If you are assessed as needing support then you can chose to arrange your care and support using the 4 options. 

The four options are as follows:

Option 1: Direct Payment (often referred to as a DP)

A Direct Payment is where payments are made by West Dunbartonshire HSCP to an individual to allow them to choose, organise and buy their own support. This option gives the individual the most choice and control over how their support is managed and delivered and is the only option that allows the employment of a Personal Assistant. This option involves on-going responsibility for arranging and paying for social care supports. 

Option 2: Individual Service Fund (ISF)

With an ISF you continue to choose and direct your own support. Instead of managing the financial budget, you work in partnership with the local authority, a provider or a 3rd party to administer and manage the budget on your behalf.

Under Option 2, an individual cannot employ Personal Assistants.  

Option 3: West Dunbartonshire's Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) provide your care and support. 

The individual can choose to have the approved social care supports managed and delivered by the local authority. With this option you have the least responsibility.

Option 4: A combination of Options 1, 2 and 3

An individual can choose for their care and support to be delivered using a combination of options 1, 2 and 3.

You will have an opportunity to discuss the four SDS options before deciding which option suits you best.


Not everyone will meet the eligibility criteria set out for social care services. If you do not meet the criteria we will provide advice and signpost you to resources in your local community.

Additional Information