We will provide home to school transport for pupils with additional support needs.


Your child's transport entitlement will be decided by a multi-agency review meeting.

The school / establishment / Psychological Services will forward the recommendation from this meeting to the education authority.  A minimum of 10 working days is required from receipt of the recommendations.

Pupils with Additional Support Needs who attend college will be considered on an individual basis.

Please note school transport is provided to meet the needs of the pupil. It is not an automatic entitlement and is not used to address any parental need.

Your responsibilities

It is your responsibility to tell us:

  • your child's school or establishment as soon as possible if transport needs re-arranged
  • any medical condition that would affect your child's transport
  • where appropriate, a list of "dos and don'ts" to assist with the safe transport of your child
  • your child's school or establishment when your child is due to receive respite care. The Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) are responsible for transport to and from respite and all related queries should be directed to them.

Transport for staying after school will be looked at sympathetically and accommodated if possible.

Procedures if no-one at home

If you are not at home the driver will follow the following procedure:

  • wait five minutes
  • contact your child's school or establishment for advice
  • internal transport drivers will then contact your emergency contact or Educational Services if your emergency contact is not at available
  • contracted drivers will contact Educational Services for advice
  • we will often advise to take the pupil to the nearest Social Work office or follow the advice given
  • all drivers will leave a postcard at your home giving this address and telephone number. When you return home you should immediately contact the number on the postcard.

If you are not at home we will not leave your child alone at home or with someone else unless you have authorised it.

You should contact your child's school or establishment when you wish to make an alternative arrangement. Please give us plenty of notice.

Procedures for drivers and escorts

West Dunbartonshire will only use drivers or escorts cleared using the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) Scheme. They must wear an identity badge and display a 'school contract' sign on their vehicle.

We will issue drivers with a code of conduct giving guidance and advice on dealing with, e.g. bad weather, breakdowns, pupil bad behaviour.


If you have a complaint, please contact the department directly on 01389 737313. Or, contact the council.

Find out more about:

PVG scheme

Find out more about the Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scheme on Disclosure Scotland.