should I collect my child?

Please arrive on time to collect your child. The coaches are responsible for your child during the advertised times of the session. We will try to contact you if you are late however if there is no response the Police may need to be contacted. 

What are your First Aid procedures?

Basic first aid will be provided to participants and coaches will wear appropriate PPE while doing so.